Guys, is milk actually a good source of calcium? I have heard multiple sources saying for and against milk

Guys, is milk actually a good source of calcium? I have heard multiple sources saying for and against milk.

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Other urls found in this thread: vollfett/

my father is 187 cm and his brother is 178 cm
my father loved milk and would drink 1 liter everyday with dinner and his brother did not like milk.

calcium doesn't mean shit if you aren't getting enough vitamin d to assist with absorption

vitamin d is naturally produced when UV from sunlight interacts with the phosphorous on your skin... moral of the story is, go outside you dumbass

It also contains alot of Vitamin A. Some say too much vitamin A can cause osteoroposis. I don't know much about that though.

Why don't you look at the nutritional information of some milk and figure it out?

>I don't know much about that though.

We can tell. vollfett/

do EOPs really not have a site with all these details? ... pathetic

Tell me whats right then? Is an excessive amount of vitamin A fine? Im not talking about milk being bad as I use it myself for bulking.

I think Vitamin C is also key, i used to work with maintaining and differentiating pre-bone cells into bone cells, the culture medium had lots of vitamin C on it

eat tums instead of milk. salmon + tums is better than milk. milk has estrogen

I never liked milk but my brother does.
I'm 196cm and he's like 192 or something.

Happy pepe always makes me smile. Why is that?

Are you guys talking about penis sizes?
My father is 6inches flaccid but very girthy.
My brother has a pencil dick and I have a 3inch flaccid cock. 5.5inches erect. Girthy.
Our family showers together. My mother has her mons pubis covered in pubic hair. But her clitoral hood is very apparent. My younger sister has a puffy vulva. We are proud family.

Lol what the fuck are you gay dude? My dads dick is like 7 inches, he tried to fit it in my ass once and It didn't fit. So I tried it on him with my 4 inch cock and it fit in cause he's so loose because he fists himself all the time.

I am not homosexual. No partake in sexual assault.
We do engage in relations. Have mutual masturbation. Teach younger sister about human body.
Was taught to me. We are open and communicate. Issues with body don't mean we must be scared. We are all humans. I have cock. My father and brother have cock. We do not have sex. Only help in masturbation and teach about anatomy. Explore.
Healthy & Proud family.
You are sick. You have been assaulted or your fantasize about being emasculated.

>not fucking your dad

Are you gay dood?

>calcium carbonate
>15% bioavailability

In general the idea that we need such high levels of calcium is without any significant evidence. And to the contrary, high calcium supplementation has been linked to artheschlorosis and an increase in cardiovascular events that lead to hospitalization.

Vitamin D plays a big role in the body's utilization, and the bioavailability of that and the impact exogenous sources is laughable at best.

My mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis and was told to "take more calcium" despite the fact that dairy comprised a large percentage of her calories and she had already been taking supplements because of a family history of osteoporosis and bone breakage.

My research lead to boron. A trace mineral that for all intents is now largely missing from our food on account of poor land management like most minerals.

Made a supplementation schedule up for her which she surprisingly stuck to, and a year later she had significant improvements despite me taking her off the calcium and D supplements.

>Made a supplementation schedule up for her which she surprisingly stuck to, and a year later she had significant improvements despite me taking her off the calcium and D supplements.
This is interesting to me. My mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis and menopause last month. She was put on estrogen and 600mg calcium pills plus D.

How much does your mom take, where can you get it? Research?

>This is interesting to me. My mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis and menopause last month. She was put on estrogen and 600mg calcium pills plus D.
My mother's menopause symptoms disappeared after she started taking it. Like within four or five days there was an improvement. When she got her blood panels back to re-up on her estrogen they actually lowered the dose on her estrogen.

3mg/day is her maintenance now for the boron. She takes it in the pill form from NOW nutrition. When we started her off because of the osteoporosis I had read 5mg of elemental boron/day, which was dosed from boric acid. When her bone density had improved thats when she dropped it down to 3mg/d

that's actually awesome, you're doing your homework to actually help your mother while in addition to what as prescribed to her, knowing that is not just about calcium and vitamin D, but also about the metabolism of the cells surrounding the bone and the ones inside of it

it's crazy how micronutrients are important and how our diets sucks and multivitamins supplements sucks, boron is one that's really hard to find but she would probably benefit from vitamin D alone (which plays a key role in Osteoclasts metabolism - cells from the bone matrix that do the whole maintenance work), Vitamin A (helps bone resorption too) and Vitamin C (helps preveting osteoporosis)

Thank you based user.

I'll order that stuff now.

How old are they? Did they drink raw grass-fed milk, or pasteurized modern milk?

And by "vitamin D alone" i mean, without Calcium supplementation

As far as vitamin D I'm not entirely convinced on the whole supplementing thing.

I know for a fact in my mothers case it isn't an issue because her bloodwork shows no issues in D. She's outside 8-10 hours a day walking dogs and picking up shit for her self-started business she's been running for the last 10 years. My doctor who's hip with my expiramentation/fasting/etc looked over her labs and even said her D levels were fine.

>pls no jokes about my mom getting enough D

>Vitamin A (helps bone resorption too)
Reduce vitamin A intake, not increase

>it's crazy how micronutrients are important and how our diets sucks and multivitamins supplements sucks,
The micronutrient thing really is amazing how important they are. Which surprises me how often it's ignored on this forum. I tell people to eat a huge salad for them micronutrient gainz, here and in real life and get laughed at for saying micronutrients.

Nevermind the fact that men who were supplemented with 3mg of boron saw a ~25% increase in free testosterone.

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to be fair, 1 liter is like 600 ish calories
your dad bulked through childhood and your uncle didn't
makes sense he got bigger

Grass fed

My dad was pretty lean he was 82 kg
He bicycled allot
And his brother was more bulkier and lifted weights

My father also never got ance but his brother did a little bit

Been hearing recently that too much milk can fuck your body's natural calcium and actually make your bones worse. Haven't seen any scientific sources though, but also haven't bothered to look for them.

Milk does have calcium that can be used by the body. So can a variety of other foods. Just drink milk in normal amounts and not sperg out on multiple glasses everyday. Humans are supposed to drink water with other liquids being an uncommon addition.

thats why I said salmon and tums. salmon has a lot of natural vitamin D

Dark leafy greens, spinach specifically, are high in calcium without the estrogen
Also, almond milk is amazing

its a good source of fat and cholesterol