/b/ - porn

>/b/ - porn
>/s4s/ - anime shit
>Jow Forums - depresso espresso

Robots, do good boards exist?

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no there is nothing good anymore and i'm not a normie

Jow Forums moved over to Jow Forums if you haven't noticed already.

/b/ moved to Jow Forums

and no one gives a shit about /s4s/

/tg/ is one of the few decent boards i have come across

fir is full of normies

Any board devoted to a specific topic is generally pretty good

Jow Forums is pretty cool. Jow Forums is the worst board, do not argue this

No /soc/ is worst board but nu/pol/ is getting there. /new/ and old Jow Forums were great in their prime

Oh yea, /soc/ is fucking awful. If given the oppurtunity i would line up and shoot everyone that browses nu Jow Forums or /soc/

Jow Forums + /wsg/ can both be pretty comfy

What's even the point of /s4s/?

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yes come to /m/ and talk about robots nigga

Jow Forums is fine, Jow Forums if you are willing to argue over who's right. /soc/ is the worst

Psudo reddit

Unironicly and originally

/x/ was spooky fun but has seriously degraded over time. Can sometimes dig up a quality thread there.

moot isn't even here, anymore.

Why should you be?

/his/ is the best board that can feasibly exist.

>Complaining about anime on an anime image website

I usually have a good time in /diy/. /m/ and /vg/ are also pretty good

/x/ used to be great and now its just fucking lunatics rambling about muh magick and symbols woooaahhahah demonz!

I wonder if the intelligent posters just grew up and moved on and im the only one whos been stuck on this shithole for this long. Man i wish it was 2009 again.

/o/ is still pretty nice if you like cars

Jow Forums has some goos banter. But it's getting watered-down fast.

yea sure but the normalfags there integrate well into robot culture

>not believing in demons
lmao what a low iq fag

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Jow Forums is the only place in the world where people have real discussions about topics no one else lets us talk about.

/tg/ is generally good

Jow Forums is the only truly good board

Not realizing Jow Forums is an echo chamber proves to me you are not having "real discussions"

>echo chamber
I see like, a shit load of communist, liberals, ancaps, etc on there ALL the time. How the hell is that an echo chamber?

They are all troll threads. Either started explicitly as troll threads, or devolving into troll threads because of the inherent bias of the board. If you try to have a serious discussion about any of those topics you will be drowned out because the userbase of Jow Forums is not interested in furthering the discourse of those areas. Jow Forumss aim is advancing nationalism, anti-semitism, islamophopbia, anti-race mixing, etc and it is very good at that exactly because it has a strong hive mind i.e echo chamber.

Now your views probably align with Jow Forumss which is why you feel you are able to engage in a meaningful discourse, and it's certainly a place where you can hold unpleasant views without fear of persecution (which I think is a good thing in theory). But don't confuse having one place on the internet specifically designed to discuss taboo politics with a representative discussion forum encompassing the majority of diverse political opinions worldwide. It's fine that Jow Forums exists - racists need their niche forum; liberals need a forum; communists ditto; pedos; trans activists; people who want to discuss stamp collecting etc etc all are entitled to a safe space. But that's what Jow Forums is. A far right echo chamber and safe space

>liberals need a forum; communists ditto; pedos; trans activists; people who want to discuss stamp collecting etc etc
Why? Unlike the "racist" and "nazis" you whine like a bitch about, those people are actually harmful and have dine very terrible things in the past. You're just advocating for safe spaces at this point.

>Jow Forums - linux circlejerk
>/v/ - sfw /b/, pol lite
>/vg/ - helpful information and fun shitposting about your favorite game, cliquey
>/fa/ - despite being more interested in clothes and fashion than your average person, they dress and look worse
>Jow Forums - robots that work out a lot
>/ck/ - no one there really cooks

I honestly like /v/ best board for me desu
it use to be /a/ but everyone there turned into a crybaby faggot with shit taste

Nazis performed vivisection on POW. They've done as many harmful things as liberals, communists and pedos.

>You're just advocating for safe spaces at this point
So are you if you use Jow Forums. You said yourself its a place where you can discuss "topics no one else lets us talk about". That is literally praising the benefits of a safe space