Tfw you could have been a battery hen, a dairy cow, an extreme child abuse victim...

>tfw you could have been a battery hen, a dairy cow, an extreme child abuse victim, or any number of other horrifying existences full of physical suffering
>instead, you're an intelligent human being who only has to endure mental suffering

Could be worse/10. Remember, things can always get worse.

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>Could be worse/10. Remember, things can always get worse.
Thanks, I'm not a depressed neet anymore! I'm going to get a job and be social from now on, you enlightened me with this post.

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That wasn't the intention of my post. I'm not trying to say "just b urself", I'm trying to say that your existence can always degrade, so try to feel as good as possible about your mediocre life. That's how I try to view things anyway,

Not my theory, but some people think we are the cattle of interdimensional aliens that feed off our negative emotions

>negative emotions
or rather our suffering, is a better way to put

an invisible cage and invisible chains is still a horrible existence. you may as well be dead in that scenario

I try not to think about the Archons, but you're probably right.

>implying mental suffering isn't worse than physical suffering

Not aliens,psychic vampires.

I'd rather be depressed than be a battery hen who's insides fell out of her ass while laying an egg due to malnutrition.

We are in a cycle where you only follow a route and die. You are seen as nothing but workforce. You basically are a battery hen for them. Setting another human into this godawful world is like torturing said hen.
Being stupid/normalfag is the way to enjoy life. You just got to stop caring I guess

You could be a South African street rat held hostage by an older man who says if you don't hunt 2 rats for tonight he will kill you.

>Being stupid/normalfag is the way to enjoy life. You just got to stop caring I guess
This worldview is one of those things where you can't go back after realization. We are basically farm animals to them, our suffering is just more subtle and drawn out.

Like the chickens who are grown before slaughter, people work for their slave master.

Tell me, what is the difference?

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I couldn't have been any of those things.

The fairy godmother view of the universe - that I was sitting around as a soul in some kind of waiting room while my fairy godmother decided where to "insert" me - is hella dumb. I exist in the only way I could have existed. If a different sperm wins the race, that's not "me turned out different", that's a completely different person, utterly and totally not-me.


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Yeah, and you could be an animal being skinned alive and then left to die bleeding, on a Chinese fur factory. So the question is: WHAT THE FUCK JUSTIFIES ME TO BE HAPPY, IF OTHER LIVING BEINGS HAVE TO SUFFER LIKE IN HELL?

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>We are basically farm animals to them
I agree user. There is no difference. One day we will be replaced with robots tho.. but we wont be able experience this. So why bother wasting your time on a 9 to 5. Your time on this earth is limited thats why you should put your happiness before everything.

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You ARE a battery hen no more free than the chickens in that picture, you just cant see the bars. This picture represents modern living pretty well.
>you are born and get social number
This your government property identification like a farm animal
>you have your own little box on a grid with other boxes filled with humans producing taxes
The taxes are the egg the government eats
>when you cant produce anymore youre thrown in the garbage just like the chickens

The only problem is, it's basically impossible to have any happy moments in life at all unless you slave away for them. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have their parents provide for them, or be diagnosed with an illness that entitles NEETbux.

>tfw parents provide for me
>tfw neetbux
I should count my blessings.

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I went on omegle recently and chatted with a quadruple amputee. Made me feel awkward.

You're lucky. If you don't mind me asking, what entitles you to NEETbux? I've suspected that I'm schizophrenic for quite some time, but I've never been diagnosed. Actually I haven't been to a doctor of any kind since I was about 8 years old.

Everyone has different priorities..But everything requires money. Even tho I am a NEET right now.. My funds will run low and I will be forced to live innawoods but on the other hand its something im going to enjoy. Which comes back to the happiness nr1

I think I'll work full time for a year or two and put away most of my money since I'm living with my parents rent free. After a year or two of this, I'll quit my job and live very frugally. Should be able to make that money last a few years at least.

Bux for depression and bpd. I dont know why people have a hard time getting neetbux. All you need is a diagnoses, time in the ward, medication, therapy, and a lawyer. For schizophrenics i have no idea but id assume it's the same process.

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Are you allowed to have firearms? That's basically my only hobby outside of vidya, not sure I want to give that up just so I don't have to work.

If you were any of those things, you'd no longer be you. It doesn't make sense to say you could have been any of those things.

This is a meme, all life is suffering in one way or another. Ours just lasts a really long time

Guns are not allowed for someone who has been admitted to a ward involuntarily or if mentally defective. - google

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I guess that means no NEETbux for me. It makes sense that they'd want to disarm you, getting on NEETbux already turns dependency on the state up to 11.

that's weird. according to twitter and reddit male depression doesn't exist, and that I should check my privileges every day while she fucks chad etc.

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Funny enough i live right next to a gun shop.

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The idea is if they keep telling you that you're privileged, you'll eventually believe it. Remember, they think you're an idiot who doesn't even realize he's a slave.

I was raped by my father on multiple occasions, i'm half crippled and have several mental illnesses, fat, ugly, dumb. And through it all i've tried to be positive. But you know what? Some chipper motherfucker comes in and tells me it could be worse. Fuck you. Fuck you to death with Satan's spiked cock. I'm done. Fuck trying to be positive. Fuck you.

