If you are not white don't read. i only look out for my own tribe

If you are not white don't read. i only look out for my own tribe.

The problem with modern society is that we simply have it too easy. leave the evil of the city or the suburbs and live how men were meant to live. hunt, fish, grow crops, sell skins. Being a beta is a choice like it or not. some of us have a longer harder road to get to the end but that just means you will be stronger when you get there. i used to be where you are now. now i have a beautiful wife and my eighth kid is on the way. grow up. be a man and take life by the horns. if you have all the skills you need, if you have taken the hard route you will believe in your ability. you will know you are a better man than all the lemmings in the cities. homeschool your children love your wife love life and live with nature.

this is what is waiting for you. BUT ONLY if you are willing to work.
if you read this and you arent white then just go back to your own country and do it there with a woman from there. learn the language if you have to. i was irish in the states so i learned gaelic and moved to where i belong.

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Other urls found in this thread:


absolute cringe.

>having a family? lol why would you want to do that goyim?

Irish? Might as well be a nigger

Your message has been sent into the world. Any other replies from you, OP, is only to inflate your own ego and, thus, will reduce the credibility of your initial post.

this. but should i move back to europe though? I kinda want to move to greece everything about it is better than this northeast shithole. Can't even fucking go outside without getting lyme disease every season

False flagging racebaiting thread, I reckon

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Silly goy. Cant you see the people of the world. They have all united against you. White men and woman have abandoned their tribes to have mixed children who will then mix even more. And all the others are dying in war for their liberal citizens.Your only hope now is GMO people or ww3 nuclear war.Unless you happen to be a good public speaker say hello to the people of tommorow

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Op what is your height and eye color. Do you look like your pic related and so does wife?


looks truly dont matter unless you are genetically defective. look at this great man right here. Most would say hes not attractive but he has a wife and children. he is confident in his ability and defines himself by his actions not by his looks. the media pushes unrealistic/rare exterior traits and makes you focus on them instead of what truly matters. ignore that garbage and take back your life
but if you really need to know then you are an insecure boy

the only purpose of my replies is to bump and let more people see it and maybe take back their lives

acting will not make things worse. this man explains the worst that could happen if you follow my advice. youtube.com/watch?v=lvqc17cZO8w

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Im not going to hide in the woods while the angelic people dissapear. I want to live in a world were everybody is honorable, equal even in terms of looks and has oppurtunity. I have a bigger role in this world and its to clean it of evil and fix it

so you are a communist? a cultural marxist? how pathetic

I'm mixed and I read it all, are you mad OP?

Nah i want a world where everyones skeleton and phenotypes looks like op's pic related but taller mabey in a 100 years gmo white babies will crush cultural marxism

It seems like you are motivated by bitter and envious insecurities related to your racial identity. I'm not mad, I'm sympathetic.

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Honestly that web.m just seems like women garbage

>rreeeeeee women DX

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No. I'm sorry your parents did what they did. you have no brothers and no sisters. i truly am. I still recommend you follow my advice though. Go to your non white homeland and follow my advice there.

haha okay

>Thinks America is a land for white people
>"Just man up! There's no societal issues The housing market is fine and getting a girl is easy"
>"Just keep working harder. It's not like society is just a giant hamster wheel made to benefit others. Just keep running"
>"and those others just need to go back. America isn't a nation ran by immigrants. It's not like only 3% of the country are from the 1776 crowd"

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1965 immigration act. (made by a jew what a coincidence)
before that america was 90%~ european and the rest were blacks or mexicans here illegally. all those problems are caused by the massive influx of worthless low iq people coming into the country.

whites actually help the country and getting into america had high requirements not just anyone could do it. all the subhumans fleeing shithole countries into america turned it into a shithole.

i never said any of it was easy. never.
>just man up work harder!
no. working harder for the same thing is the problem. work for something else. something sustainable my whole point is to not be a part of the hamster wheel and to no be a cog.

