I don't wanna shower I don't wanna pay bills I don't wanna run errands I don't wanna play games I don't wanna watch...

I don't wanna shower I don't wanna pay bills I don't wanna run errands I don't wanna play games I don't wanna watch movies or tv I don't wanna talk with anyone or hang out

I literally never want to do anything...I wanna get out of this feeling already

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Other urls found in this thread:


>I don't wanna play games
Your choice.

>finally have a decent-paying full-time job
>stable in it, now
>the existential panic of "oh god I might starve on the streets" is now gone
>still suicidally depressed
please send help

Why not just jump from a bridge and end it all if you're that depressed?

you fried your reward center my dogggie
overdose on heroin and go out with a blast

>kys by breaking your legs and experiencing blunt trauma, and then actually die minutes later in sheer agony as you drown
Because I'd rather shoot myself, user.
Been going like this for 24 years. The odds of me ever actually doing it are low.

Don't worry, eventually you will.

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Just fall in your ass you idiot. Your spine would instantly get destroyed and you would die in that instant.
And yeah you're pathetic, clinically depressed but doesnt have the balls to end his own life. Sad indeed.

>tfw found my misaki
we're all gonna make it bros

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>lose all desire to do anything

Same. Technology has distorted human biological programming beyond repair. An-prim revolt soon brother.

thats a big fuckin mood

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You found an emotional leech who only keeps you around to make herself feel better about how much of a loser she is and has significant dependency issues?

Try crossdressing.

I did that five years ago.
It doesn't get better.

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go to Jow Forums, they'll tell you to exercise, meditate, and go to therapy. it's probably not bad advice unless you can zero in a bit more on your problem.

Was he right?

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Didn't Misaki just make things worse for Satou?

This is going to sound stupid as fuck, but go outside in the sun. Think of the warmth, and how much it gives. Vitamin D helps a lot brother

be thankful you are able to do any of that
some people can't afford your luxury

you're depressed, user

Go to a fucking doctor and get some antidepressants already, you fucking retard.

>Can't enjoy anything
>Be happy about it!
I bet you'll have like 8 kids too

it's not stupid. even brief time spent in nature changes your physiology for the better.

>those days where you don't even want to eat because eating is just such a chore

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Killing yourself is like turning on a lightswitch bro quit being a pussy amirite?

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you must be a spoiled waste of space as well

>Leave for work at 8 AM
>Come back home at midnight
>All I want to do is sleep
L-living the life.

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>Wow if he can't be happy he just must have been too happy all the time, and now he's broken
I fuckin' wish you're dumb as hell though like jesus

Is there any show that even comes close to portraying neet loneliness? I look around for new shows most of it is waifu shit or isekais.

I emvy you user.

Seek professional health. Also make some changes to your daily life. Eat better and work out.

You need to do something about your depression or you'll never be happy.

Red Dwarf kinda does, in a non-dramatic way.


You do realize she was really fucked up in the head, right? Sure she was hot as fuck, but mentally she was a wreck. She used Satou to make herself feel important and helpful by looking for someone who was worse off than her. In reality she was a massive bitch.

I have little to no sympathy for 1st world problems
entitled pieces of shit like you are a prime example

Move to a trailer park user. It's so much cheaper then apartment. You'll be able to cut back on your hours and actually have time to enjoy your life.

I love depressing shit. What anime is this?

Welcome to the NHK?

28 years old here. In a similar spot as you are, user. As difficult as it is, you have to push against those negative thoughts. Even though all you can imagine is how peaceful sleep is because you’re unconscious, you have to push against and live your life. You’re depressed because you don’t do enough. The brutality is you don’t do enough because you’re depressed. Life is not easy.

>tfw happy and life keeps getting better and better

sucks to be you sad niggers lmao

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>TFW moving out on a 25k lead
Saving up for 8 years finally paid off. Get out of that depression user, it's fairly easy to move out and enjoy yourself. Looking forward to that paid off rent andf new complex.

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Red Dawrf is comedic and not an anime, i thinking more of a drama.

I tried it, its more like little vignettes than any real plot. It doesn't scratch that NHK itch.

The closest i come to anything similar is The Tatami Galaxy.

>Works 16 hour shifts

Jesus, that sounds illegal. What the fuck do you do for a living?

>I have little to no sympathy for 1st world problems
entitled pieces of shit like you are a prime example
You got all sorts of projection going on
Who are you really mad at? Cause I never stated any problems. You just seem to think that the only way for a human to lose enjoyment is an overdose of dopamine
Dead fuckin wrong boy-o
You're just too stuck in your own tiny first-person world to fit into other peoples problems.

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Nice try but we’re too sad to even be trolled.

That's not what he said, user.
I work 10-hour shifts and am out of the house from 6AM to 6PM between commute and lunch break.

Of you like depressibg check out Welcome To The NHK. Warning if you are a neet or are just kind of a loser the show will hit you hard.

It's only 10 hours, but I have 1 hour commute from my home to work, from work to the university and then one more hour back home.

The Monogatari series. I wouldn't recommend it if you are looking for depressing stuff, the sad moments are few and far between.

