Why is it illegal to kill nihilists and anti-natalists? They don't like living anyway.
Why is it illegal to kill nihilists and anti-natalists? They don't like living anyway
If they made it legal to do so, anyone could use that as an excuse when they killed anyone. It's not like the person's philosophical views could be autopsied.
Why is that your choice to make for them?
You could just check their DNA to see if they were genetically predisposed to being one.
what gets me is a lot of those preach for the death of others because life is only innately characterized by suffering in their their minds. funnily enough, they don't have a grasp on what it actually means to suffer. try living in india, boneheaded fucktards. -_-
Am i a nihilist? I don't think there's any meaning to life, but i don't think that makes life not worth living.
>your suffering is irrelevant or insignificant because other people suffer more!
This has always been a shit argument. In your book there's only one person on earth who can claim to be suffering, for everyone else you can point at that guy and say "See, you aren't REALLY suffering! Look at him!"
we call that the super-sufferer supposition
Why is it illegal to rape women and gay men? They were made to take dick anyway.
No you couldn't. Firstly we don't know what genes predisposes someone to being one. Secondly, having that genetic predisposition doesn't prove someone is one. And thirdly, even if someone is one, it doesn't mean they'll continue to be one in the future if they're still alive.
what? im only mentioning that most of these pampered assholes have an unknowingly warped perception of reality. there's actual physical suffering and the converse is being a faggot.
Yes you can. Someone that enjoyed life would have a frown on their face as they died. Someone that didn't would have an indifferent face.
t. FBI Detective.
Becuase women are all whores and that means raping them is theft.
Gay dosnt exist
It's just a over perverted state of sexual deviance
Just like a nihilist to think genes don't matter. You're going to be first on the day it's legal.
You're proving the point I'm trying to make, is what you're doing.
Tell me, at what level of suffering does someone have a legitimate claim to sympathy, in your eyes? How do you measure that? Or is it just that anyone you don't like is obviously just malingering, and not really truly suffering?
Being a nihilist doesn't mean you don't like living you brainlet.
This is called fallacy of relative privation, by the way.
i have the right to be the arbiter of these things in my mind just as you do. i just generally don't like people, especially lamenting babyboys.
Life is inherently suffering, regardless of what kind of luxuries you're pampered with.
What you just described is called being gay
Because I want to help society come to the logical conclusion that is must end
What, so you think they are all egotistical crybabies? Some of them weep at the futility mankind brings upon itself with this burden called society
Well I guess that's a fourth reason: some people have such poor comprehension of what others are saying that they assume them to be nihilists.
Your genes contributed to you being such an idiot that you concluded I thought genes don't matter, but that idiocy could have been avoided if you'd grown up in a different environment.
The grass is always greener on the other side just means that you will never be satisfied and there will always be suffering
There will be more of them immediately afterwards.
Same reason it's illegal to commit suicide, dead people don't pay taxes.
In what country is it still illegal to commit suicide?
i just looked it up. instead of fixing their lifes they mope around like depressed losers pretending they are being "philosophical" and "deep". i mean, if they really believe that then just kill yourself. stop trying to force your pessimistic views on others. not everyone is a loser and hates their life.