Your life can always get worse, just wait and see.

>a dairy cow
fuck off faggit, they get treated like royalty
>t. "robot" dairyfarmer

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the difference is that animals don't feel pain like us. stop trying to push your vegan agenda

> tfw the best thing going for me is the fact that i wasn't born a chicken

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They definitely feel pain. Pain is a survival mechanism, we feel pain to avoid damaging our bodies. Most animals are definitely not even comparable in intelligence to humans, but to suggest that they don't even feel physical pain is just retarded. Those species exist today because they feel pain.

>reminder that doctors used to tell new parents that "babies don't feel pain" while they're having their foreskin sliced off

>break dog leg
>screams in pain
>break human leg
>screams in pain

Honestly if you are such a fucking loser you cant even help yourself then just stop complaining

Dont bother with that moron. Most robots are too retarded to think about anything beyond food/online videos

I kimd of get off on a fantasy of being battery farmed amd bred alongside other girls i knew in school

Are you all chickens in your fantasy, or are you humans on a human farm?

Heres a pro tip for you: your existence will always degrade. However shitty your life is now, its only going to get worse as you age, your body falls apart, and everyone you know starts dying around you

So why not just kill myself now? Spare myself the trouble of watching my already shitty life crumble. I don't know exactly why I stick around, it's probably just my animal fear of death.

pain is common to all advanced life because without it it'd be hard to survive

the more anguish you experience when facing adverse conditions, the more likely you are to avoid/destroy those adverse conditions. if you feel literally nothing when facing adverse conditions, your apathy is getting you killed

the lifeforms that feel the most are the ones who've been making babies for millions of years

Human farm. Comparable to pig or cow farming I'd say. Typically in a small pen only large enough to stand on all 4s in front of a trough of dry food. When they want to breed us they lock our hips into a metal gate and let a man go at it. Men arent animals but there is breeding stock, sometimes the farmers fuck us if theyre in the mood

>it's probably just my animal fear of death.

Looking at photos and videos of factory farmed chickens make me feel just that much better about giving mine a good life.

Yeah I'm sure your fucking chicken is so grateful to you. Billions of years from now when the planet is engulfed by the sun, it will pause for a moment and consider the faggot who's pet chicken wasn't kept in a cage for the dozen or so years it lived

Honestly caring about food is the most oathetic moral faggotry. Universe doesn't care, society doesn't care, you shouldn't care

>being this mad about how tiny your dick is on a cosmic scale

get some sunshine you miserable loser

I know it's meaningless. The reason why it makes me feel good is because my animal instincts that are supposed to make me care about close family is being projected onto the chickens. I know they aren't smart enough to care, or really understand what's going on around them.

The street rat hunts for actual rats? Or other street rats? And why?

>"things can always get worse."

is that a threat?

>ugh, just, like, get a life

You do not belong

No, I'm just speaking from past experiences. Periods in my life that I thought were going really well ended up going downhill when I least expected it. There are no real upward or downward trends in life, everything is left up to chance, so enjoy the good and the mediocre while you can because things will get shittier eventually. Whether that be tomorrow, next week, next year or ten years from now.

Everything is temporary.

but then i'd have an excuse for my failure to self-actualize

Actually I couldn't my parents are fucking human and not asian. Why do "grass is always greener" idealists always think you are like some cosmic entity taken from the void and given a body. Reincarnation isn't real idiots. I really wish it worked like that some loser a thousand miles away means all my emotions and problems disappear. Get real. Stop pretending you have the world figured out.

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Just ignore him. Some people hate being confronted worth the absurdity of life. He'd rather stay in his little bubble and mock those outside it than have to confront the realisation that he, his problems and the things he cares abput are insignificant. I can see why someone like that would be upset to think about the fact nothing about his life, actions, pr opinions will mater in 100 years, let alone 1000s or 1,000,000s

>Ok, man, you don't eat a lot of shit now but probably will eat a lot of shit in the future for a long time. Why aren't you happy?

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>Reincarnation isn't real idiots.

t. believer

The difference between people and birds (for example) is same as the difference between smart and stupid persons. Smart persons have different structure of brain. That allows for them to do math and difficult engineering things. Stupid persons don't have such brain structures - so, they don't.

Same with animals and people. Animals also can feel and have personality. They just have no any structures for difficult learning, as people.

So, thee blackhole pill is the thing that we are probably very lucky to was born as people and not as animals, birds, ect. Probably, it's our only one life as human for current billion lives.

If they feed off of our suffering then they would be a lot more efficient about it, creating a mechanized system to maximize suffering. A better hypothesis is that they feed off of any exchange of information or conscious thought, but then we would be in an environment that nurtures that with the same ruthless efficiency. We are free, suffering is a symptom of freedom

Maybe they prefer free-range, organic suffering

Fuck you roastie
Just because you are so ignorant to not see how easy you are living life without knowing what is suffering and pain fucking cunt

Thinking of the suffering and misery of others doesn't make me feel better. It makes me feel worse.