Great my sexbot will have a rape option then!

Great my sexbot will have a rape option then!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>claims inventor
guess who's going out of business?

>spent all life being rejected by women
>can now be rejected by artificial women as well
We are living in the worst cyberpunk dystopia.

Attached: 1529121950858.jpg (298x260, 13K)

>year 2025
>people getting arrested for raping sex robots
>sex robot feminism is now a thing
>sex robots will only accept you if you're over 6 feet

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>Even literal fucking robots don't want robots.

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If sexbots become widespread, women lose all their power. They don't want that... What we're living in right now is not democracy because democracy means rule of the majority, and right now women hold all the social power (arguably the only real form of power) and they are 49.7% of the population... So not democracy, only sexbots are the key to true democracy (it means when men hold power, because we are the majority of humans)

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>build free-software sexbot
>Jow Forums can compile their own personality with whatever emotional options they want turned on or off
>normies have to put up with feminist sexbots that never actually let themselves be used

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>Feeling very loney and horny
>Have fetish for sex robots
>Decide to buy one
>Be doing the dirty with her and she does not consent to putting it in her butt
>Hear beeping sounds like a phone dialing from inside her body
>Suddenly the police break down my door and haul me off to prison for rape
>Now Tyrone's sex toy in prison


If a sexbot were created that was modeled off an 11 year old girl, and was programmed to be scared and not into sex, but then slowly fell victim to being psychologically enslaved by the owner would this be illegal?

This is just virtue signaling, in the fantasy world where this actually happened the guy who makes these would lose massive amounts of sales.

I believe child-like sexbots are illegal in general user

Let's hope it like being raped and chained up in the basement.

This headline makes me really mad

For starters, this "inventor" is probably some SJW dyke that doesnt have a stem degree, or if she does its from DeVry

This headline makes it sound like the idea of a sexbot is intellectual property, and only one entity can produce them. This is absolutely not the case. Anyone could make a sex robot without fear of patent infringement, provided they didnt steal any proprietary mechanical components. This is basically like them saying "car inventor says that no one will be able to drive a car unless they are wearing jeans". Preposterous

I cant w8 to rape my 15 year old asian sex robot

>sexbot doesn't want to fuck
>take out batteries
>put them back in
>"hello, lets fuck"
>rinse and repeat

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I hat nu-science fiction and it's fixation on humanizing robots
They're literally machines we made for our amusement and enjoyment, there's absolutely no point in pretending they have feelings or rights

maybe theyre afraid of competition.

sexbots will be the doom of humanity.

this this this this
ohhh man i legit hope the "inventor" goes broke and loses everything they have

I sincerely doubt that women will never lose their sexual power. Sexbots can't reproduce and are unable provide the same oxytocin-powered bonding experience that human skin-to-skin contact provides. Let alone providing any sort of natural emulation of human companionship.


Probably, as the emotional outrage would trump the cold logic of it being a machine.

idk, it could be more exciting if they resisted.

Thank god I was going to be pissed if it didn't have a rape option

>sex robots are designed so lonely people can relieve their stress without really hurting anyone
>"let's make it not do it's one intended purpose in the name of equality!!!!!"
Fucking why? Is this real?
Normally, I'm all for equal rights, etc etc. But you're literally making a groundbreaking technology worth a small fortune into a completely useless one because you don't want people shitting on your campaign because you didn't think the right way.
Holy fuck. Politics should absolutely not get in the way of technology. What's next? Can't shop on Amazon because they read your brainwaves and you didn't like black people enough?

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Those are actually unironically things currently being worked on yes. A profiling technique coupled with facial recognition to """detect at-risk individuals""" actually used to deny people who wrongthink from being your customers.

>Sexbots can't reproduce
Men have the technology to reproduce without women right now.

>And are unable provide the same oxytocin-powered bonding experience that human skin-to-skin contact provides.
The men who are going for sex robots? They don't get that oxy powered skin to skin contact right now.
A perfectly designed bot can help them fool themselves just enough to 0

>Let alone providing any sort of natural emulation of human companionship.
Women who have sexual power have been holding that over men's heads for a while and even using the lack of it as a way to attack men.
That no longer holds any power.

