What's your excuse user? Eggy literally has been dealt the shittiest hand in life and he somehow made it

What's your excuse user? Eggy literally has been dealt the shittiest hand in life and he somehow made it.

Explain yourself.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm uglier than the eggman


it's like the myth of the rags to riches story

eggman was trying to convince you that he was the bottom rung of all men, despite being charismatic and motivated enough to gain a gigantic audience of internet people to listen to what he thinks

eggman was never a robot

Has Egg been tested for anything? I'm 100% sure he has Digeorge syndrome. She's pretty qt though.

This. Eggman was never one of us

>I'm uglier than the eggman


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what's wrong with eggman besides just being ugly? He's still white, from a developed country, relatively wealthy compared to many people in this world, and not deformed/crippled as far as I can tell

I mean I'm all those things too and I can never get a gf

Dude eggman lives out of his car

ask any women, you faggot

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I wish I could be even half as cute and charismatic as eggman

this, also he's been famous for a while so y'know, doesn't blow my mind some shallow bitch sees something in him now.

>gain fame on internet
>status goes up

If you have some status you can get laid.

These tweets are almost a year old now. Is he still with her?

obviously women like him if he's not single anymore

Eggman is pretty fuckable desu I don't see how this is self deprecation

This. I bet 90% of her attraction is his ''fame''.

This is the problem with the people on this bored, you retards never put any effort in bettering yourself, you'd rather roll over a die a lonely man.

A robot isn't defined by what he does or whether or not he's successful, A robot is defined by the hand there dealt in life. The upbringing that lead to there lack of social ability and general incompetence.

>I don't see how this is self deprecation
I'm unfuckable unlike the eggman

>August 2017
What's happened to Eggy since then?

but eggman wasn't dealt a bad hand

he is more charismatic than he is ugly. He had gfs literally his entire adult life.

he even fooled all of r9k into thinking he's one of them and deserving of their sympathy and money

Eggu is fucjing glorious

Do people actually consider eggman ugly? I've always thought he was cute. Not an uggo like real robots.

If he was actually ugly he wouldn't have such a large following

>what's wrong with eggman besides just being ugly?
He said he was diagnosed mildly retarded, and struggled heavily in simply doing multiple tasks at his gas station job, but it's weird because he seems intelligent enough and his rap flow is surprisingly good. I'm guessing he just had a significant learning disability because I highly doubt he's actually low IQ, especially considering how coherent his Black Pill video was, or how well written his rap is. soundcloud.com/the1eggwhite/fucked-up-remastered

Your right user, he really is quite attractive.

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He's tv ugly not ugly ugly

Whats the fucking difference explain yourself

Much better looking than I am for sure

I'm significantly more attractive, but I'm terribly anti-social, and my ego makes want a partner that is proportionately attractive.

He still has good features he has a face people can look at and it's not painful, if fact it's kinda pleasant like shrek he still has a trustful face a character you can like despite being an ogre,

Source who knows him well has informed me he was born with legitimate autism.

He regularly streams. Look up egg white livestreams. It makes me nostalgic watching him. He was essentially the face of r9k from 2014 - 2016, before the underage normies came.

>He was essentially the face of r9k from 2014 - 2016, before the underage normies came.

Which is sad since he always had gfs and sex

Just another way the demiurge finds to rub shit on my face.

>the crazy face on that chick
No thank you

His ugly is comfy and likeable. He's not like BlackOps2cel where he kind of looks greasy and leprous and like he probably smells bad and like if you touched him his creepy pointy bones would hurt your fingers.

I am not some semi famous autistic sperg who doesn't mind socializing

Is that Pizza? Or is it some brainless retard who does not mind dating an ugly, women hating autist who ruins people's day by presenting shit entertainment where he is yelling at niggers while being drunk?

I have no eggcuse

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He is diagnosed with autism. Having autism may cause learning disabilities and difficulties jn handling some of the easiest tasks, even if the person's overall IQ is average. For example, a lot of autists have dyscalculia, making it difficult for them to do any mathematical tasks, which may make them appear mentally disabled. Also they have difficulties in multitasking.

Kudos for the excellent explanation my friend.

>shittiest hand in life
I'm way uglier and I'm 5'5, and I'm sure there are a couple guys here who were dealt even worse hands than me

>I'm uglier than the eggman
Yeah this.

Eggy is a popular livestreamer that does whatever it's told, of course a fembot would want him so she can dom him, poor eggy

I wish, Breakfastpizza is my OTP.

