Who else 25+ and virgin?
Have you given up?
Who else 25+ and virgin?
Have you given up?
it doesnt bother me and ive never tried to get laid. kinda annoying when my friend who i see once a year asks: so you still a virgin? XD
Soon to be 28 and KHV
At this point even if some hot girl just randomly came up and offered sex, I'd turn her down. It's no longer about just wanting sex or to lose it, that time was long past. Now it's just a dying hope of any relationship at least.
27 and never asked out a girl despite fapping 4 times a day
23 KHV
I'm getting really scared now guys. I currently don't see light at the end of the tunnel.
Pretty much me. I fap like 3 times a day.
It's not a rocket science user, just go to a brothel or hire an escort or whatever that American invention is called. And if you're somehow in a country where neither of these exist, just get an arranged marriage, because a shithole like that surely still facilitates those.
there's your problem desu.
If you have a job: go nofap for a week, work on your dating profile in the meantime, and at the end post that profile.
If you don't have a job, get one.
I think you mean "because of"
Try a Catholic or Jewish dating service?
It sounds like you deserve a relationship, and you could get one if you went the religious route.
Virgin born and raised. Living the nightmare.
Desu being an old virgin is the least of my problemos. I'm very poor and home just got destroyed by the weather. Going to be very cold till the end of the month. Even then won't have enough to fix it. Will be ages until insurance comes if it even pays out.
Possible homeless soon. Maybe suicide by gun or train.
I'm not religious though. What, I'm going to lie to a girl about my faith just to get in her pants, or end up married to her over a lie?
Also ending up with a former slut turned religious "good girl" is even worse than just a plain former slut because at least she's not a hypocrite.
27 and yeah
It's true what they say, it gets harder as you get older. Not not the actualy getting sex, but rather getting past all the mental walls and shame. That and insecurities. If some Chad magically took control of my body, I'm 100 percent positive he could get laid in less then a week.
Hitch a ride down south senpai. Homelessness isn't a bad deal at all down here in Arizona.
I'm still waiting to actually look like a man.
I'm 25 and women literally think I'm 16 and treat me like a little boy.
Babyface is a fucking curse
idk if i've given up i've just never even learned how to go about being in a relationship that's more than just friends
I'm a level 31 wizard and I've given up. I had like two or three chances and I either didn't realize it until it was over, or I did realize it and completely froze, not knowing what to do and too scared to move. I don't meet any girls these days anyway.
The most I've done is hump a girl with clothes on, and I came. Am I still a virgin?
I don't have the resources for that. The clothes and what not. No friends or family. I suppose I could but I think it would be very bad.
How much do prostitutes cost? Like $150/hr.? I had a chance at fucking a prostitute in a hotel in Tijuana, Mexico back in 2006 when I was 17 years old, but I pussied out. I am 29 years old now and have enough money saved up on my bank account to rent a car, head on over to Lyon County, Nevada, and hire a prostitute to fuck. But I would much rather play StarCraft II all day long.
Manwhore here, gonna give you guys a thought
Schopenhauer called the moment after orgasm "the devil's laughter", that cruel realization that we are just animals trying to satisfy a physiological need. I wish I'd be free of of that urge because having sex just for the sake of it and without any other satisfaction in your life makes that devil's laughter resonate so much more. But i'm weak and I can't help but just give one of my booty calls a call and get in bed with someone I barely know or pretend to like for just merely seconds of pleasure, then the emptiness returns and the hole in my chest becomes bigger.
I really wish I could just settle down with someone I really like but it seems like I'm far from it. Then the loneliness kicks in and then I am horny again and I know that the same old cycle will star gain the only difference is that now the hole I dug myself into will be deeper.
Don't search for sex, search for love.
I bet that if you virgins go and pay for a prostitute you will regret it as soon as she leaves the room.
I'd rather have depression, emptiness, and sex with a girl than have only depression and emptiness.
>Schopenhauer called the moment after orgasm "the devil's laughter", that cruel realization that we are just animals trying to satisfy a physiological need.
I get that feeling too after I fap.
But yeah I can't even meet girls, let alone get with them. I mean, are they endangered, idk?
Just kidding, I only leave the house to work.