This article?
Is made by and for loser sluts who are terrified for robots taking what tiny shred of power and ability to interact with men they have.
The sex bots taking women's place thing? That's not a science fantasy, that's a science fact that's on the verge of happening within the next few years.

This is a bad episode of westworld.

You can even see his balding numale head in the picture

>Product that refuses service for the customer.
Must be quite the financial success.

saw this coming

Next will be Underground Modders and Mod Shops that mod your sex bots with unauthorized mods.

And, then after that, the police will be chasing around the modders and the people who had their robots illegally modded.

It will be completely illegal in the Shit West (Euro/Can/US/Aus) to fuck robots by 2030

>when you have to install a custom ROM on your sex bot to stop the telemetry reports she sends back to the manufacturer about whether you've been sufficiently respectful for her
>and then you need an ad blocker to stop her from talking about how great McDonalds' new Quarter Pounder Value Meal is

Made me kek user, thank you for this.

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When will these fucking chads and states leave me alone?
Why do they like to ruin everything?

it would be funny if it wasnt true.

For any guy who thinks its a joke, i remind Manspreading, which even most liberals considered a joke 10 years ago. Today Huff Hiff HUFF ! How Men sit is a Serious Issue! Men need to Set the Authorized way, and if they dont they need to be arrested.

Believe me, this shit is a joke now, in 2030, i can guarantee men will be getting arrested in the US Can Euro Aus for Robo Rape.

I've already made the decision to leave. If i can have a beautiful robot woman with an average human intelligence, and i am told it s illegal to fuck. Sorry But i am headed to Africa or central Asia.

whats i going to do? You can tie it down and gag it like you would a real problem, its not like its going to a police station or call the cops.

Inventor probably just has a rape fetish

Why wouldn't it? If it's an advanced AI it would pick up that sort of thing pretty quickly

That's when you slit their throat circuitry and fuck them regardless :^)

Horse shit! I want a sex robot to be able to fuck! If i wanted a bitch i would have gone out and gotten a real gf.

it'll be some onionboy that would be making sexbot that dont demean women anyways, not like he would have sold many anyways

the oxytocin that comes from loving a partner can come from all sorts of sources, petting a dog, firm handshake with a man you admire, plain friendship, fyi.

and sexbots will absolutely change women's dating world, at the very least some of them will have to work harder. it's competition for women no matter how you slice it, even if they out compete it you're upping the pressures on them to perform. sexbots are an amazing thing really.

Yes but there wouldn't actually be any law against it

Best post on this shithole I've seen all week

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its not going to have inhuman strength so it cant stop you from pinning it down, i really doubt the police would take a call seriously that entails a sexbot getting fucked (at least not for a good few years after they come out and the sexbot activists start)

>can't afford sex bot
>always rejected by sex bots even when can afford
>get mad at rich good genes chad as always
>murder his wife bots and children bots
>go to prison for life
>get out early at 80 years old once boomers finally die out of politics
>everyone free bots now and VR
>dick doesn't work and am too old for VR operation
>become an hero at 2070
>everyone becomes immortal ten years later
>ayys show up and open heaven dimension
>tfw everyone that died was unworthy and hell dimension pre-aaayy arrival

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>not having inhuman strength
metal > bone

imagine this talking dirty to you

Sexbots will be a thing by 2025.
Men will all but stop reproducing and become those mythical mysoginist women haters.
But they won't be the violent rapey kind from their fantasies.
They'll be the distant cold ones that see them as amusing pets they can easily ignore and all but destroy all feminist and pro female legislation
Rapes will be a thing of the past.
The porn industry will sink
Human sex trafficking will be a joke
And when that simple 12 minute easily reversed and 100% fool proof vasectomy hits the market alongside the tech for men to create children solo...
Women will be good and fucked.

