ITT, we summarize normalfag advice

ITT, we summarize normalfag advice

>Stop being insecure, you piece of shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

>stop whining get out of your moms basement and talk with random women
>just go lift at the gym and take showers with perfume

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>Just talk to women, not me though

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>Nobody owes anyone else ANYTHING -

>...except for this list of things I just remembered YOU still owe ME.

Too bad that craigslist offer is 10 years old, it's more appealing than anything a woman has ever proposed to me.
>when your attitude changes so will your luck, user!

>the reason you're lonely is because you want to not be lonely

Please yes more depressing shit this is the best I have rn
>lol just stop eating
>just stop being depressed and go make some friends

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"Just put yourself out there"
So your saying I have to pratically puit myself on a platter and see if a girl wants to even give me a try so she can wave me away at her own discretion because of some shit I will never know
fuck that if you like me you approach me

>you're an incel because you hate women, not the other way around

"I can't do any of those things because I'm too privileged, and I'd rather just complain aboug how I don't get laid even tho I put zero effort into it."

just play the game
that's just how the world is
Don't hate the playa hate the Game
I fucking do hate the game im not trying to play a fucking game with someone else's emotions I either want to fuck the shit out of them or share my life with them how is that a fucking game to you ?

>Man Fuck this world

normie normie go away come again never

too much truth? my bad

>Who said life was fair?

I swear this is like telling someone to "calm down"

More like you don't get it at all

"that's just the way the world is user"
makes me want to hit things

M8 just as a little science experiment, cover your face in little scars and imperfections and go try and get laid.

Hypocrisy and contradiction, essentially. These are summarized responses from threads about suicide on reddit.

>You're trying too hard! You need to relax and let love find you. I guarantee there is someone for you, and you will find each other when you least expect it! :^)
>You're clearly not trying hard enough. You need to actually try and put yourself out there if you're going to meet anyone. I guarantee you'll be with someone in no time if you just try.

>Online dating is super useful! It's easy to hook up there.
>Don't bother with online dating, it's so unfair to guys, why bother?

>Have you tried buying bitcoin?
>Have you tried praying?

>Travel! See the world! Sell everything you own, and abandon everything you care about! It'll open your mind and you'll never want to die again!(An especially sore spot for me because most days I can't even get out of bed to shower and eat)
>You need to reconnect with the people and things you love!

I have little scars and wear glasses does that count?

wanna swap pics?

uh I guess
like you mean here?

lol those sound like suicide encouragement

got discord? what do you mean i guess, you don't want to? either you're uglier than me and you show me i'm not an incel and i have to rethink my ways, or i'm uglier than you and you get to explain why you're right about me just not trying. you can't lose!

>Have you tried buying bitcoin?

top kek, haven't heard that one yet

I havent seen that pic in years lol.

dude relax this isn't about losing or winning \
I said I guess because im not used to strangers asking to swap pics with me and no I do not have discord I do not have skype I do not have Kik I do not have IG so how ya wanna do this ?

Chad looks like fucking Moonman there.

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>Mend the garden and butterflies will come!
>Play the hand you're dealt!

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>just be yourself
translates to:
>just be someone completely different

>Travel! See the world! Meet new people! You'll never be depressed then!

Worked great for Anthony Bourdain.

Normie advice on anxiety or depression is just the worst. "No one cares user just stop worrying about it"

And yet they'll also be the same people to viciously mock others and take snapshots of them in public to laugh at online forever.

I'd argue the genuine attempts at advice are worse. What you wrote is infuriating, but at least it makes me feel something besides misery. When they actually have genuine, heartfelt attempts at helping you that are incredibly useless or insulting, it feels worse. You can't even blow them off like their trolls. They're trying, they're just bad.

Kind of like us with life.

Hence, I feel even worse.

Nobody actually says "Just be yourself" to every single person. I've literally never, ever heard someone say "just be yourself" to a shutin autistic virgin loser who stays inside all day. That type of person, needs to leave their house and try to talk to women.

Be yourself is good advice for situations like when you have a date planned with a girl.

"Be yourself" is decent advice when you're actually a redeemable human being.

Normalfag here. Everything people are posting ITT is good advice, you're all just fags who prefer to live the same cyclical life, doing the same thing over and over again because leaving your comfort zone would be uncomfortable, and also, you are mentally lazy. You make excuses for reasons to not try any advice given to you. You can control your mind----you can do anything that is physically possible with your mind and body.

