>Hey user, it's me your government-mandated girlfriend!
Hey user, it's me your government-mandated girlfriend!
That is what government-mandated gfs would look like
Does it have taco tattooed on its knuckles?
Literally Who is looking really rough these days.
La cretura, el monstro...
Alright, take off your clothes, put this bag on your head and bend over.
She's so weird looking that she seems fun to hang out with. Probably smells as bad as she looks so fucking's off the table.
If you wouldn't gleefully marry and procreate with this girl, you are volcel.
I'm a volcel for not willingly fucking a girl I only know from one picture on a r9k thread?
I'd have to finish at least one date with her first, like any girl
>Knock unconscious
>Sell her body parts on Bhutan Shadow Market
>Buy private sector girlfriend with profits
This one disgusting picture aside she actually looks about the roughly correct level of attractiveness for a government mandated GF for R9K users.
>not just fucking any rotten gash that gets offered to you
Yes, goy, just be gay!
Wait am I supposed to continue the White race or not
You're sending me mixed signals, Mr Poltard
Look I have low standards, but not low enough to fuck outside my own specie.
No, no, it's all very simple.
Be a degenerate nigger with no care or values, but also work as hard as you can to generate tax shekels because actually you care a lot.
Can I fugg you
Speaking in double speak isn't helping
Depends, are you
>of age
>in my area
>not deformed?
>M-masaka...! She was able to surpass her humanity to obtain a new form!
Damn she T H I C C I wish this was real
I'm 32, Malle, Eastern Canada and fat
I specifically asked for a female (male)
I'm not trying to help.
Oh. You can still fuck off back to pol
No thanks I'm gay now
She looks pretty repulsive in this pic, but hey, if shes mandated I could probably force her into losing weight, not dying her hair, etc.
Nah = ^ )
Suck my girlcock.
I'd rather not. Oar rig ana
Maybe I fucking am. I'm a solid 6/10 with a good jawline, a 7 inch dick and can't be bothered with roasties interfering with my autistic hobbies.
You're not my government mandated gf
White Supremacy really is winning if the government won't make you suck my girlcock smdh
I'm not gay. Thus no suckypoo
>that thing
Are you assuming xir's not? It's less of a stretch that it's not
I'm a little grossed out by the eating habits but she looks kind of fun. Like she'll help me bury the bodies.
alright someone give me a quick rundown on this pic in the OP
Somebody edit the camera into her hands haha epic