Tell girl I'm wanting to date that I have mental health issues

>tell girl I'm wanting to date that I have mental health issues
>immediately loses interest and stops talking to me after being super into to me to begin with

Just fuck my shit up pham

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Opi message her, text her call her

Too late now

We had sex before I told her that at least

well now you learn to dont bring up your emotions. be like the marlboro man and just keep your thoughts and feelings down deep. only let the pain out during coitus

a girlfriend is not a therapist you fucking loser

hopefully this teaches you that you can't be open about everything in a relationship
you gotta hide that power level user

You don't have mental health issues. You just convinced yourself you do. There's no reason to tell any girl about this. Let them find out for themselves. They might find they like dating a guy with "mental health issues" but not know it. Regardless, it's a straight negative that shouldn't be mentioned. Like being sterile. You just don't tell them that shit straight off the bat. Let them find out after they've dedicated time to you. It's dishonest but it's also self serving. If you cannot be self serving you will not live a happy life and people will walk all over you because:



this is true, a girl with metnal issues is like a treasure, a guy with mental issues is like finding out you gotta pay a dentist to treat your periodontal disease

>telling women about your problems

Don't do this. Even if you are deep into a relationship you should do this minimally. Especially with shit like mental health problems. Women will act all day like they just want you to open up and be vulnerable with them, but the minute you do, they will lose all sexual attraction to you. They just don't like weakness, forasmuch as they'd like to have gender equality, they're just wired to see a weak man as unsuitable for partnership.

>expecting anyone of any gender to deal with your psychopathic ass

Yup, this is how life works, it's a bitter blackpill but the more weakness you reveal to a woman the more her ovaries will dry up.

I always laugh at articles about how men are victims of "the patriarchy" because it makes them "afraid to share their feelings" due to "toxic masculinity". Lmao scapegoating roasties, as if they don't know the reason men do that is because women will reject them for being open about their weakness.

You fucked up. Hard.

Every girl I date, I make a point of not bringing up my own issues. There's been 2 occasions where I have, and it's been after dating them for a few weeks, and spending lots of time together. The first time, my medicine alarm went off during a date, and they asked what it was for. The second time, I mentioned having to stop at walgreens on the way to her place. She asked what for and I had to reveal my power level about my medicine. Both times were very non-chalant, and I made sure not to make a big deal out of it. If you have a main conversation about it early on, you'll scare them away. Nobody wants to buy merchandise with a fucked up box.

You need to put your best foot forward, friendo.

>be me
>only interested in guys with severe mental health issues bc severe mental health issues myself
>all lie to me saying they've been depressed or even sucidal & kno what its like
>all turn out to be normie fucks
>lose interest in them all

opposite problem

I do not understand why you robots take medicine.

Anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, and anti-psychotics typically alter your brain chemistry and brain structure. They are no joke. The success rate of these medications are also incredibly conflicting. Let alone we discuss the side effects.

Why are you doing this to yourselves?

I get the use in cases of schizophrenia/bipolar (in cases of hallucination, hearing voices, episodes of mania, etc.), but otherwise is it worth trying these meds? Maybe you are just depressed and anxious because you are lazy.

100% of people I know in real life with depression just happen to have shitty lifestyles. One of them is fat despite never eating meals. It's not uncommon for the majority of his calories in a day to be from cream and sugar.

>have good lifestyle
>get depression
>lifestyle slowly deteriorates as you fight back against depression
>after years of trying to maintain good lifestyle and fighting depression you can't keep up anymore
>lose energy
>lifestyle deteriorates
haha just fix ur lifestyle how is depression real hahaha

It never was good. It started out "normal" which is shit.

Hate this meme
People that care about you should try and help you in any way that they can including being there for you

I'm not trying to be misogynist or anything, but why would you ever tell a woman your problems?

You shouldn't even waste your time with female therapists. Find a male therapist, a male confidant of some kind. Your barber, your bartender, friend, etc.

Don't ever let a woman see you weak, the only women that should ever see you weak should be your mom, because the first time she saw you you were weak, but she still loved you. No other woman has that obligation to you.

Some women truly do mean well, but they are few and far between.

Consider this a learning experience.

>I do not understand why you robots take medicine.

>Anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, and anti-psychotics typically alter your brain chemistry and brain structure. They are no joke. The success rate of these medications are also incredibly conflicting. Let alone we discuss the side effects.

>Maybe you are just depressed and anxious because you are lazy.

Maybe you're lazy, depressed, and anxious because you refuse to take drugs.

The type of person I am is the type of person to try and alter themselves with drugs. The first one I took was methylphenidate, mostly against my will.

I look to JFK as a role model. That fucker took codeine, Demerol, metadone, Methylphenidate, meprobamate, librium, barbituates, thyroid hormone, steroids, anti-spasmodics, antibiotics, anti-psychotics, antihistamines, and gamma globulin injections. He was on as many as a dozen drugs at a time, more during times of stress. Yet people never ponder to themselves "I wonder what the REAL JFK was like, who didn't take all those drugs". JFK was just JFK, he was the president, and that's what he needed to be the president. He popped his pills, suffered from disease, keeled over with back pain, and sucked it up and hid it all from the public and kept a stiff upper lip.

Believe me when I say I'm trying drug-free options to get better, including that panacea exercise. The sides can be brutal and the medicines ineffective. However I'm not the type to wallow in self-misery and leave an option on the table that can help me because I'm afraid of changing my brain. My brain is unafraid of changing itself. My brain fears staying the same and suffering.

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This a million time. If you have to fake your problems it's a shit relation and will end up badly either way.

Roastie who broke a robots heart and feels guilty detected

What problems do you suffer from user? I have bipolar depression, but it's some shortage of chemicals in my brain or something, all I know is that every part of the day flips from manic hapiness to suicidal depression, actually if it's cool I usually don't tell people my personal stuff like this, not since I quit therapy, I'll go back one day.

whats the medicine for?

depends on how emotionally invested in you she is for her to deal with your mental problems and oblige your weaknesses
if you just started dating, you have to maintain a poker face in that sense because she expects you to have your shit together and take charge
in the early stages, you are her romantic novelty, not her partner in crime