Why don't you just date a really, really dumb girl?

Why don't you just date a really, really dumb girl?

Smart Girls
>most likely to be feminist, leftist
>high maintenance, highly judgmental because of intelligence
>have to buy her lots of gifts and give her tons of attention to keep her interested in you and in the relationship

Dumb girls
>doesn't care about politics or understand them really
>low maintenance, extremely loyal and submissive
>like a dog or other pet, all you have to do is spend time with her to make her love you and no matter how much you ignore her or abuse her she will still love you

I've dated both so this is based on my experience. Go for the dumb girl. If you want to have intelligent conversation or dbate, talk to men. That's what men are for. Educating women was a mistake.

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>dumb girls are the graceful feminine ones who will actually love you while smart girls are feminist cunts
Nice bait there you filthy feminist, and thanks for the confidence booster, implying that only an idiot will love me

Why don't you just date a dolphin?

>Dolphins are capable of manipulating their vaginal muscles in order to provide maximum pleasure
>Women have puny vaginal muscles, and are not even able to compete
>Dolphins secrete a substance that allows you to continuously ejaculate as long as your dick remains inside their vagina
>Women do not
>Dolphins cannot cheat on you as they do not form lasting, intimate relationships
>Women can, and enjoy doing it
>Dolphins do not mind if you fuck another dolphin
>A woman will flip out if you fuck another woman
>Dolphins don't mind if you cum inside. They won't force you to pay child support for 18 years like a woman. You can't even get them pregnant
>Dolphins won't leave you for another dolphin with more money. Dolphins do not have a system of currency and are not consumer whores like women
>If you are the submissive type, dolphins can be aggressive, and far more convincingly aggressive, not like some bimbo bitch who doesn't scare anyone
>Dolphins do not expect you to spend exorbitant amounts of time and money on them
>Dolphins give up easily
>Dolphins do not demand more rights than men simply for having a vagina
>Dolphins do not organize shitty feminist parades
>You can swim and play with a dolphin in the ocean
>Dolphins are more intelligent than women

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user, have you ever went to a college in recent years? Colleges are feminist/leftist breeding grounds.

Let me list a downside to dolphin sex
>feels more comfortable in deeper waters and will try to coax you out of the shallows

>mayushii will never be my gf
This is the worst feel

College doesn't equate intelligence, anyone can be accepted in any college, provided they're willing to pay tuition

>College doesn't equate intelligence,

I never implied that. But in general, college is a place where women who happen to be intelligent, choose to go, and as a result, they are indoctrinated with feminism and leftism.

Already did.
They're loyal as hell sure, but the downsides are pretty heavy.

I wish I could find a girl dumb enough to like me.

Not that big of a downside. I went to Florida several months ago. I was quite happily swimming around with dolphins when one suddenly decided to grab my foot with her genital slit. Dolphins have very muscular vaginal orifices, and can use these muscles to manipulate objects and carry them. I stayed still for a while, to see if she was just playing, but she continued to masturbate against my foot, and in the light of the torch I sometimes carry, I could see that her slit had become very pink and had swelled as well. So, I started to back-paddle with my hands towards a small beached area, partially submerged in the water. A couple of times she pulled me forward into the deeper water, but eventually I got myself to the shallows. I dislodged my foot (being careful not to pull too hard), and took her gently by a pectoral fin and rubbed her belly just to aclimatize her, I guess. She immediately rolled belly up and started doing pelvic thrusts against the palm of my hand. It was unmistakebly erotic, and by now I was fully aroused. I stripped off my shorts, and gently pulled her into the shallows until she was lying on her side, her belly facing towards me, half submerged in the water. I nestled myself belly to belly against her, and pressed my member against her genital slit. She immediately arched her body against mine, and took me inside her body, initiating a quick series of muscular contractions with her vaginal muscles. I wrapped my left arm around her body and just held her close while she manipulated me inside her body, until I climaxed barely 2 minutes later. Surprisingly, her body also shuddered against mine, and we spent the next 5 or so minutes just lying together in the shallows, holding each other, enjoying each other's company and revelling in the fact that we had shared something special together, something very few can claim to have done.

whew lad...you wut? fucked a dolphin you say?

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Not every smart girl can look as hot as this dumb bitch. She's worth it every thrust.

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user that's an ugly whale, just get a dolphin.

It is amazing that I look at her and know she is stupid

i don't live the ocean and this was better than nothing

I legit tried user, its a long story but I broke it all off because simply she was too dumb.

>Smart girl
that's when I stopped reading

quality af

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shy submissive girls best girls
crazy girls best sex

Because dealing with a limited person is one of the most infuriating things on the planet.

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Nothing gets me angry because I'm not a subhuman caveman like you. I'm a little disappointed I can't have intellectual conversations with her, but other than that she's great. I can't see why I would get angry at her. Can you get angry at a dog? Dogs just do what is in their nature, you need to train them better if they do something that infuriates you.

Smart user, cutting up the copypasta in half to bypass the robot

How dumb is she though?

>College doesn't equate intelligence
and yet, intelligent people tend to go to college

dumb girls are like sardines, they are only exist in the mind of the dominoes telemarketer

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Dominoes does not sell sardines nor do they have telemarketers. You are thinking of anchovies.

The only girl I dated back in HS was borderline retarded, had very poor memory and occasional seizures.
She definitely was and still is liberal as fuck just because mainstream media pushes that.
She was also needy while in the relationship and literally had nothing interesting to say.
Dumb bitches can be just as or more annoying as somewhat intelligent bitches.

College has a lot of smart people, mostly in the hard sciences, but also has a lot of retards who for all intents and purposes shouldn't have graduated high school.

I can't date any girl because no girl wants me

where do you find a loyal "dumb" girl?

lol just use lube

>What do you do with them the other 23 hours an 45 minutes?

Well? I got to have an answer for that
otherwise hookers are cheaper and less stressful in the long run

wtf are you talking about? this makes no sense to me

"Smart"girks are dumb and dumb girls are well, also dumb.

Dated a dumb girl for a month or so (no sex, literally held hands). Truly are regards in all aspects.

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