Why is leftypol trying to convert us into communism

Why is leftypol trying to convert us into communism

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What is this, a psyop for ants?

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because it's easiest to control people when they are completely dependent on the government

Why do people still believe in this communism meme? Worse people are starting to believe in the Nazi meme.

Why can't people be non-authoritarian and control their own destiny without going full retard? Are people retarded?

It's like the tranny posting, it's easy to target lonely losers who are desperate to fit in or to follow others who look like they have it together

Doesn't mention r9k once in that post though. Fake news

>why is pol trying to false flag on the Jow Forums?

Sounds like a shit idea desu, do they want the next incel terrorist to shoot up a school in the name of communism?

People are easily misled.

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Yes it does, the Jow Forums section is besides/below the picture.

thanks I couldn't be arsed to read th whole thing

>they didn't do this when feminists blocked the streets

Not fair to be honest.

>when feminists blocked the streets
literally when

Redistribute the gfs among the incel working class and I'll go full commie.

No worries bro, happy to help.

>convert as many twelve and sixteen year olds as possible
>the Jow Forums
>implying you're not supposed to get them when they're eleven or younger

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Anyway the advice in the post is godawful so I wouldn't worry about it

>muh 10% of males get 100% of sex
>muh feminism
>muh beta uprising
>muh normies
>muh neetbux
no one is trying to turn you fags into anything; you are all already secretly commies or 50% of the way there.

Girl here. I'm lonely. I want a cute incel boyfriend. Someone who will hold my hand. I will take your virginity and love you forever.

Now, how can we impeach Drumpf?

wait be my gf first then we can talk about getting rid of trump in bed


>tfw no commie gf fo impach drumpf with

I will lay in bed with you. I will hold you tightly and make you feel as though Fortune has finally turned in your favor, that the world can be a kind place, and that life is worth living me with, user.

But first, we have to talk about why Communism is so important, and why you HAVE to care about the children crossing the border.

what are these commies hoping for? do they think they will be in charge after thier revolution?

Commie girlfriend material here. Listen. I want to be with you. I want to rub my hands all over your body. I want you to feel the warmth of my breath as I gently lay my head across your chest. I want you to feel my skin, and I want you to feel loved once again. I want to give you that meaning, and I want to be sure I support you in all your dreams. You will feel as though the sun is always rising -- brightly upon the face of earth, shedding the light of love upon all of nature's creatures. I want that for you, user.

But first, we have to talk about how we can get more immigrants into the United States. I can't do a thing with you until you join the local ANTIFA chapter.

>tfw you'll never be brainwashed with affection and sex by a cute commie girl

Better question what makes them think it's going to work.

Girl here. I am in need of affection, and I have come here to find a boyfriend. I know you are also in need of affection. I know the world can be a dark place at times. I know you feel hopeless in the face of this immense, impersonal society before you. How can you take that on? I don't know. I don't think I can, but that is not my goal. My goal is YOU. The world is a difficult place in which to live, but you would make my time easier. Your laughter. Your smile. Waking up, knowing you're next to me. That's all I want. We can have a future. That's why I'm here. I have been waiting so long to take to someone like you...

But have you heard of Materialism and the Dialectical Method? I'll touch you, but you have to tell your friends about class struggle and guide them toward class consciousness. NO, don't fucking touch me -- you haven't convinced ANYONE of the revolution. NOW GO.

That's it I need a commie gf now

They read rules for radicals and think they are edgy manipulators who can mind control people

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>lie to kids to spread communism because they're "easily malleable"
Absolutely degenerate

this is our board now capicucks we will post our same 15 images of people wearing trump hats until it's cool to be leftist again guise.

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Mexican here
Those kids are being sent by cartels and are mostly working for them. Most of the adults they come with aren't their parents.

Communist and girl here. I am ready for you. I can tell you this: I have often thought of spending much time with you. I have thought about you over candlelight, and I have thought about you in the midst of a summer's tempest. Have you thought about me? Our love can be as deep and rich as the autumn forest. That can be us. The leaves are so beautiful, and they are present in this life for our indulgence -- you and I. We can walk together. On a brisk evening, we can be immersed in one another, and it will be the beginning of forever -- just you and I. Our souls intermingled in perfect harmony. Until death do us part no longer applies, as we will live as one, in perpetuity, beyond this existence, into eternity.

