ITT we make inappropriate memes using this pic of my cousin who died last year

ITT we make inappropriate memes using this pic of my cousin who died last year.

Attached: JuneRSwans.jpg (978x1668, 84K)

how did she die user? I need context for my meme

She drove her car into a tree.

Well, what's it going to be user?

That's pretty sad. Why do you want people to make fun of her?

mfw I die last year

Attached: Screenshot_20180619-223901_Meme Creator.jpg (597x1026, 285K)

laugned at it for hoew abd it is, than kfor the chudklw

She looks like Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks

>Why do you want people to make fun of her?
Then his family can take the memes, get a "Jow Forums did the bad mean bully thing" puff piece run by some media outlet, start a gofundme, profit off of it, and OP can get his dick flipped inside out and made into a bu$$i.

unfunny faggot
post a dank meme not a shitty old one
fucking normie

Here is a short time contribution

Attached: 1529461342446.jpg (978x1668, 178K)

Nice. Keep em comin lads

Man dude, I gotta ask why you want to make fun of her?

Attached: DrvingSwan.jpg (544x922, 66K)

Kekerinoooo. We have a winner

I hope she wasn't a nice person

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I'm laughing way more than I should be at this dead chick ha. I also hope she wasn't a good person. More dank memes plz.

What are these going to be used for anyways?

Attached: JuneDrivingRight.jpg (542x923, 57K)

Alright, this is my last one

Attached: JunesLastPhoto.jpg (1264x1912, 181K)

Omg haaaaahaaaa. You're killing me. Don't stop bro don't stop

How old was she senpai?

She was 22

I changed her lips

Attached: Lips.jpg (492x832, 43K)

Nice lel. I'm looking for some really inappropriate edgy memes with her.

What the fuck. I'm dead as fuck.

Attached: 2cjnek.jpg (500x852, 76K)