Boyfriend sends you this text

>boyfriend sends you this text

How do you respond?

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dump his ass who needs a paranoid nigga like this in their life? who? and why?

A lot of feelings here. I don't believe in drinking and obviously would never cheat. But he's such a cuck. Also why didn't he just come? You get an automatic invite because your gf is there. That was a dumb move.

I wouldn't do anything but I would feel dumb being around this paranoid, insecure mess

just lol at trying to hold together a relationship in the current year

Ephesians 5:22
>Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.

yeah even writing that like he is scared that someone will steal her.

my girl and i would have an implicit understanding that if she ever would do something like that i would rapemurder her and throw the body in a lake

This. Sounds like the mother of a 12 year old.


I hate any kind of party
I guess he doesn't want to restrict his partner if she enjoys them

Why don't you get the fuck out of here you fucking THOOOOOOOT.

id honestly be flattered desu, but why would I go to a party? Im not a normalfag

he's just worried about you, tell him okay and be on about your merry way.

If i had a gf i wouldn't be as restrictive as this. probably let them do what they want.
tho they'd probably just cheat on me and blame me cause i didn't "care enough to restrict them" or some other bs

Looks like they were meant for each other. A control-freak cuck and his doesn't-know-how-to-take-a-screenshot zero iq girlfriend.

Had to double-take to make sure I was on Jow Forums. Pathetic.

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>tfw getting a boyfriend is so easy i got one on accident

maybe she showed it to her friend and they took that pic

dropped. I'm a straight male btw .

If she's gonna cheat, she will cheat regardless of that message. If she isn't gonna cheat, she's now put off by the needy and controlling attitude and you lose her good will. If either happens, she's gonna find you pathetic for sending it.

If you are this clingy male or female, I would drop you like a rock, lmao jesus christ talk about desperate.

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I don't get it, I'd never be at a party without my bf there with me. Normies perplex me

This. Clinginess will never make your partner into a better person if they're going to do something bad anyway, and it'll make them think you're annoying and controlling no matter what

>going in the first place if he felt that way
I don't hate my boyfriend.

She probably told him it was a girls night, AKA get pounded by Chad and Tyrone night.

>Letting your gf go to a party with drinking and single horny men alone

>having to actually say this shit

>tfw no girls to even have a girls night with
I wish I were fucking dead

Leave because you haven't proven yourself worthy. Try again and start a relationship where you present yourself as someone who is trustworthy.

I kinda share that sentiment, but then I remembered what I'm like, and my "girls night out" would just be a bunch of mean hags like me, which sounds unpleasant.

He is asking to get cheated on.

Go back to facebook and fuck off

and to your boyfriend
"dump me i'm a dumb bitch"

Dump him, and then get BLACKED at the party obviously

Yeah that's just ridiculous. You don't need to be controled like that. What's disturbing is what he says but even more so, how it's being said. It comes across as completely insane. I wouldn't breakup with him over just this but chances are there are other reasons if this is the way he is acting.

This bait is stale, what is it, 2 years old at this point?

If you control your woman like pic related, you have already lost. If you act like the moment she goes against you it's over, she will think twice. Be ready to cut her loose on a whim.

Keep him
He obviously cares for you and wants to let you go but doesn't want anything to happen to the relationship

>tfw realize you're completely right but still wish I had a group of girlfriends to hang out with and support me like the Cheetah Girls or some shit
>tfw brainlet

This, you can tell they probably fough over it for a bit before reaching this. And as a Christfag I don't party.

you may be the only good pure person on this site god bless

Lmao thanks
Some people treat relationships so lightly lol

Literally did nothing wrong. With the absolute state of modern women you NEED to be this controlling

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>I've always been a tremendously good person

Is this how narcissistics look like?

Why would I date a woman whose pastimes included drinking and partying?

Trying to wife a whore is setting yourself up for failure.

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I'd tell him to fuck off lmao. What an idiot.

heads up, image is from elsewhere. hypothetically though, abusive relationship, dude would probably threaten to kill himself on the breakup, needs to be told his actions aren't cool at all.

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I got lethal levels of estrogen from reading this post

Yikes. My boy would never do that. He'd just tell me it's my loss if I fuck up. Maybe fuck me before I go for good messure.

My ex (only gf Iever had - and it was pure luck) went to parties almost every week. She once asked whether I'm insecure or not and I told her: "What should I do? Deny you going to parties? I don't own you. If you want to fuck another guy you'd do it and I'd never have any clue. So why should I sit here and worry about you? I wouldn't be sitting here at your house right now if I didn't trust you.". Forcing her to not go would only make her want to go even more. She'll fuck another nigga if she wants to. Nothing you or me can do about it.

I messed it up with her anyway by being the social retard robot I am. She said I was too complicated to work with to be worth the effort. She slutted it up after me and fucked a few guys and one gave her genital warts.
That killed my last interest in her. Haven't seen her for years and only fucked hookers ever since.

>dating a paranoid, controlling, dramatic cuck
>having a boyfriend period
they arent worth it

send him a snap of me smiling innocently, without showing him that my lower body has chads cock inside me.

ok yeah nah I'm not gonna do any of that EPIC STYLE send a selfie of yourself dabbing.

yikes weak bait retard

drug him so he can learn to chill

thanks homie but almost everyone already assumes these threads are fake, but more than that aren't happening to op.