But first, we must talk about Marxist political economy. Class contradictions lay inherent in the system, and we must not only expose such contradictions, but bring them out! We must be sure to exacerbate class conflict and bring out the inevitability of communism. You can't FUCKING touch me once until you do this. Now, GET TO WORK!

Male anons, do not listen to this Capitalist subverter. We MUST keep our borders open. The children are crying! You must listen to me, or I will never touch you!

Communists sure do love telling others to do their work

This is some top notch shitposting. I worry some people here might be too dumb to realize it though

Yes, of course, my love. I will go and sow the seeds of discontent among my peers! Soon we will be as one in both society and our hearts.

I work for you, though -- I mean I want to work for you! I want to be sure I work to make you feel comfort in your life. You want to feel wanted. I know you have always desired a loving woman to complete you. I can hold you, and I can be that warmth your soul, made icy by the world's greed and capitalist upper-class, is unthawed and animated. I can do this for you. I promise. I yearn for your touch -- you must do this!

The only thing you must do is establish an ANTIFA organization. You must do this. I have a whole list of books, beginning with The State and Revolution, that you must not only read, but complete digest. Accelerate the revolution for the sake of our love!

You will know love soon. I will forever be indebted to you, and you will live forever in harmony. Our souls will ascend into the heavenly realm, in which we will indulge in one other's essences, and will always be as one. I love you.

Now, Viva La Revolution! Stop Drumpf, and open the borders! FUCK WHITE PEOPLE.

98.9999999% of commie "women" are just trannies lol; cis-commie women are usually similar to those /soc/ bpd hoes due to petty infighting among leftists and narcissism,

inb4 soviet/chinese/dprk women propaganda images dump

the same reason why Jow Forums tries to convert us to national socialism:


>implying Jow Forums the do not forgive hackerino site doesn't consist of sexually frustrated 12-16 year olds

There is no need to stoke the flames of division within our ranks. I am here to love. For you, I will provide eternal comfort. There is nothing more that I desire than for you to gaze into my long eyes, see our lives spent with one another for the rest of days, and embrace me in the purist expressions of love. I want that for both of us...

But we must work towards establishing socialism. The dictatorship of the proletariat must be established, and the state will so thereafter wither away... I cannot love you until you begin this endeavor, but I will certainly do everything I have explained here once you show a good faith effort! NOW GO.

Jow Forums is native to Jow Forums. The commies are just a bunch of lazy tumblr fucks

Thanks user. I think you've given me a new fetish

Please, listen to my works, user. Please read over what I have written...

Yes anything for you

A quarter of the threads on r9k are complaining about working conditions i.e the wagie meme,
another quarter are threads about girls choosing based on wealth and status i.e class society ingrained in the human mind, and the rest is funposting and drugs, distractions from the unhappiness that is unemployment/underemployment/overemployment, which people suffer from massively here.
Pretty much all such issues derive from the economic mode that values production, research and direction for exchange, not human use.

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>distractions from the unhappiness that is unemployment/underemployment/overemployment

No the unhappiness come from lack of sex and affection from women.

>Why is leftypol trying to convert us into communism
For most people's definition of communism, they're not.

But they do see a problem with the way the economy is currently run, and to deal with it they are trying to get support from anywhere they can, including Jow Forums/

You forgot the trap/bait posts faggot.

When they fought for their rights. They blocked the streets until the got their way by rioting.

It's only half teen userbase, but they post so often younglings do, that it seems 90 percent teen.

>why I filter 90 percent of the board lately to, reduce the migraine

Yes because they are biologically programmed to follow stable providers, which historically due to their ability to raid and plunder additional resources, were alpha males. Girls don't like beta males because they are the ones who get an axe buried in their head and the crops stolen.

