When I'm horny, my vagina smells fishy and disgusting. It's a strong smell. How do I fix it? It's probably a boy repellent.
only when you're horny or all the time? I'm sure your horniness isn't a boy repellent.
see i get the feeling this is b8. because I cant imagine a worse place to ask a question like this. on the off chance this is real, dude, just go to a gynecologist. probably off ph balance or an infection or some shit.
I'll fuck your fish taco baby
well for uncut dudes, gotta pull it back and wash with soap. probably sud and rinse more than twice. maybe find a soap that wont rash or sting you and try that? other alternative (i dont know if you eat healthy or not) but start eating more geggies and fruit. 3/4ths of a gallon at least once a day. stay away from meats as much as you can, dont ban it just keep away. best i can offer. Know what you put in your body.
eat fruits my hoe
When I'm horny. It's the horny juices that stink, not the vag itself.
I had infections before, it's not like that. There's no thick white yeast inside me and my urethra isn't burning.
then my guess is diet or ph balance. but I also lack the parts, so im really no expert. talk to a doctor or at least do some googling.
Put Coca Cola inside your lasagna, it works wonders. The sulphuric acid kills all smell creators.
Then my pussy will smell like fast food.
how much sex do you have woman?
I usually get cum on my tits, so my vag shouldn't smell like rancid cum if that's what you're asking.
no I'm asking you how much sex you have regularly and in your life.
eat a better diet
less red meat and spices, more water, veggies, and fruit
Like 3 times a week lol.
Bb imma eat some of that fish taco if ya know what im sayin. Do you have a discord?
with how many men?
this is anonymous sweetheart
Golly, how can I keep track? I usually get railroaded by Chad, Brad and Thad. If I'm in the mood for some jungle meat I call Tyrone and his crip friends over and if I want something more exotic I just call up Rico, his sperm tastes like tacos.
darling i love you even though you dont wash your pussy
that's an interesting response you're so insecure about own fucking life huh?
I love you too daddy
The only thing I'm insecure about is my rancid cunt lol
I washed it with 3 different soaps this morning REEEE
>user is jelly because he doesn't get any gross vagina
I could introduce you to some of Tyrone's hoes if you're into black girls.
well then you don't want to be honest with us about how much of a massive whore you are huh?
why not?
I just told you, I get railroaded by Chad Brad and Thad on the regular. So that's 3 guys I think? More if you count Tyrone's crew and Rico's spic dick.
I bet leaving a hard boiled egg in there would make it taste peculiar.
i hope you get railroaded by a train next
I don't think that would fit in my lady hole, user-kun. Why so angry? :(
are you a male pretending to be a girl?
No. Wanna hear about my uterus and period blood? I hate how sneezing causes blood to spurt out of my stinkhole.
sometimes I jump up and down in front of the mirror just because watching my tets jiggle is amusing
well you need to post tits with timestamp then for proof
It's against board rules, horny one.
I can tell you that this image is bullshit, though. Mine are bigger than this and it's still comfy to walk around without a bra as long as I don't have to run.
post them on a different board and link it
Better diet, quit smoking if applicable, and exercise. Bodily fluids' odor reflects internal health.
What do you take me for, a slut? UwU only Chad, Brad, Thad, Tyrone, Rico and Tyrone's negro friends get to see my boobies!
no i take you for a pure virgin waifu
Well you're wrong, I like dick. Just not yours. Sorry user-kun
Pussy doesn't smell like fish when you get aroused. Your larp has failed and now we all know you've never been near a real vagina. How sad. Maybe someday, champ.
The smell changes. For the past few weeks, mine has been smelling fishy. Balls change scent as well, that's how genitals work. No0b.
Be disgusting then!
>Balls change scent as well, that's how genitals work.
You're a man. I can tell by this comment alone. Discharge smell does NOT change when you are aroused. You might get a little sweaty and you can smell the sweat, but internally the smell doesn't change. Please stop before you embarrass yourself further. Your lack of knowledge and experience with women is, quite frankly, embarrassing.
How would a guy know what his nuts smell like? It would require a lot of stretching unless his balls seriously reek.
Uhhhh what? Touch balls, sniff fingers. Are you retarded?
I only ever smelled balls when sniffing a guy's crotch. I don't know what I usually smell like, presumably not very strong.
If you're a chick, that gives you insight into your OWN stinky fucking vag. Have you personally smelled every other vagina on Earth?
I've got a dick, but I will openly admit to total ignorance of what (for example) nigger dick smells like. How the FUCK would I know?
Everyone's dick smells different. It's pheromones. I swear to god you can smell it, especially in the ass/groin/armpit areas.
If "she" smells like fish then she has an infection. That would mean she smells like that constantly. Arousal does NOT make your insides stink. I worked as a nurse at an ob/gyn for 5 years. OP is full of shit and you are all taking the bait.
Wouldn't an infection hurt? It doesn't hurt, it just smells like shit.
>well for uncut dudes, gotta pull it back and wash with soap. probably sud and rinse more than twice
maybe soak it in bleach too right cutfag?
Sometimes they hurt, sometimes they don't. (A uti will always hurt but a vaginal infection does not always hurt.) You might want to go to a doctor so they can help you. Do you eat a lot of seafood? It's possible you are actually smelling your butt sweat since that is increased when aroused. I have no way of knowing online, but I do think you should see someone if you truly smell like fish. Healthy vaginas shouldn't have a fishy odor.
>maybe soak it in bleach too right cutfag?
Not that user, but hey - it might help clean that fucking snakepit of bacteria that parental neglect has left oozing on the end of your dick, yeah.
Bleach, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, maybe a little gasoline. Considering how filthy the underside of that fucking membrane of utter disease MUST BE, you can't be too careful.
Ellen F?.
Aw shit how did you recognize me?
You don't fix it, fishmarket smelling bitch.