Mutt here. I look white enough and people have thought i was asian or caucasian all the people were im from look really bad but some of the blondes where i live now look nice. Should i marry one of them?

how's it feel to be a super cool "paleoconservative traditionalist on a mission to save western civilization" american orthodox expert all at age 16? :^)

the world has moved on from these primitive testosterone-induced values and lifestyle. the whole world isn't going to conform to being stuck in an ultranormie hyperchad "amerigan dream" family circa 1950.

civilization as we know it today was literally built upon homosexuality and crossdressing, eg ancient rome and greece

don't you have some commonfilth to catch up on op? or would you rather go ahead and call me.. dare i say.. a DEGENERATE KEK!?!?!??!?!??1/

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>blacks here illegally
Lol retard. Have you slept through your US history class?

the take-away from all this is that on some level, irish are still immigrant tier whites

fuck off originally aero

>america was 90%~ european and the rest were blacks or mexicans here illegally.
illegal mexicans, okay.
illegal blacks, it's not like they even had a choice in the matter.
as if the human trafficking of the slave trade didn't happen, as if people who were literally captured, hauled thousands of miles and sold by americans had much of a choice in the matter.

Who here waiting to for gmo 6'4 blonde babies.

So this is what a conservative fedora tipper thinks

how many fucking memes are you going to try to include in one post? This right here children.. is art.

>leave the evil of the city or the suburbs and live how men were meant to live. hunt, fish, grow crops, sell skins.
>BUT ONLY if you are willing to work.
except our current economy makes it very hard to make a living doing this

btfo redditfag

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looks dont matter. intelligence and the way the mind works does however

rome became degenerate after its shift from paganism to Christianity. also i didnt know we are living in the roman empire. rome was probably the worst empire of all time for what it did to the europe converting it into Christianity. also history in the west is a joke and you are a fool if you believe in the educational system designed to cull individuality and enforce permissive freedoms onto the masses

i said mexicans but if lincoln had lived to send them to south america as he had talked/written about then yes they would be illegal here.

during the peak of slavery 20%~ of slave owners were blacks 78% of slave owners were jews and 1.4% of white americans were slave owners with 2/3rds of slaves in america being white.
source for the shills: vice.com/en_ca/article/ppzevg/hey-v12n5

the origin of the word slave comes from the word 'slav' the slavs were the majority of slaves throughout history due to being the majority of slaves in the persian/arabic world (also the biggest slavers of all time).


most people here are young and/or neets. how much money you needs depends on how much money you spend. even if you only have 5 thousand dollars you can buy a huge property in the countryside for that and build your own home. if it takes 5 years straight of nothing but hard work, no vidya no games, no down time for you to become fully self sufficient and just hunt/grow and raise children with your woman then ask yourself if you believe it to be worth it or not. "hmm happiness is too hard... i think i'll just pass and be a neet or kill myself" is that a better alternative?

>"hmm happiness is too hard... i think i'll just pass and be a neet or kill myself" is that a better alternative?
of course not but that's a false equivalency. you make it seem as if suburban men can't own homes when they obviously can. our economy is not suited for living off the land or off the grid. and even in antiquity you had urban dwellers who lived virtuously. you can enjoy nature without living off the land. also wouldn't you find it alienating living in a house with just your family? societal interaction may involve degeneracy but what happens when your daughter is old enough to marry? where will you go? your plan depends on a whole lot of whites doing the same. it's like traditional catholics moving near TLM churches en masse.

This is such a stupid meme. And unfortunately far too many white men actually believe it.

The rest of the world has left white men behind because white people are intentionally creating an underclass for themselves full of blue collar fucking morons, survivalists, and meme woods-warriors. And in the power vacuum that has been created every other non-white group is growing power and wealth at an immense rate. And they are using it to destroy white people.

You can be ad mad as you want, but just like OP's original post said: this is the future you chose. The Chinese will colonize the solar system while white men are hunting and fixing toilets.

Irish are not white lol

But immigrants usually only help the country. Most of their "shitholes" come from how Europeans destroyed their land.