Can you get up, and walk around your room? Good, you control your body. Can imagine an apple in your mind? Good, you control your mind. Can you say a word out loud? Good, you can speak. You are in control of your body 100%. If you tell me "I can't do that" then you are lying to me, and lying to yourself. You can do that.

No, you can't get a model 10/10 gf. Yes, you got rejected in the past, but you can keep on trying until rejection becomes a thing that doesn't even affect your ego.

But here's my main advice for you all: get off Jow Forums, its a delusional, low self-esteem, paranoid virgin loser echo chamber. Any self-esteem issues you had before will get magnified as you all spread your own types of self-esteem to one another like its a bong to take a hit out of.

I think that IS them trying their best to give us advice, mental health issues are just alien to them.

I literally have schizophrenia. I can't control my mind.

Is it possibly real? Is it someone posting a fake ad to make him look bad?

It's perplexing. Imitation crab meat.

Has to be fake.

This is the best post in the thread cause it fits the theme and we can't tell if the author realizes that or not.

What do you guys think fo Epictetus' advice?

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Let me tell you about Craigslist hook ups, my friend.

I'm my area, about 5 years ago, there was a man posting once a week looking for pregnant women to fuck. The twist? He was hiv positive, and wanted to fuck his hiv into the woman and baby.

I can assure you, it's probably real.

>No, you can't get a model 10/10 gf
What's the point of settling for less at the cost of your dignity, like you?

This thread isn't just "post normalfag advice". The topic of this thread is "post ANY advice, which I will just belittle and make fun of it because I'm too lazy to improve myself. I will spend my life crying about things I want, which I could get, if I improved myself, but instead of improving myself, I'll continue to cry and yearn for things which I cannot attain. Was that a good summary?

I've never settled. I date people equally attractive to me. How attractive are you, user? 10/10 virgin male looking for 10/10 female model?

All I want is a loyal woman who will love men and won't cheat on me. Which is actually impossible to find in 2018

You have control over your body and mind tho. Just make yourself a 10/10.

My problem isn't that I fear rejection it's that I hate living in a society where one sex has to do so much work to get the attention of the other for a natural bodily occurrence thst they both equally enjoy and I feel I shouldn't have to do so much self improvement while the other sex will have more options until they are in their 40's to early 50s if they're attractive I will still do the self improvement but I'm just gonna stay to myself till I find a girl that truly seems worth my trust and time

I love it especially the last part

How many females do you talk to on a regular basis? What you posted sounds like stereotypical robot bullshit to the point that you're like a living cliche. Women are not the scary creatures you make them out to be. But good that you are working to self-improve. And try online dating, that's how I got lucky and found a very sweet girl who I will probably marry eventually.

You forgot to close your quotation, but considering you have total control over your mind and body I assume you meant to do that and are simply making an ultra long quote.

>You're telling me I have to try different things to cure my depression?
There are multiple people giving different solutions to different people with different circumstances. What is good advice in one context can be useless to another person.
Online dating might work for someone who lives in a big city where its hard to meet new people personally, but won't work for someone who lives out in the country with a small tight-nit population.
Maybe instead of complaining about the amount of advice you receive why not try some critical thinking to seperate the good advice from the bad? Or better yet, think up your own solution to your problems.

>Online dating might work for someone who lives in a big city where its hard to meet new people personally
Or it could not work for genetic incels who can try online dating for a year in one of the biggest cities in the US and not get a single like or match or reply on anything.

I had a feeling I probably didn't close it properly, but I didn't care. Did it make you feel like you "won" something by pointing that out? What did you think of the rest of the post?

I will admit not many but right now I'm not even looking for a relationship I just want to fuck and I dont feel like going outta my way to get rejected a dozen or 2 times for a cheap lay so im just gonna sit back and aquire currency and self insight plus the type of girls I really want are so few and far between it's laughable and I've tried online dating 5 weeks and not a single match my heart doesn't deserve this shit

I already know the solution to all my problems.

Here's a fundamental flaw in your logic. Why do people who have everything, like say Anthony Bourdain who literally turned his life from drug addiction in the streets to family man, millionaire, celebrity food critic and chef, kill themselves? If achieving our dreams and being our best selves is enough to make life worth living, why do those who achieve that still kill themselves?

