Stereotype feels

>be me
>be half spic
>disappointment to Hispanic side of family for not speaking spic language, not liking our shit food and doing white privileged things like being educated
>white side doesn't give a shit because we don't have retarded ass traditions or customs
>they still think I'm weird for not being mexicano enough
>grandmother dies of dementia
>runs in family on spic side
>baldness runs on white side
>gonna be a bald dementia faggot
>spicettes don't like me because I do white people shit
>white girls don't like me because I'm meant to be the funny Mexican in their lives
>everyone assumes I have to be the stereotype spic because of my heritage
>"But I don't like greasy foo-"
>"But I don't have a problem with Trum-"
>not even robots will accept me because of my spicness
Anybody else have a problem like this?

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Sure, as far as i know its pretty common for mixed races to say the things you do

>be me
>be whitest latino ever
>no one gives me shit about it because instead of inmigrating to a country where no one sees me as human and staying within the borders of my ethnic community where everyone becomes a walking stereotype as a way to preserve their idiotic identities and "culture" I'll stay in my shitty country (where no one gives a shit about you not being a walking stereotype) until i can move to another 1st world country that accepts inmigrants and adapt to the local culture to the point where the only thing that gives away my heritage is my fading accent and the place of birth written in my ID

basically any black guy raised to hate niggertry

personality to white to attract girls as they all want over aggressive tyrone or be accepted by own community and stick out like a sore thumb in white communities

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>be me
>live out my life strictly according to my rules and guidelines not letting things outside of my control determine who i am and what i can or cannot do

feels good mane

I'm half a spic too. I can't even roll my r's and I hate Mexican culture but I also feel extremely out of place around white people because they are all ultra normies. I'm also a genetic abomination, I'm short and balding, I have horrible acne, an asymmetrical face, a tiny sick, flat feet, horrible vision and mental illness.

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Sorry holmes

Takis are the bomb, best thing to come from Mexico.

You've never had a leche flavored raspa then.

Damn I want that life

Reading this truth makes me want to punch a white girl

Sounds like a good deal to me holmes

I didn't know I was latino until a few years ago when I had internet access and started studying english. There's no racial classification in my country

Have you ever considered that you have a shitty life not because of your race, but because you are just a shitty person?

usonians are obsessed with race

Honestly I don't blame them, they have to rationalize why they are such a shithole despite being [allegedly] a first world country
So they just "separate" themselves from anyone who fails. Ej: "oh, they are thrash because they are black/latino/muslim/southern/from x place/with x beliefs, not because they are american"

I'm a retarded quiet spic with no means of communication irl hate you, full mexis, spics trying to balance both. I created my own subset

I'm full blown spic my man, mind you I'm not one of those short dark faggots, and I feel you. While I do have a connection to the culture I was raised in the good old US of A and don't feel that strong of a connection to it. Don't fit in with the spics or the white, fuck me.

you sound like such faggot lmao.

it's not, he's just probably a self-hating chicano.

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shut up shitskin south boardered nigger

Just read the entire thing, and I'm so sorry. I just saw spic and sperged out. I hope the best for you user.

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>be me
>whitest mexican to set foot on this earth
>even look white as fuck
>people just assume I'm white
>no problems
feels good desu

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You are similar to me but im a full blooded spic who does understand spanish

>I dont have a problem with trump
>I hate spic culture
>Spic girls dont like me because they expect me to either a paisa spic or a chicano cholo
>some robots dont want to talk to me anymore when I tell them Im a spic
>white progressive liberals sometimes call me a traitor & tell me im cucked for hating spic culture (im not tho since I only hate spic culture not the race)

Stop already

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>be Finnish
>drink too much alcohol
>go to sauna every weekend
Why don't you speak spanish though OP? Being bilingual is always useful

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I'm afraid those are Spanish genetics not m*xican

It's because you're a woman that you're so dumb right?

Im white as fuck and live in a redneck state but goddamn tapatio is fucking tasty

literally none of that happened op, just face your not white and stop being a cuck.

Both of you niggas clearly haven't had Panbasos or Pan bimbo

>stereotype feels thread
>mexishit first post
>everyone now assumes all latinos are mexishits

This entire thread a stereotype meme.

What state/region do you live? I never experienced racism and whenever people talk about discrimination online, I feel like I'm watching the world from a different planet. What the hell is going on over there?

I read it as spiciness. Be more spicy OP

Looks just like Ace from Gorrilaz, huh?

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Every half Mexican or even born here Mexican ive ever met has been white or a solid 80% white.
I have no idea how you have that problem.

>Be me
>Former illegal immigrant spic
>Dont look like a native
>Look more asian/white/spanish
>Grandparents look Chinese
>Dad looks like he came from japan
>Mom looks white
>Uncles look white with colored eyes
>Found out my entire family is a huge melting pot of a retarded amount of races from Asia to Europoor
>People think im Japanese or white
>They are surprised when i tell them im a meheecan
>"You dont look like a Mexican"
>Bitch what the fuck is a Mexican supposed to look like
>"Oh uhh sorry user plz dont beat me"

Get upset whem people generalize an entire race
White people constantly trying to put me in a box instead of letting me be a human being
"Is user Chinese? White or hispanic?"

Why do you guys do this? why would you purposely put people in a box?

>be me
>half spanish, half mexican
>white skin
Life is good

other people aren't fucking mystery meat mongrel mutts and intuitively fit in the boxes without having to think about it

So do you actively pur yourself in the german/american/irish/welch/pagan/Canadian/italian or whatever combination of racial background your family has?
Because if we are going by skin color i have friends who call themselves white who are 3 shades darker than me.

My point is why do Americans have to put people in boxes. Whats the purpose of that other than to separate yourself even tho all of you are a huge mutt mix anyways.
In meheeco there are people that look asian to straight up blond with blue eyes, youknow what we call them? Mexicans. Because thats what they are.

So why cant you guys just be American and call it done. Instead of purposely separating yourselfs from eachother.

because i'm not a murrican
im not a redskin, im not a fucking cletus or jimbob type american, im not tyrone, im not even a wop or a mick
my family has been on this continent for less than a hundred years, a couple generations before me, i'm not as much of a mutt as you and spics/americans are not as WHITE(european) as me, i know what i am

America puts people into races because each race has their own culture within America and causes problems almost entirely specific to them. like niggers being niggers, or beans being illegal

Why would you answer to a post directed at American culture then faggot.

whatever fag, "american" isn't a real ethnic designation

Uhh no they dont cletus, ive met plenty of people like OP who have different heritage but dont claim to be anything other than murrican.
I think you guys just want the exclusivity of being Americans. Because you feel insecure arround someone of different background.
Oh hes only here because hes *insert bs here* and not because he is better than me.

>i know nothing about the culture or topic of what he is talking about
>time to imput my useless opinion because i know nothing of the topic

listen retard mutt, when i said im not american i didn't mean that i don't live here or that i wasn't born here

> be me
> Didn't think about race until i became a teenager
> Look hispanic
> Am actually a massive mixture of things and basically almost half "white"
> Feel the burden of white eyes beating upon me
> Think that all white people have an inner dialogue much like a Jow Forums racebaiting shitpost
> Wonder why any if this matters
> Wonder how many of yalk say nigger when you get home
> Wonder how many of yall voted for trump like I did