Intelligence does not decide how far a person goes in life. IQ only shows how well a person can recognize patterns. It has nothing to do with knowledge or wisdom.

>The rest of the world has left white men behind because white people are intentionally creating an underclass for themselves full of blue collar fucking morons, survivalists, and meme woods-warriors. And in the power vacuum that has been created every other non-white group is growing power and wealth at an immense rate. And they are using it to destroy white people.
underrated post. part of the problem is this obsession with avoiding degeneracy when it is impossible. OP's family has a higher chance of committing buggery for example. a virtuous life should rise above material conditions just so long as you care about your legacy. finding a suitable woman is already hard why add on the additional difficulty of building your own house?

>meme woods-warriors.

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the Chinese dont give a shit about anything that western society doesnt the only reason they ever went to space was because we did. if we all just sit in our houses in the woods with guns they cant do anything but nuke us or bome the shit out of the land and ruin it. and why would they even bother. the communists in china are essentially jews the government just lives lazily of the fruits of their ant people slaves feeding them.

a book called "iq and the wealth of nations" would be a good read for you
>evil witey is why we shit in the skreet. WE WUZ KANGS tier logic.
the lives of british colonies under british rule were faaaar far better than without it. take burma for example. what happened immediately after the colonists redistributed the land back among the tribes? they IMMEDIATELY began genociding each other again like how they were doing before the ebil colonizers came. illegal immigrants and normal subhuman immigrants just come in and breed like rats while living off welfare look at the statistics. 1960s: 2.5 million on welfare. 50 years later: 45-50~ MILLION ON WELFARE. this is what niggers do and how it has always been. nonwhites will always hinder white societys.

>haplogroup y
>non white
physically impossible but ok. it doesnt really matter the nigger tribes in africa can live off the land there because they have adapted to it.

how is that more likely for us? what a joke.

>how is that more likely for us? what a joke.
i meant bestiality not buggery. the point is sin (if you're christian) or dishonor (if you're pagan) exists no matter where you live.

ok so you meant beastiality i still dont see how were more inclined to this than anyone else.

and why does degeneracy exist everywhere? why does it have to be like that? christianity. which allowed all the corrupt into our world through weakness and "caring for all even the degenerates"

>ok so you meant beastiality i still dont see how were more inclined to this than anyone else.
because you're in an area with fewer sexual partners and yet your children will still have hormonal desires. the countryside doesn't cure that.
>and why does degeneracy exist everywhere? why does it have to be like that? christianity. which allowed all the corrupt into our world through weakness and "caring for all even the degenerates"
because most people don't care about being virtuous because they don't know what that means, because they believe that being virtuous is like being a nazi, or because they are just ignorant. but even in antiquity this was evident. read marcus aurelius for more on this. one thing he said is that everything is cyclical. find the most degenerate person in 2018 and they had a 18 AD equivalent. also i'm not christian either i'm just including that because many "traditional catholics" talk about the same shit.

Come on, man. If you're going to try to save the white race at least have the dedication to learn how to form a proper sentence.
>Capitalize the beginning of your sentences.
>A complete sentence has an independent article. "hunt, fish, grow crops, sell skins." is not a complete sentence. All you had to do was include a subject to make it a complete sentence.
>Use commas to separate items in a list and Oxford commas too. This sentence, "homeschool your children love your wife love life and live with nature." is an example of lack of proper capitalization and punctuation.

Seriously man, I'm not perfect and I'm sure I made some grammatical mistakes in this post, but I at least put forth a bit of effort. If you're going to stand for something, realize that the way you conduct yourself reflects on what it is you stand for. That should be something that motivates you to improve. It's a voluntary responsibility that you should keep in mind.

>Oxford commas
not OP but you're a massive faggot for caring about this in a Gabonese printmaking forum. nitpicking about grammar is just evading OP's argument

>IQ is genetic! It has nothing to do with other factors! Non-whites are just naturally dumber
This meme really has to die. It's dangerous.
>Releases a turtle in the wild only to be surprised when it starts dying
Because the affects of slavery still impact the mindset of the people. Europeans trained them to be dependent on European slavery.
>1960s: 2.5 million on welfare. 50 years later: 45-50~ MILLION ON WELFARE
And this has nothing to do with any outside factors? Socioeconomics doesn't exist? Because correlation equals causation...