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>like say Anthony Bourdain who literally turned his life from drug addiction in the streets to family man, millionaire, celebrity food critic and chef, kill themselves?
Wasn't his woman cheating on him? Same thing happened to that Kate Spade lady, her husband was cheating. We need to realize the effect cheating has on people mentally, we'll lock people up for beating their spouse yet cheaters get away with mental abuse that can kill.

Men have to do more but its not like its some absurd amount of effort. Sure you have to ask them out, but its not like it takes that much effort, and on the flip side you have the privilege of being the one allowed to ask out people you are interested in, whereas women just have to hope that they will be approached.
And as far as improving yourself goes, are you implying women (especially attractive women) do nothing to improve themselves? Most women spend a rather large amount of time and money on cosmetics and fashion, and it takes a lot of effort for a women to have a good body compared to men.

>Here's a fundamental flaw in your logic. Why do people who have everything, like say Anthony Bourdain who literally turned his life from drug addiction in the streets to family man, millionaire, celebrity food critic and chef, kill themselves? If achieving our dreams and being our best selves is enough to make life worth living, why do those who achieve that still kill themselves?
Hormone imbalances, maybe. I don't see what this has to do with my argument though. He probably was happier as the man he became rather than the man he was, even if he ended up killing himself. Maybe rather than all that what he needed to get to not kill himself was just actually medicine?

How can I be myself when girls make me nervous , or more accurately siad, they scare the shit out of me

Have more confidence in your self. If you have no reason to be confident in your self, create one. A lot of people never go to the gym or look after their body at all, so just going to the gym 2-3 times a week puts above at least 40% of the population. Then just apply that logic to pretty much anything and you can find a reason to look down on someone. As a fall back, I can always say "At least I'm white". Then you stop being so afraid of people since you are better than them.

OK, so. We've established that hormone imbalances can cause people to kill themselves, but medicine can likely help it. Anthony Bourdain had access to that medication, and he was definitely well educated enough to know how to get, and even that it would probably help. But he didn't get it. Why?

Could it be, perhaps, that the very hormone imbalances that were causing his mental anguish were also affecting his actual ability/desire to get said treatment? If they can cause someone to do such an unnatural act as suicide, that seems perfectly reasonable. It also seems reasonable that he would ignore any advice given to him about seeking help, as he already knows that the help exists and is available.

And here in is the flaw. We do not blame Anthony Bourdain for his lack of action to seek help, because he was suffering from a physiological problem of hormones and chemicals that *caused* him not to seek help.

The vast majority or people on this thread suffer from a similar problem, be it depression, bipolar, autism, schizophrenia, or some other malady.

I workout fitness stuff and has a bunch of qties in my group

I want to befriend them tbqh, but I'm scared because they are all normies with actual social lives unlike me

Every time Ive started to go with your line of thinking 3 or rejections in I'm just like what's the fucking point and lose interest I'll try again in a couple of months even with no fap it's just so much effort for so little reward


They may indeed be able to walk or imagine an apple, but that does not mean they have full control over themselves or their mind.

What's wrong with this advice? Insecurity is a terrible asset that will slow you down and only be an obstacle for you. You should stop being insecure.

>b-but you're a normie so you wouldn't understand just how insecure I REALLY am

Okay and?... regardless, insecurity won't help you, and ultimately everything you fear, especially failure and rejection, is no where near as bad as you think it is. If you confront it, it gets better at going away.

>no well the thing is some people are dealt hands, I wasn't given a Chad hand, don't you understand I was born fat, with a small penis, and I'm balding and my mother was mean to me and I'm only 5'5 and I was bullied in school and I have scoliosis and autism and plus I live in a town where niggers are mean to me. So you see I actually can't just work on myself bit by bit like a healthy adult.

Okay, fine, just never change then. Enjoy.

In that case, NO advice would of been of use to him. Its no use complaining about bad advice when you didn't even want advice in the first place.

>I want to befriend them tbqh, but I'm scared because they are all normies with actual social lives unlike me
In that case, what I say to myself is "I really want to talk to them, but I am shy. But, they might be thinking the same thing so one of us has to make the first move so it might as well be me".