Again, funposting

>that image
saved the fuck out of it

>Yes because they are biologically programmed to follow stable providers, which historically due to their ability to raid and plunder additional resources, were alpha males. Girls don't like beta males because they are the ones who get an axe buried in their head and the crops stolen.

So we need to revolt against women

Leftism objectively benefits losers, and losers being right wing is a manifestation of self-cuckoldry.

So the political standpoint of a loser is moot point to you?

Guess what?

No one cares what you think either dumb ass.

communists are masochistic just like fags they want to be degraded and work to death in gulags. they get big boners when they suffer they like it when you say mean things to them. That is why they can not stop posting here

Imagine if they used all effort they put into this shit into something productive.

The true question is why do Jow Forums keep trying to bring their stuff to here when they have their own board?

Because they are fucking communists.
Its like asking why is Jow Forums converting us to alt right

death to neckbeard Jow Forumsbeard incels

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Because theyre sick of rightpol trying to make them racist

>communists are masochistic just like fags they want to be degraded and work to death in gulags

No, communists wish the gulags on everyone they don't like. The reason they post here is that extreme ideologies like communism disproportionately attract losers and outcasts, simply because they're the ones that - if they're on the right side of the revolution - might actually see their condition improve.

People with decent jobs, wives, children, mortgages etc generally don't hope for violent upheaval with the *possibility* they might end up better off, once the dust has settled

The funny part is that the revolutionaries are the first ones to be executed.

Because some of the savvier men realise there's parallels to be drawn between robots in the sexual marketplace and proles in the economic marketplace

And then the women (as de facto commissars) realise where they're going with that and yank their chains because God forbid (young) (straight) (white) males ever be allowed to be seen as victims.

This is why cum town is infinitely better than Chapo, which is itself better than the fucktonne of other cookie cutter leftist podcasts

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>and they actually think they'll be on the right side of the inevitable power struggle over some autistically minor doctrinal difference

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>Political extremists have lived lives that have made them jaded


This has become one of my favorite threads on Jow Forums. Decided to come here for no good reason and found this gem;you robots aren't this entertaining until around the holidays.

Because many people try to abuse us robots.

We have Reiko fags trying to make us into girls and take advantage of us.....

COmmies as well, under commies we wouldnt have anime like we do.. taht means less waifus

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alright, I'll have a shot at proving why communism won't work in the way ancoms want it to, and why it will always revert to extreme statism (unless they're absolutely retarded and think infinite resources is possible). I'll try to use simple logic with this one. I'll also use clothing and wheat as two major things people trade.
I'll assume limited resources with unlimited want for these resources.
>What stops people from trading?
nothing. In a society with no rules, nothing stops people from producing wheat and trading it for clothing.
>what stops someone from scaling up their farming?
currency. at the moment we're still trading whole wheat for whole clothing.
So, to make trading easier, people come up with currency. Let's assume they just use gold from here on out.
People can give gold for resources now or save it up for when they run out of food
>what stops him from scaling up his operation now?
He still needs someone to help him with his farming. He can't sow an entire field himself. So, he asks someone to help him. They agree, so long as they get a percentage cut of the gold he makes.
So he gives the worker his tools, seeds and land to work on, all of which he worked hard for to get himself, and the worker helps grow the field while the owner sells the wheat for as much gold as he possible can.
Due to the owner owning all the tools the worker uses uses and land the worker works on and the owner selling the crops, the worker gets a 30% cut of the gold the owner gets.
>what stops other land owners from doing the same?
Absolutely nothing. The society is free, after all. So, the land owners do the smae thing and compete. This competition lowers the overall price of wheat and means the gold the workers get is valued more.
Eventually, some workers save enough money to get their own land and start their own farms. The cycle repeats.
boom, capitalism. There is nothing commies can do to stop it.

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Using gold for money is retarded, because the gold could instead be sold to buy more useful things, and because the supply of it is too restricted. Fiat currency, with a demand created by government and a value set by the market, is far superior.

As for the rest of what you say, why do you think the communists would want to stop the process rather than accelerate and optimise it?

Because they're faggots and losers even more so than regular Jow Forums. You want to look at the absolute bottom of the barrel poop crust desperate losers, look at /leftypol/.