>Non-whites are just naturally dumber
this isn't even what he was claiming faggot. east asians have the highest IQs. i don't value IQ that much though, and not just because of that.

>"i only look out for my own tribe"

>super civilized natsoc warrior
>doesn't capitalize "i"
>doesn't know what proper nouns are

>homonal desires
they wont even know what that is. my mom for example didnt even know how babies were made until she was married. what im saying is the world was never like how it is today. we are living in a very sick and strange time. things have probably changed more in the last 20 years here than they have in the previous 1000. everything is very un-natural and inorganic now. even our thoughts are not organic they are manufactured by peer pressure 'educational' molding

>everything is cyclical
european pagan worldview.

My grammar or lack of grammar does not define the value of my words. When it comes to writing on Jow Forums i don't make an effort to spell check. especially when im in multiple threads like i am right now

its not a meme it has been proven countless times. sorry you are a marxist. actually reading more into your post you're a low iq brainwashed animal. are you seriously suggesting that the reason why the average iq in africa is 72 opposed to in whites it is 100+ is a side affect of their culture? what a joke. the differentiating complexitys of the electrical pules in our brains, the shapes,the amount of neuron connections, differentiating brain volumes are all a factor of our culture? you are brainwashed beyond repair

heh, hey bigot you know that arguement you made earlier? well GUESS WHAT PAL YOU FORGOT TO CAPITALIZE THE i IN IT. opinion discarded lol :)

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I'm not a leftist, I hate all cultures and ideologies that state you're obligated to help the community and work towards "the greater good". You're a fucking socialist, basically a communist. I hate people like you.

>they wont even know what that is. my mom for example didnt even know how babies were made until she was married. what im saying is the world was never like how it is today. we are living in a very sick and strange time. things have probably changed more in the last 20 years here than they have in the previous 1000. everything is very un-natural and inorganic now. even our thoughts are not organic they are manufactured by peer pressure 'educational' molding
ok but even if you're right you cannot avoid it. you just can't flick the switch and pretend modernity never happened. i struggle with this too as a reconstructionist polytheist. varg is a great example of how you can't make it by living off the land. he supplants his income through videos and rpgs and his wife's books. there's nothing wrong with that except that it doesn't fit into your pastoral fantasy of cincinnatus larping.

>he doesn't respond
Buttblasted bootlicker scum.

Tell me how im a socialist. I am anti-foreign control and believe my country belongs to my people. Or more specifically my area belongs to my people. my house belongs to me. my land belongs to me and my family for all eternity and

you can leave society to fall and not allow it to affect your families just as the amish did. and i never said you will live off the land from the beggining without income. untill you have everything you need you will probably, for the most part HAVE to have atleast a part time job or gain income in some way untill you have everything you need. but realistically land is free and knowledge can allow you to do anything money can as long as you have the resources. but getting the basics is the hard part. buying the land and the home (if you dont build your own) and even harder than that is meeting someone you want to marry but there is a strategy to this.
simply look at what makes people degenerates and go to somewhere where that is not present. And what is it that makes people degenerates? the media and the cultural norms of the area. (also most non-whites). so which areas are not multicultural, have little to no media and good healthy cultures which do not shame you for living in your ancient homeland? the countryside. away from all of the modern day mental pollution. the educational system is another big pollutant but that depends on the parents. i am homeschooling all my children as i believe it is the responsibility of the parent to mold their children instead of the marxist educational system/state


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If the National Socialists took the guns from the Jews, they could take them from anyone they don't approve of. Political dissidents, people opposed to socialism for example. I don't like Jews either, but the right to bear arms applies to everyone.

>If you are not white don't read. i only look out for my own tribe.
In todays age with ethnic groups being millions large your tribe is your family and close friends. Who'd you rather have with you in case of an apocalyptic event, a random white person you know nothing about, or a trusted friend you've known for years who happens to be a minority?