You what I did some thinking I'm back to fuck it Johnny Bravo mode thank you I needed that

>Roastie fatass enters the thread

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No idea if it is real or meant as a joke or whatever, but i do remember seeing it around way back in the day, so i know for fact that the timestamp is real.

No, that's exactly why we do make fun of it, even the good advice. If people understood that no advice would help us, as we all know, they wouldn't offer it. But they do. So here we mock their lack of insight and empathy.

When most people reach out, they aren't looking for advice, they're looking for a supportive, sympathetic ear. When we don't receive that instead get advice that seems demeaning, we don't like it.

In the same way you might not like it if you asked a friend with a truck to help you move, and all did was show you his well furnished house. In fact, imagine every person with a truck who you asked for help moving just showed you their house or their furniture. You might eventually get a little mad at them for so completely misunderstanding the problem. Maybe even resentful.

So imagine your relief when you find a bunch of other people who have the same problem, and the same misunderstanding. Inevitably, most of you will complain about your friends misunderstanding your desire to move. Unfortunately, you all have the same problem (not owning a truck) so it's not like you can really help each other move. But you at least feel a little better because you can talk to someone else about how fucking annoying it is being shown someone's house.

Sounds like you need to put less effort in to your attempts, so that you care less about rejection. The worst rejections I ever got was when I invested too much emotion and hope in to a possible relationship. I quickly learnt that you need to get over yourself if you want to keep going. From then on whenever I had a date that didn't go well, or I got ghosted or whatever I would go out and ask a different girl out. I would use the experience of rejection to help improve my game.

does this go on in a woman's head when someone they aren't interested in approaches them?

>just stop looking for a gf and you will be DROWNING in girls, bro!
How delusional do you have to be to believe in something like this?

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Makes sense to me

Yes, the comic was written by a woman about how she "overthinks" things

>I have a disorder that makes me want to kill myself and even though there's medication the disorder makes me want to not get the medication but despite the fact that I KNOW this I'm STILL not going to get that medication because I have a disorder so don't give me the advice that will save my life instead just give me sympathy!

In that case, ignorance is bliss.

The thing is the disorder also makes you question if you actually have the disorder at all or if you're just a healthy, but inherently worthless person. So you won't want to get the help and medication because it feels like you're just doing it for attention.

The idea that "you control your mind" isn't even coherent. What do you use to control your mind? Mind #2? And what controls that mind?

As covered not but one step ago, if a mental illness is strong enough to make someone with a wonderful life like Anthony Bourdain commit suicide, the most unnatural of acts, it's probably strong enough to make getting the medication to treat it difficult.

Further, as someone who's tried a numerous combinations of pills (15 combos and 10 individual meds), they don't always work. My parents have also had me involuntarily hospitalized several times, to no avail.

I don't understand your point.
One common complaint of robots is that they don't have a girlfriend.
People give them generalized advice about getting girls. Some points are shit, some points are good but non-applicable to the person receiving advice, some are good points. It's like asking your friends to help move your couch, one guys shows up with a bicycle, one says "Just carry it, it's not far" not realizing you want to move it 5 miles, and one brings his truck, but you just shout at all of them "Ah fuck its too much effort" and just give up.

You raise good points. Mental illnes(es) are complicated and any cure would be more so. However, no one is suggesting that there is a cure-all for depression, they simply give one possible solution. It might take one specific thing to help, or it might take a few specific things, or it might just take a large number of some things to cure, so it's best to try a number of different solutions. In the end you have to decide which advice you will follow and which you won't, but doing nothing is very likely not going to help you. It's this last point that normies probably understand the most, so they will attempt to get you to do something, anything, and that is where most of their advice stems from, regardless of all other personal circumstances of the recipient.

There are 2 major things that stall me from obtaining a relationship I desire.
1. The nature of relationships. What that means is that modern relationships are usually based upon give and take. Besides affection people judge relationships on things like financial, entertainment, status, and procreative gains. If you eventually become worthless in too many ways you will be replaced or just cast aside as you now be a nuisance instead of a benefit. Think of the contrast of how humans treat each other versus pets, especially dogs and cats.