>tfw no leftypol gf trying to convert you
>ywn spank her raw to help her acknowledge your suffering
Why even live?

yeah because commie incels are somehow better. all you robots deserve death regardless of your political affiliation.

>Using gold for money is retarded, because the gold could instead be sold to buy more useful things
Is this bait?

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Women have inherit value and need to be protected, where else a man must prove his worth.

gold was just an example, user. I used it as it was recognisable as a currency. I could've used rocks or paper as an example for all it's worth

Jesus Crust this image is so cringe and so far from reality it physically hurts.
Or we can just enforce monogamy as we always did, instead of trying g to rebuild economic system based on some vague ideas.

Most people on /leftypol/ are complete normies from the "Leftbook" communities of Facebook. They started browsing imageboards less than 2 or 3 years ago, they don't care about robots, they despise incels and they will throw you under the bus once they achieve their goals. They are like the boomers from r/The_Donald who infested Jow Forums, except unlike boomers they aren't harmless and ignorant at all.

This is a neckbeard incel board, roastie.

Because some people (*cough* sociopaths *cough*) simply CANNOT stand the idea of not controlling the lives of everyone on the planet. They crave power, and get off on crushing the weak.

real NEETs are aware of how fucked we'd be under any collectivist government. we would end up in the military or labor camps under either side.
thankfully I live in america where mental illness is embraced, communism is illegal, and depression is a legitimate disability

The Nazi meme only really became popular because of the Red meme. Most people were typically happy with the status quo, when the commies start memeing other people start falling for nazi memes.

I'm already one

Nazis were at least successful economically

I always imagined that is why commietards have such a strong hate for them, commieshit has been tried many times and always fails while Nazism is an economic Marvel with sample size n = 1

Hitler only became a thing after everyone got spooked by stalin and went for alternatives. You reds caused your own enemy to exist for your garbage idea.

>Nazis were at least successful economically
They were relying on extravagant loans to fund their wars that they simply couldn't pay. It was a gamble based on the success if conquest and they lost, ruining Germany in only 12 years.

>ruining Germany in only 12 years
You saying Weimar was better than the third reich?

>comerade revolution is success
>good Dmitry now we can create worker utopia
>Dmitry what are you doing
>Dmitry please don't starve them
>Dmitry your executing our comrades!
>Dmitry stop
>why are you dragging me to the back?

Jow Forums always had a very notable leftist contingent in the old days. Unironic christfagging would have been unthinkable before 2008.

A solid 56% of leftypol thinks they're gonna be card carrying members or will be the revolutionaries and then they will be lined up and shoot afterwards

weimar was literally the laughing stock of the entire world and they couldnt afford to pay anything. they were on the verge of becoming french land. hitler was born out of german self-hatred of what the country had become.

Edgy leftists, yes, but not normalfag tier social justice warriors from leftpol.

falseflag as fuck
/leftypol/ exists only to make Jow Forums mad, nobody gives a shit about indoctrination there

>all of which he worked hard for to get himself
Two generations in and this bs will not be true in the slightest. Yeah your example sounds nice in that small time example, but it won't always be so "fair" and thus people will start to hate it and change will be desired. As the ones who hold the land accumulate wealth at a rate far beyond the rate workers can and the rich land owner will buy more and more land leaving none for any workers to save up and purchase.

Leftypol hates SJWs and actively emphasizes that capitalism is not inherently white, straight or male but a matter of class. Wtf are you on about.

if your parents are poor and you end up poor it is quite literally your fault. if you work from age 15/16 to age 18 without spending most of your money, you would have close to 40k saved.
if you decide to go to college and major in something like accounting, you will pay off your student loans in under five years and make six figures by the time they are paid off
if you pursue a trade or something like nursing, you will be making upper middle class salary with less than 10k of debt
>but people accumulate more wealth than i do
does not fucking matter. they have decades and decades of work behind their name

They don't. They may claim to be anti-SJW and politically incorrect but they're no different from the special snowflake commies you find on Twitter. starting from their BO lel