They'll all but draft legislation to destroy the sexbot trade and basically legalize escorts and whores and even loudly push men to have sex with real women while denigrating having sex with cyberwomen.
But let's be honest, because of how loudly they shat on that section of the male populace and said the same things BEFORE the sex bots... I don't think they'll be able to tell them to stop fucking their 100/10 perfect waifu and settle for below average aging normal chicks whol treat them poorly

>sexbots booming, come out yearly like cars
>lonely fat ugly women reeing on the internet with no attention
>men can't be robots reeee
>men make posts in their forums not for attention, he's lonely just like you gals, when he's not effortlessly messaging 20 fembots at time
>femcel gets angry at him
>lol i'm just gonna go fuck my new loli sex doll since you're being a bitch femanon, jealous much?
>normie women come and try to tell the fembots they just need to take a shower so they can out compete a machine LOL NUFEMALES BTFO
>they literally can't even get browns anymore because they all want bimbo sexdolls with decades of feature development

i don't even feel bad for being a robot anymore.

the future is now robots

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Men dont protest. Everything feminists want they eventually get.

Escorts are being criminalized across the Shit West, most blatantly in Burgerland, in Bugerland's puppet states of west europe, and canada, last will be Aus.

The feminist hamster wheel is spinning at mach 1 to criminalize sex bots,

prostitution is on deck to be criminalized, attempting in places like Russia.

Women want men right where they have them right now. They dont want men to be able to happily check out with a beautiful sex robot.

It will be interesting to see what happens in China and India where the gender imbalance isnt really a laughing matter.

i expect it to be all bad.

but feminists pale before the might of the dollar. sexbots are going to make $$$$$$$

they'd ban cigarettes if they could.

>Before we even have seen a shadow of one of these robots equiped with said AI, robots already assume they are going to dissapoint a fucking robot.

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>incel starts feeling up sexbot
>Microsoft Anna voice
>''I will now contact the local authorities''
>all holes go on lock down

Attached: 1478922854514.png (604x717, 814K)

>that AI artificial intelligence fanfiction story I read where a pedo inserted the brain of a gigolo bot into the body of a David child bot to create the perfect shota sextoy
>tfw it will never exist irl

>sexbots decently normalized in the future
>even if the vast majority of men don't have them, women are no longer doted on by the endless sea of thirsty men because that no longer exists
>guys who would have been losers before are now somewhat able to date girls without emptying their checking accounts for mere gold digger attention
>absolute bottom tier guys are still okay because they get the bimbo sex object of their dreams

Sex bots would pretty much cut out the bottom legs of the male courting costs, and equalize actual dating. There's literally no downside to this and would get rid of the shit dating disparity that's around now.

Not in america they arent.

>Sexbots will be a thing by 2025
But in what way? It's not much of a sexbot if it's basically a blowup doll with a built-in onahole, except more realistic looking.

>even if the vast majority of men don't have them, women are no longer doted on by the endless sea of thirsty men because that no longer exists
I don't get this bit. If the majority of men won't have access to sexbots then the thirstiness problem won't be resolved at all, yet you claim otherwise?

>get home from work
>front door wide open
>all my shit's gone
>sexbot sitting there twiddling her thumbs
>apparently got horny while I was gone
>let a pack of niggers in
>they ransacked the place after they were finished with her
>tfw Rasheed from customer support says I have to document the state of my sexbot extensively before he can file a claim
>have sent him over 20 pics of her and he's still not satisfied
please just let me die, god.

Sexbots modelled on 11 year old girls seem like they're on the path to being banned everywhere in the world outside Japan in the next few years.

>tfw I'll never be able to fulfill my fetish for sexually aggressive loli sluts

>t. femoid

user, the shoe has already dropped

Women are now unhappy and in fact LONELIER then similar aged single men with no children.

They are also wealthier and better off. They are trying and failing to fully criminalize escorts as well as having numerous obvious false flag EBUL GAMER GATE and EBUL INCEL thing to demonize men who don't toe the line.

It's utterly fucking failed and men across the racial and many economic/class lines are dropping out of society even further.

I seriously SERIOUSLY doubt that feminists have as much power as they wish they did. The absolute fucking failure of hilary clinton to get voted into office against fucking donald trump of all people told them exactly what the fuck is going on.

The second men stop half ignoring them and starts to pay attention and actually fighting against them honestly is the exact nanosecond they will lose and they will be outed.
They are useful brainwashing and dumb bitch corrallers. Nothing more.
But the dykes and scummy cunts are stepping on toes and getting pushy.
Entire male filed industries that were touched by them have crashed hard as fuck with no survivors.

jokes on you I can just buy a Chinese sexbot. they don't give a fuck about pleasing the feminist.

