That's it Jow Forums, I just cannot stand this anymore. Everyday I think about nothing but the sex I am not having.
Everyday is nothing but pain from the fire that burns in my balls. I am a loser reject that has never even touched a girl outside my family, they all look at me with contempt.
Everyday I masturbate 6-8 times until nothing even comes out anymore and I still do not feel satisfied
My cock is dried and chaffed from constantly jerking off. I tried no fap but it made me want to die. This chronic masturbation is the only thing that keeps me from going over the edge and offing myself but my desires keep growing and growing.
I have been reading about how trannies feel after they are castrated, how their libido rapidly drops and they become I feel I am left with no choice but to castrate myself.
I already ordered pic related and it will be here is to hoping I can at least be happy after my balls are gone.
That's it Jow Forums, I just cannot stand this anymore. Everyday I think about nothing but the sex I am not having
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did you get any medicine for the pain?
Alcohol, I just intend on being drunk for a week until they fall off
I admire your courage
do you have any backup plans if things get out of control?
I have never used one of those things but what if you mess up and end up releasing it on just 1 nut?
I mean all your going to get is the worst pain in your life, than no testosterone and you'll need medication just to maintain health which you can't afford.
Just go gay, if you have no attraction and can't find someone into chastity or something stupid. Least you wont be alone
there are multiple drugs that make you lose your libido. look into that yourself or talk to your doctor about it.
have you tried a flashlight or sex doll already? it might reduce the pain. Try these first before you castrate yourself.
I am pretty confident that I can get both my balls in, if not I do have EMT sheers and can cut the ring off. I do have some pain killers I can borrow from my mother if things go really wrong. But from what I hear after the first 6 hours the balls just go totally numb and you don't even notice them anymore. They go gangrenes and fall off after 2 weeks.
The testosterone is what I want GONE, it causes me nothing but sufferings and I cannot stand it anymore. I am sick of feeling this way. There have been eunuchs for more than 5 thousand years without modern medicine so you don't need any medication.
I cannot just change my sexuality user, I want sexy women with fat asses and big tits and thick thighs so I can breed with them and have many children...that is how I feel and not having it is driving me insane. The only thing I can do is something drastic in the hopes that my hormones change and I no longer feel that way
I have tried everything user
I own every sex toy you can even imagine, onaholes, dolls, automated machines...nothing helps anymore
The doctors refuse to give me anything because I am not a tranny and don't have prostate cancer
since there is nothing we can do to change your mind
at the least keep us updated, planning to start a thread at a specific time on Jow Forums, go by eastern time plz
I will consider that
>I want to have children
you better freeze some sperm then just in case you find a wife.
>doctors won't help me
Surgeons wont help either?
I believe the operation can be reversed if done by professionals, I doubt your work will be reversible. it would be a shame if you found a gf and you're unable to nut inside her.
If you try to get testosterone lowering medication from doctors then you have to keep pushing them, keep telling them how much of an hell it is.
good luck user
>operation can be reversed if done by professionals
You are thinking about a vasectomy, vasectomy's only prevent sperm from entering the urethral tube by cutting the vas deferens. This does NOT change testosterone production or binding.
An orchiectomy is the removal of the testis and is 100% not reversible and stops the production of testosterone
Go to a surgeon and get it done professionally so you don't die of infection or sepsis you retard
T. Tranny who had their balls cut off by a doctor
Castration does not entirely remove your sex drive if done after puberty. I know because I spent most of my teens and 20's wishing it did.
They refuse to perform the operation since I am not a tranny. They actually refuse to even see me now and instead forward me to a psychiatrist
That was such a good read. Hottest bit was when one of them gave birth and he immediately had sex with his daughter.
Hahahaha original laughter hahahaha
Yeah I agree, I fap to it a lot
have you tried a hooker before?
I am not going to jail because I live in an unreasonable state nor do I wish to have a life long disease
user, I get that you want to stop having sexual desire, but there are much safer, reversible ways to achieve this than doing dangerous surgery on yourself:
If you want a definite way to block testosterone or other androgens from acting on your body you could take 50mg bicalutamide (casodex) everyday
Or you could take cyproproterone acetate or spironolactone.
The effect of bicalutamide is reversible, and it's a very safe medication. You can buy it at
There is even milder way to lower your libido - SSRI antidepressants have a very common side effect of reduced libido, so you could buy yourself prozac or a herb hypericum perforatum (has gone through multiple clinical trials and works as good as prozac) and take one of these. I took hypericum for three weeks and my libido markedly lowered and the mood rised. Personally I'm not after libido lowering aspect though. Again, this is reversible.
Hope you don't hurt yourself for nothing, user.
Informed consent man just sign a form and give them a few thousand bucks and you're set for life
>The doctors refuse to give me anything because I am not a tranny and don't have prostate cancer
Trannies often are not given drugs as well, that's why they buy online from shady resellers. It's still safer than doing self-surgery and undergoing irreversible necrosis (with significant likelihood of sepsis and death).
OP, without a sex hormone your body will suffer greatly. Trannies can do it safely because they take estrogen.
jesus christ man
fuck this gay world where men emasculate themselves to release what they consider a burden
A pedophile in a doc I watched legally/professionally got castrated to calm his urges
The fuck, do the doctors need you to commit rape for you to get what you want? Nuke us now please
>what they consider a burden
How is it anything aside from a burden??? I can do NOTHING about this feeling and it is driving me insane. What else can I do at this point? No female wants to even be in the same room as me let alone have sex with me. I just want to get on with my life and feel better
Bicalutamide also increases breast size and a few other feminizing things, I do not want to be feminized I just want to stop thinking about women. I actually used to take prozac a few years ago and I don't think it helped at all.
>6-8 times a day
That is pretty hawt OP. You have a gift. Instead of castration yourself with a band and ruining your life you should post pics of you jerking off. If you go too much start masturbating in different ways like with soft touching on the glans only or just moving the skin on your shaft. Set challenges for yourself
>how is it anything aside from a burden
hmm, your testicles... what are their purpose again?
Yes user I am aware that a man is supposed to breed, the problem is that I CANNOT EVEN GET A GIRL TO LOOK AT ME WITHOUT DISGUST
Are you some retarded normie or something? I have 0% chance of having a girl ever in my life
Godspeed user, may it bring you the peace you seek
>Bicalutamide also increases breast size and a few other feminizing things, I do not want to be feminized I just want to stop thinking about women. I actually used to take prozac a few years ago and I don't think it helped at all.
user here is the surprise: you will get the same result from castration; Human body has a feedback loop and lowering your testosterone influences many other things.
You will get gyno and osteoporosis from castration as well. The difference is, your castration is irreversible.
Try taking full agonist opiates like oxy or heroin. You will have no libido. Decide after a week if that is what you want
"Everyday I think about the sex I'm not having"
You just made the fridge user.