>just grow up
>just be a man

Aha. Ha. And what reward is there? Some whore you have to call a wife? A gaggle of genetic chimera children who will live in a world where it's a crime not to cut your own dick off? Some shit possessions? Worthless crap all.

The world does not deserve my labor.

Fuck off normal fag
Fascism is the most normie ideology by far.

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The IQ in africa has barely anything to do with genetics. The real issues are things such as the starvation rate. But then again you think Im a Marxist for not just saying everything has to do with "muh genetics"

>even if you only have 5 thousand dollars you can buy a huge property in the countryside

Where? Land is expensive nigger. Unless you mean 50 acres of prairie or desert with no water source or some shit.

the jews were foreign agents actively subverting the original nation. jews should have no rights outside of their own lands because they are in enemy territory. jews are the enemy of mankind. youtube.com/watch?v=5IH3t3QxWug he knew what they would do if they won and he was right. i wouldnt call myself a full national socialist but every man has a few words of truth here and there.

whenever a criminal commits a crime the first thing we do after we know who did it is the question "why?" "why did you do it?" no one asks this question of hitler. no one because the reason is not one they want people to know. the jews betrayed the germans in world war 1 for the

a tribe cannot be that large that is a group of tribes connected through blood. a tribe can only be 150~ any more and you will lose familiarity with them. a tribe is supposed to be your extended family and your race the thing that binds you together as a people/nation. in earlier civilizations the tribe would be the town or the village but has now been done away with due to marxism and lost ties.

you shouldnt labor for the world but labor for yourself and people you love. you're right "serving your country" when your country is a shithole is not an admirable thing. so what is the answer? ill give it to you. make a seperate country or nation or group. just like the amish and do not bend to the law of your government. do not serve it let it fall and let your new group prosper. find like minded indivuals online and form a group with them and serve not THE group but YOUR group.

its hard to believe but good women do exist. look at varg's wife. the look on her face when she looks at her what? 8 or 9? children now? shes not even 30 and she loves her children and is so happy to have them. its rarer

im a fascist? strange. i never knew.

in the countryside. no one farms anymore its cheaper than you think. northern canada, even europe.

The jews rooted their way into germany and poland extremely early because germany was the root of the world in its prime and therefore attracted them to it because they wished to control it and they did. communism was the leading political party in germany before hitler came to power. and they pushed degeneracy in the media, the news, te radio everything jsut as they do now. this is the reason why hitler hated the jews they controlled Germany just as the bolshevik jews controlled russia and how they control everything now. they were introducing films which depicted homosexuality adultery and glorified whores just as they did now. they also did this in france to a large extent but it had a bigger hold there because they had no one to oppose it like Hitler.

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I don't want to marry or to have children though

Then have fun being alone all day every day just because you believe there are no decent people left and have given up on yourself and the future. nothing lost. if you cant come to this conclusion in the end then your genes are most likely not worth passing on. you are susceptible to the programming and therefore un-needed. You will live a hedonistic worthless existence. i hope you enjoy the mindless dopamine your brain gives you and realize it was all worthless before it is too late.

I'm pretty content with my life, I just wish I didn't have to work, I have my family and my sisters so I'm not going to die alone anyway. Also my genes are pretty good, shame they're very likely to not pass I guess.

how long will that be sufficient? you have no aims to be a man? no wish for independence? what about after they kick you out? after they all have their own lives? you have no wish to be your own person and live by your own rules? what a shame. your genes obviously arent that great if you can fall for their programming.

I love that there are so many mixed race couples so in 50 years white ppl can have lips and better genitals.

>Then have fun being alone all day every day
I will.

Stupid fucking normalfaggot isn't happy unless he gets to socialize.

When society collapses me and my band of mutants will slaughter you and your kin and raze your farm to the ground. Just giving you a heads up.

