Tfw no long haired chumby bf

>tfw no long haired chumby bf

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you got any more pics of that dog?

Post tits or gtfo, it's that simple OP
Unless you're a dick sucking fag

sorry im a slave to the cock
and also male (male) :^)))))
sadly, i do not
but i have some other animal pics if that will suffice

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here is another, my good friend

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i think this might be the same dog, actually, but dont quote me on it

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Why are fat, round animals usually cute, yet humans are not?

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i love fat, round guys !!!! theyre very cute and cuddly ....

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What does chumby mean
I might be retarded

chubby .... chunky ..... soft and warm liked mashed potato

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pic: you finally finding someone who can tolerate you.

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hey now, thats not very nice, mr user
im pretty tolerable when you get to me know me

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>tfw only chunky and only medium length hair
Sorry I was almost your type

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keep growing it out and you will be soon enough, annony
body hair is a plus, too, keepo

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>tfw hair down to my chest and chubby
too bad im not into guys faggot

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but are you into a guy's faggot?

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dont be mean to me in my thread !!!!!!!!!!! or else ill tell mom
>pic related, young reinhardt is so choice

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while sanji is not a long haired thot, he's got that ideal scruffy facial hair, so perhaps i would be against the notion of inviting him into my hearth and also butthole

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Too bad I'm a petty manlet then

im literally 5'1" so every man in a 12u3891721318024723847293084 mile radius is taller than me
i bet you think a manlet is like 5'7" or so

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Oh good I have about 4 inches on you then not much difference but better than being the same height