Open the door to your room

>open the door to your room
>see this
>"*tee hee* user I'll let you do ANYTHING to me"
wat do?

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fuck off fatty fatass

actually she's a petty bitch so have at it

Have them play vidya with me since no one plays vidya in my household since last year

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NONONONO, stop! Get away!

I remember her pizza thread. She was a qt back then. Shame how times change. I wonder what Cracky chan looks like these days.

It's a little early wearing a skeleton costume.

so i can beat you, you evil skeleton?

Simple, I can do Anything? Assisted suicide, it's on the brink of death anyways, might as well finalize it


Attached: skeltor.png (750x1022, 816K)

>open the door to my room
>see a clothing store
Freak the fuck out, then presumably wake up

Sorry, I don't fuck fatties

I keep her in a sensory deprivation tank for 21 hours a day and only let her out of it for three hours, in three one hour intervals, where I force feed her. By keeping her in the maddening dark void all the time except when she's eating I train her to associate food with the only stimulation or contact at all in her life to make her crave it, so I can proceed to force-feed her for another several years until she gains at least 400 pounds.

Bitch looks like glen from the chucky movies

Andy Serkis, you have been replaced.

>hit her with nearest object
>receive gold and exp

how do they even make shorts that size? they must be for like, -1 year olds

I love Ashley.
I would worship her and give her a life she couldn't even imagine.
We could give each other diet tips and she could live on the mantel next to my baseball trophies.
>tfw no skellington gf

id pump her tiny, dry cunt until i completely pulverize her brittle hips from her extreme voluntary holohoux emaciation. it's the only thing to do.

Throw her in the fucking patty vault

>Be me
>be playing darks souls like usual
>Hear someone knocking
>open the door
>holy mother of god, High Lord Wolnir sent one his minions to terminate me
I knew i should teabag those skeletons.remorse
>the unholy abomination started acting """"""""cute""""""""" but her face looked like she's giving birth to another unholy abomination
>grab my bible, hit that bitch square in the face while yelling "the power of christ compels you"
It had no effect
>grab my roommate's quran and throw it at that bitch while yelling "allahu akbar"
this is an exercice in futility
>it started getting closer so while panicking i threw a milk glass at it
>it grew 7 times its original size
>get an idea while the beast is talking about having kids in slow motion and in a deep voice
>Put on my emergency Diamond armor and grab my diamond sword an slay that bitch (pic related that's me being a badass)
>she dropped a bone upon dead
>Shove it up my ass while praising the sun

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I'd call the Gestapo on that bitch

I shouldn't have teabagged*



We're getting milkshakes and cheeseburgers, is what we're doing. Jesus christ.

Attached: fuckfuckfuck.jpg (241x228, 19K)


The queen of bones would get wet for me. I'm an anorexic guy.

haha, xd my friend. You sir, earned an upboat.


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>anorexic guy
Really? What's your height & weight?

I'd feed her chickens all day till she becomes my fluffy 600 pounder and then use her enormous boobs as a bouncy trampoline.

user youll literally kill her by making her eat solids. dump that shit in a blender for her at least

I'd call the ghost busters, spawn kill that bitch before she haunts people. starving to death, hungry in the afterlife, perhaps she's that fat fuck ghost before death

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6'1, 129.7 lbs, as of this morning.
I'm retaining a lot of water right now.

stop bullying my fav Chan

Be my anorexic bf. I have an eating disorder too.

she must be dead by now

Nah she's still alive. She has an IG.

plz fuck me

Attached: 1sgvyv52.wizardchan.frog cry and has gun.png (600x583, 273K)

that's amazing actually. She is a light breeze away from death.

Are you a girl skelly, or at least as effeminate as me(presumably)?


Post your ass and we'll see

That would kill her. People in the final stages of starvation go into shock if they suddenly start eating. She needs to be put on a saline IV and very slowly given liquid nutrients.

Ok, well do what you say then

I'm not that skelly, just barely underweight.
[email protected]

ok eat this burger

lets try this

>wat do?
Feed her. She is obviously starving

Really? Anything? Fine, let me call the pizza place.

I'll drive her to a McDonalds and make her eat ALL the Big Macs

Feed her a whole Costco pizza