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The absolute amount of denial in this thread. Before his girlfriend he was THE example of a genetically mogged blackpilled incel. Now that even HE'S managed to get a gf you guys are frantically trying to keep your precious blackpill cope from crashing down. "H-he's not that b-bad looking...!" "She's only with him because he's famous (for being so self-loathing and ugly he wants to kill himself)" "He was never one of us, he's practically a Chad lite."
Face it. The blackpill is a lie. It is just cope to keep you from taking responsibility for the dismal state of your love life.
If it came out that BlackOps2cel got a gf (and for all we know, he does; no one knows anything about him except he took an unflattering photo), I guarantee you mongs would start scratching your chins and musing that he's not THAT bad looking and you're totally worse off than him.

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>He still has good features he has a face people can look at and it's not painful, if fact it's kinda pleasant like shrek

>he's not ugly, he just looks kinda like shrek!

>Face it. The blackpill is a lie
Exactly how? The famous reason is exactly 100% right if eggy wasn't famous she would not be with him. Not everyone can be charismatic and famous to get a gf.
If it ever came to like that BlackOps2cel got a gf I'd go out a b myself just like all the normies say.

This. Eggy + Pizza was THE Jow Forums couple.

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>it's kinda pleasant like shrek he still has a trustful face a character you can like despite being an ogre
I get what you mean, user, he's like "nice ugly" instead of "evil ugly".
What is that? How is there a difference?

I have no confidence after a lifetime of rejection in all aspects. Nobody wants me, nobody likes me, grey skies are my only friend.

He got her drunk now he needs to keep her drunk

>that face when people thought eggy was a ever a robot

If BlackOps2cel got a gf you'd say it was because he's famous too. You've made it so no matter what, there's always some kind of ulterior reason one of these incels got a gf. Oh, we memed this guy and now he's mildly internet-famous for the most pathetic reason ever so that has to be the reason a woman would want him. She's totally attracted to his "status" as King Incel. Nothing about logging hours of rants about how you're an unfuckable ogre to really get those panties dropping.

i don't know you and even i don't like you, user

>because he's famous to
Not at all, BlackOps2cel is just famous from one picture. He isn't an internet personality like eggman is with videos, social media, and streams

I'm not surprised, just a little bit more sad.

egg is a good dude

he has superior genetics


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people seem to be forgetting: shes drunk. therefore, as a drunk girl she cannot give consent. therefore eggy raped her.

The tweets are over 2hrs apart

If BlackOps2cel really actually got a girlfriend I would renounce the blackpill and would accept that everything has always been my fault. Shame it won't happen though, I want you guys to be right, I don't like the truth that I know.

A combination of this and i'm horrible person, that dosen't want to change, i don't deserve love

eggman has literally done streams with ice poseidon.

>scratching your chins
Get out chads

I hope someone reenacts this beautiful moment in vr chat

He's wh*te.

You do realize that Eggy himself, the man who made one of the most popular Blackpill videos, said "after being cheated on multiple times, being used for money, and overall being treated like absolute trash by my ex gf, I wholeheartedly still believe in the blackpill. In fact I believe in it even more now." I can find the Eggwars video where he says it if you don't believe me, or you could just listen to his song "Fucked Up" that I posted earlier, extremely blackpilled song. So your entire argument is essentially void man.

This. Eggy himself even verified it, so not sure why this normie is saying "oh, Eggy getting a gf proves the blackpill isn't real" when Eggy himself always talks about how his gf used him, cheated on him and mentally destroyed him.

Also not to mention the fact that Eggy is 6"1', literally within the top 15% for height.

>In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over.

Hahaha, I just got it now. That was a good one.

Is that the oregon shooter?

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He was a normalfag that got dealt a shitty hand with life, but he managed to recover because he's a normalfag.
>having enough confidence to post videos
>having charisma to get fans
then again the latter is just because he's ugly and many others follow him for that.

I'm a lot less ugly than him, but I'm a brainlet and a personalitylet. These things are more of a hindrance than being ugly.

He was never one of us. I remember the day he showed up with his first "black pill" thread. He even admitted back then to being an unvirgin. Fuck this guy and his boring normie ho too. I hate them.

What's wrong with yourself besides being ugly? You are still white, from a developed country, relatively wealthy compared to many people in this world, and not deformed/crippled as far as I can tell

>Checks Date
>Checks latest egg stream

I'm pretty sure he is single

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