Gr8 og b8 m8

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I'm probably the only person on this planet that wants a bf like this

damn she got rekt

Dear roastie, pleaser bear in mind that this board is NOT under any circumstances intended for some lousy thot whining let alone some monologues about relationship issues.

Therefore fuck off to /soc/ you miserable filthy cunt.


Reply with
>rent free
Come home at 3 am
Refuse to explain myself
Laugh as he gets more and more upset over nothing

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That's the pervasive insecurity of a manlet. Even in theory, he is mentally prepared to be cucked.

I wanna smother you in my tits and rape the gay out of you.

>Okay hun, don't worry.
Just don't be a fucking slut. The guy obviously is scared about you slutting it up because you're a fucking woman and women do it all the time, so it's 100% justified for him to act that way. He loves you. Don't betray his trust.

I wouldn't go to the party at all because I'm socially awkward and have no friends. Maybe, I'd go over to my bf's place make some dinner for him and we could watch some tv and cuddle.

>I don't believe in drinking
What the fuck?

yeah good point, bit of a silly post eh!

He cares and doesnt want to lose you, but why didnt he tag along? Should have convinced him....

Oh yeah and fuck off to /soc/

>quoting a fairy tale

>thinking thats an argument

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I'm not the autist you replied to but can you smother and rape me instead? thx

How the fuck us that bait. Just cause you'll die alone doesn't mean we all will fuckboi.

Probably bc theyre clearly literally 17-20. at that age are just about sex and having someone to listen to your emotional bullshif until you grow up and get a real partner

I'll just send tl;dr like a cringy 12 year old who just read about this site on reddit. Mainly because I'm not reading all that shit.

If I knew a girl had a dramatic faggot of a boyfriend like this, shed immediately become my top target for the night.

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Ultimate fantasy would be sending him this snap then fucking her once or twice more after she dumps him and the guilt is gone

user, nice dubs.... gross roastie pic though

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Tell them
>tl;dr, later bro

this was actually her dad texting her, and she has his number as "hot stud muffin" as a "joke"

dump him
he obviously can't trust anyone and is a paranoid control freak while being completely oblivious to that and thinking it makes him a good, virtuous person

Yeah sure, dump him. You're a girl, why should anyone tell you not to fuck hundreds of guys and suck every cock on ever party you go?

>"please don't do anything to ruin us"
would be funny if it was true
>not comprehending the difference between monogamous expectations and 1000-words worth of a reminder
did you take the autism test already user?

also give him a "sorry dude, would have messaged you ealrier but i kinda forgot :^)" about 2 days later

>did you take the autism test already user?
Kill yourself. The guy simply wants to make sure the girl doesn't slut it up because girls are such fucking whores these days that they need a reminder like that. To be honest I wouldn't be remotely surprised if OP whored herself out on that party anyway because it's her nature.

>dating a girl who goes to parties
>not going to the party himself

>wholly trust my exgf
>am fair
>go to parties myself, so does she
>she cheats when under the influence
>i've never cheated

The thing is the guy is right, the way he's going about it is the issue. Women and substances don't mix, they simply can't handle it.

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>all these girls who cheat on their guy and they never hook up with me

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They aren't married

Suck a black cock to get back at him.

that fairy tale laid the groundwork for Western civilization.

>tfw my gf goes to a party
>trust her but something tells me she'll cheat
>"nah fuck it, I'm being paranoid"
>wish her a good party
>next day she admits she got fucked by some guy when she was drunk and that we won't be able to have sex for some time because she needs to check herself for some STIs because the guy was a bisexual and he's been regularly fucking men
Such are women

such a nice guy he is. when will you people understand that your desperation is the single most disgusting stench a grill can get in her nose. Obviously shes gonna slut it up at that party, this relationship was dead the moment this guy revealed his powerlevel

If she does slut it up and she think similarly to you then it only really shows how fucked up women are and that women need to be controlled like a mindless herd.

with that i can't argue lol
he should have indeed just say no to the whole thing. Or better yet, go with her if he feels chivalrous about it < those are the alpha options

saying yes, because you can't forbid her anything and then give her a wall of text saying "please don't cheat on me" < that's how omegas go about stuff

>go with her if he feels chivalrous about it
Some parties you just can't go to. Say it's an integration party from your workplace 100s of kilometers away. You're just not gonna go to a party like that with your gf.

wow you have to have a lot of empty space in your brain to perform that kind of mental gymnastics

film yourself taking black cock and send it to him. I hate niggers but this type of paranoid asshole I hate even more. Also his reaction would be priceless.

Nah, Ancient Greece and Rome did, if anything the advent of the Bible marks the slow decline ofcivilization until it was revived by athiests in the Renaissance

I don't do parties or drink alcohol, so this would never happen, but if it somehow did, I would call him a massive faggot. I'd rather be alone than with someone that insecure and who doesn't trust me.

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Makes me fucking sick thinking their are still bluepills men that women are anything other than just useless untrustworthy whores, a women will cheat on you with Chad no two ways about it

No. I've been in such situation, user. It happens

And where has that gotten us?