2. Reality and Deceit. The beginnings of most relationships are also extremely shallow and uninteresting. I personally can't fucking stand how fake everybody in society is outside of a professional environment. When I seek a relationship with somebody I want to know them as raw as possible just as I treat them. If they don't expose themselves fully I can usually tell quickly and it's an immediate sign this person doesn't care to me. Using a "safe" persona during any discussion with the intent of being intimate is equivalent to lying outright to me which makes the discussion completely pointless. There is also the almost as bad "pity" behavioral response where they gain genuine interest in you however it's from a position of curiosity and confusion instead of intimacy. That can sometimes bleed an aura of pretentiousness and patronization that is insulting.

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Well. If the couch weighs 50 tons (or more to the point, if they have a mental illness making them believe without any doubt the couch weighs 50 tons) that might be a reasonable attitude to take up. Unfortunately, we can't dispense pills over the net, and telling someone "You need to see a doctor. That's a weird thing to believe" is a great way to never have that person see a doctor again.

You mean strawman and undermine

I can't see how gym is making someone better than the other. It is some bs that I use in ads at my job.

>autism isn't even fucking real you complete autist

>The nature of relationships. What that means is that modern relationships are usually based upon give and take. Besides affection people judge relationships on things like financial, entertainment, status, and procreative gains. If you eventually become worthless in too many ways you will be replaced or just cast aside as you now be a nuisance instead of a benefit. Think of the contrast of how humans treat each other versus pets, especially dogs and cats.

Honestly this makes it so I really want a broken ugly girl, I know I can control myself to love her despite her flaw as long as she loves me back.

tfw no lettuce

There's also the fact that psychiatric medications are incredibly dangerous and have led to people doing horrific things due to the side effects.

Meds have been sold to the American public as a normal, positive step to take in "improving yourself" if you are depressed or sad. The reality is that while they help sometimes, they can make things so much worse.

The link between antidepressants and suicide is known and has been known for many years.

>The FDA admitted in 2007 that SSRIs can cause madness at all ages and that the drugs are very dangerous; otherwise daily monitoring wouldn't be needed: 'Families and caregivers of patients should be advised to look for the emergence of such symptoms on a day-to-day basis, since changes may be abrupt' ... 'All patients being treated with antidepressants for any indication should be monitored appropriately and observed closely for clinical worsening, suicidality, and unusual changes in behavior, especially during the initial few months of a course of drug therapy, or at times of dose changes, either increases or decreases. The following symptoms, anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, aggressiveness, impulsivity, akathisia (psychomotor restlessness), hypomania, and mania, have been reported in adult and pediatric patients being treated with antidepressants' (1).

>Such daily monitoring is, however, a fake fix. People cannot be monitored every minute and many have committed SSRI-induced suicide or homicide within...hours after everyone thought they were perfectly okay.

>In a systematic review of placebo-controlled trials...we showed that antidepressants double the occurrence of events that the FDA has defined as possible precursors to suicide and violence, odds ratio 1.85 (95% CI 1.11 to 3.08)(3).

The risks are considerable and apply not just to the patient but to others.

Government issued lettuce when? Who's with my fellow inlets?

Also, 99.99999999% of psychiatrists will minimize these risks and not actually explain to the patient how dangerous the drugs they're prescribing are. If they did, they wouldn't be able to keep their jobs.

Parents aren't really told when their 12-18ish year old son or daughter is prescribed these meds, "these actually increase, not decrease, the risk that your child will commit suicide or harm someone else". If psychiatrists actually told people the truth about how dangerous meds are, the industry would collapse.

"no personality" just means you're ugly.

So you can't even trust your therapist? There really is no "help"

>the lettuce meme is finally taking off

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that's some fucking heavy delusion friendo. an ugly girl loving you is only loving you because she has no other choice.

I mean, therapists and psychiatrists usually aren't the same person, but they often do work together in practice. A clinical psychiatrist does very little except prescribe drugs. Some people have found talk therapy helpful, but if your problems are due to your life circumstances, there's really not a lot they can do. And sometimes they will push you to take meds.

A frank, in-depth discussion of the risks of medication will almost always be unwelcome regardless of whether you're talking to a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, or basically anyone in the mental health field, which is unfortunate. There's a saying--never trust someone to understand something if their job depends on them not understanding it. Unfortunately it's true.

There are no easy answers, but I wouldn't say there's no help at all. Things can and do get better. They also can and do get worse. Some people do benefit from meds. Other people go nuts and mutilate themselves or kill people or something because their brain got fried on them.

Life is so much more complex, nuanced, and dangerous than people like to believe.

i'd rather fist a pineapple

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