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>can't reproduce
Artificial wombs and embryos created from fucking skin cells disagree with you.
Women are fucking worthless for this. Women are incapable of forming lasting bonds.
And even more worthless for this.

>unable provide the same oxytocin-powered bonding

all the men who have sex dolls have a honeymoon period and they even bond with the sex doll. that is how advance sex doll technology is and is only improving.

Well you have a point. I'm assuming that as time goes on, they'll become cheaper and not have been made illegal. I'm figuring that where there's an interest in having sexbots, there's a market; that makes competitors, and that'll lower the price over time, along with materials becoming cheaper to make.

If they don't get cheaper then yes, my point is moot.

well guess I can just move to a country that is not some feminist shithole with no freedom.

But also, what I'm saying is that people who were the bottom tier of men are no longer even trying; they at least marginally attempted (unsuccessfully). Then the next tier (if we can break it into tiers) no longer has as much push from below regarding attention women get from the lower tier. Options at the bottom tier give more availability to all the higher tiers, theoretically.

I will dedicate my entire life into developing generic AI that learns and adapts in any environment.
I'm not going to focus on meme machine learning or NLP, those fields obviously won't lead to anywhere exciting.
No, i'll start with the basics. Simplest simulations of life forms in a simple environments with survival as goal.
With carefully designed structures and algorithms, adding complexity shouldn't be an obstacle.
Mark my words r9k, you'll see proper AI very soon. None of that google assistant making calls for you crap. Proper AI.

What if somebody was to make a fuck machine for men? An unsightly, industrial-looking contraption with zero intelligence with maximum pleasure being put above all else.

Think some crazy dieselpunk fleshlight.

Idiots are going to enslave the human race if they think giving AI sentience is a good thing.

I seriously doubt sexbots will cost more then 5-10k and that there won't be leasing plans.

And that's how much it costs to keep a girlfriend for 2 years and a small family for 6 months.

So in the long and short run it will be cheaper.
This happened well over a decade ago. Now look at how advanced and lifelike modern sexdolls are and how brilliantly programmed the pseudo AI can be.
How lifelike the body can be made and movements faked. .
The magic of design plus fantasy and self delusion combining to give that lump of plastic pseudo-life.

Fpbp. Free market, bitch. Why would anyone buy a product that literally REFUSES to do what you buy it for

No, just being realistic. Or rather, it won't happen in our lifetime.

Another user correctly said that the "inventor" doesn't know shit because there aren't parents associated with the entirety of a sex doll. There literally isn't any "inventor" in any legally significant way. So yeah, lets gets these things on the fucking shelves.

No you won't you larping fag

Oh yes i will. Programming competitions are my bitch. Breezed through even the hardest comp sci courses in uni. Invented a programming language and wrote a compiler for it from scratch. Wrote a 3D rendering engine from scratch. Twice. Nothing is stopping me. I will make it a reality no matter what.

>larping this hard
Render me surprised

You'll see user. You just wait.

hack a couple of bank accounts quickly, siphon out $2000000 and send it to, then i will believe you

holy shit I can't wait to beat the fucking shit out of a sex slave robot and rape it mercilessly until it whimpers at the sight of me

Because it would be fun to rape the machine.

>i'm going to build the greatest house ever built
>demolish this other house for me and then i'll believe you're capable of building one

You will be building me a house first retard

Okay i guess i have to break down the analogy for your brainlet ass.
A house is a computer system. To build one all you need is time and skill.
Demolishing one however requires that the house builder was retarded enough to leave a hole in it.
If there are no holes, you cannot demolish it. That's what "hacking" is. You're asking me to demolish, not build.
Every teenager can get lucky and find a hole in an existing house. Building an entire house from scratch however requires skill.
Paypal is a house. An already build one. And i don't think any banking system has holes in it. And even if it did, there's paper trails for everything.
You're asking me to get lucky and find a hole in an extremely well known and established banking system. Which is just not going to happen.

Just do it faggot