>how long will that be sufficient?
For as long as possible
>have no aims to be a man?
I'm not a man
>no wish for independence?
No, that's economical suicide
>what about after they kick you out?
They're not going to kick me out unless I'm being a parasite
>after they all have their own lives?
Our family is our life
>you have no wish to be your own person and live by your own rules?
No I don't care, I just want to have as much free time as possible and do what I like.
>what a shame. your genes obviously arent that great if you can fall for their programming.

I have great physical genes, I'm in good shape, I have great teeth and great hair, so my genes aren't bad.

Try it and see what happens nigger apes. all of us here hate you bonobo subhumans. we have a shoot on sight rule here for niggers in my community. im so scared of you 75 iq burger flipping apes who cant even drink milk because their ancestors never domesticated cows.

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Many of the effects of industrialization have completely destroyed the psyche of white civilizations, who were in the pst so well linked to nature. I'm moving out to the woods with my family soon when we finish building our house. Hope to do some low level farming and gardening.
But a question for you OP.
What do you consider white? My ancestry is entirely European (Scottish, German, Danish, welsh), but I get shit on by some white nationalists because I have hazel colored eyes. It's starting to make me insecure. ;_;

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you legit just replied to bait. You can NEVER call anyone else low iq when you fall for the lowest tier of bait. neck yourself potatonigger

wh*te ppl can be attractive one day if W words race mix.

both my parents were blue-grey eyed. men tend to have darker hair and eyes than women because we dont need as much vitamin d as a women does (especially during pregnancy) my sister is blue eyed but me and my brother green. its completely normal.
what are you trying to say? you arent white unless you're blond and blue eyed? that's plain retarded. all europeans are apart of the same haplogroup (haplogroup y which is exclusive to europe) but the phenotypes arent the same anywhere in europe even swedish and norwegians dont have the same phenotypes. were all different tribes but still the same race. we all come from Neanderthals and are all adapted to cold climates. are the french white? are the italians white? they have tonnes of dark features but still achieved things only whites ever could.

aww did i? dang. it seems i trolled epic style :/

the iqs showing here well. oopsy i got trolled again by the superior black nationalists larper

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>No reply

Guess you've got nothing to say OP

What was the immigration process like in Ireland?

Yep, I dont. It seems you have decided to live the pathetic existence of a leech and im not going to drag you out of that pit. get yourself out or sink down and die. I wont take any leeches on my back. only the strong survive. if you want to be a beta then so be it. you chose that horrible existence.

I wonder why niggers dont want to live in their own country without witey... its a mystery. Im so jealous of black beauty.

you dont need to emigrate to ireland you can just emigrate to any EU nation while the eu is still around and then you have free access to any of the EU member nations. my parents had to do most of it because i wasn't quite 18 yet.

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It sounds like OP has essentially described regression which is a defense mechanism to the current changes in society.

While there are many benefits to living in nature (seclusion), ending materialism, and being self-reliant...it is not the only thing we should be focusing on. We need to maintain our dominance in this world. We need to keep challenging ourselves. We cannot become complacent. Education is incredibly important. Skills are too, but if you are above average to average intelligence....put it to good use. Science and technology is going to rule the world. Do NOT be lazy. Stop wasting time because if we continue with how things are going....Asians...will completely take over.

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asians are retarded ants they have 0 creativity and will never beat us. the jew is the threat

>It seems you have decided to live the pathetic existence of a leech
I'm not a leech and my existence is far from being pathetic

Bumpiniooos for interest

Varg pls. Go back to playing your autistic stormfront version of D&D
Also, to anyone reading this, never homeschool your kids.

>never homeschool your kids.
Why not?

super cringe. Also similar cringe incoming. In middle school I actually wore fedoras and fantasized dating the popular guys grills in which I would come up to them at school at greet them telling them they're beautiful because "they always date such dicks". Today Im constantly with new girls, dated then dumped the head cheerleader in highschool etc etc. All this post will illicit is sarcasm and shit but if you actually want to make some changes i can give you some pointers that took me so many years. Most ppl dont want to change which i get but you can

wow really? you're really cool