Your own negative thoughts are reinforcing your negative feelings
Learn to turn off your brain every now and then and stop talking to yourself in your head nonstop

>waaah I'm so depressed, like I wanna die. I really wanna kill myself, I'd do anything for it!
Ok kill yourself
>i-it's hard to do so and complicated and painful
Not really. Here, have some instructions on how to kys easily and painful
>i-i dont wanna die anymore, just talk to me ;_;
People who are clinically or suicidal depressed are just attentionwhores. They're self diagnosed people who getting pitted on is their whole personality. If they really were super depressed, they would be dead by now, or heavily drugged. They deserve no sympathy.

>tfw don't want to die
>but don't want to be bothered to live either
I hate my life guys.

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Are you trolling or just stupid?

>I have little to no sympathy for 1st world problems
>I am literally incapable of understanding why someone might be sad even if I would be happy in their position
>I have no empathy and am stupid


Kys easily and pain-free*

Imagine having all the tools to be happy at hand but can't make it because you have a mental illness.

>tfw the author of that novel never escaped being a NEET and the royalties from that book enabled him to live the shut in life for another 10 years

also he got sucked into some cult shit and is selling meditation videos

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I’ve already seen that one. I loved it and just like another user said in this thread, I don’t think I’ll find anything quite like it.

Out of everyone in this thread, you should kill yourself most of all.

lol what

I think you need to read the whole post before you respond.

go install pokemon go on your phone and go out to your local park and walk around for a bit. I've been doing it the past week and I've had a blast, and I've met some cool people. Just get out of the fucking house and get some exercise man. You gotta change your behavior if what you're doing isn't working.

He asked for sauce

but I can't read

Cant stop not giving a fuck about usa problems tho

Do you have a degree? If so, travel Asia as an English teacher. Fuck every woman you come across, befriend local gangs, live with nice old people that will feed, clothe and house you. Enjoy the world.

I want to die but I wont because my family has gone through enough shit already.
Still don't have a will to live though.

Ever tried /out/ ?

>comfy life playing video games with minimal work
>but my job is practically not any different from contract work
>as in they could fire me at any time at a moments notice for whatever reason they feel like
>if they do, I have no backup of any sort

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>Actually going outside

>waiting for my mother to die before killing myself
>she's 70 but she's perfectly healthy
>all the females in my family made it to 100+ years
I'm not gonna make it lads.

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>Get a job that involves working outside in the sun or forces you to be outgoing/talk to people consistently.
>Exercise often, do tons of cardio/walk more
>Eat more salads vegetables, and other dishes that aren't processed
>Learn to cook, therapeutic, fun, and a better hobby than gaming.
>Get a girlfriend/roomate someone who will talk with you, and level with you. Being alone sucks. Don't live alone. Just don't do it.
>Save your money for something meaningful instead of splurging on hobbies
>Have at least three hobbies, make sure two of them are high on social impact. and community.

Did literally all of this in the past two years, and became a better person. Only mystery is why I still visit this place every so often. "You're here forever" as Mr burns says.

>graduating in less than 2 months
>zero experience
>shit social skills
>no friends
>no gf
>20s are almost done (im 28)
Just fuck me up sempai.

>Being alone sucks.
*Feeling alone sucks.
Different things.

Congrats on graduating

You’re right that depressed people need attention. You’re right when you say we’re too weak to kill ourselves. We’re still here, suffering in our own minds. Whether you sympathize or not it changes nothing. Your shitpost means nothing, you are nothing. OP made this post as a cry for help. Luckily this world is also filled with caring human beings, in like yourself. In fact, your post says more about you and your upbringing than it does about anyone else here. Well done, you are a faggot.

Nature and going outside is overrated, not trying to meme you. It's hot, there's bugs, nothing interesting happens, it's not like you walk into the woods and suddenly butterflies land on you and birds take your coat and shit. The most exciting thing that might happen is you see an animal that you don't normally see briefly before it sees you and runs away. It takes hours of walking to reach comparatively very short distances and the world is fucking massive. It might be cool if you live in the city or some shitty congested neighborhood, but I've lived in the boonies and in the country so that shit is very mundane to me.

You should point out that because this has worked for you does not mean it will work for others.

Look into therapy, user. You have some issues that you ought to work out in order to live a healthy life.

I believe in you.

>those days where you don't even want to get out of bed because living and being a human being is such a chore
I've had days where I've spent 20+ hours just in bed and waiting for the day to pass.
It hurts.

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What's something meaningful? I have to pay off student loans so I can't really splurge or save much.

Get a job thats fun for you. Thats the key. I work a job taking care of 4th-5th grade kids, and at first I thought it'd be awful. turned out to be the best job ever, I can't get enough of the little tykes.

Doesn't even know what projecting is lol
You forgot to greentext my entire phrase shithead
Why are you asking stupid questions faggot?
You're the one getting triggered and whining over my opinion.

Telling someone to appreciate what they have and are able to do in their life compared to others isn't the same thing as just telling them "Be happy" shithead. It's my attempt to give a different perspective and incentive in life. Stop misconstruing what other people say with your faggotry.
Or please go on and offer what great shithead advice you have for OP instead of bitching about other people's input.

>Get a girlfriend/roomate someone who will talk with you, and level with you.
A single step on your bulleted list of self-improvement takes years, sometimes entire lifetimes for some people to achieve. Think about that and wonder if your advice is worth a fuck or not.

Speak for yourself I intend to either kill myself or live away from society. The only thing I have to do first is make sure my family thinks I am an arsehole so they won't go looking for me or get the state to do a search for me

>Student Loans

A gf.

Start looking for jobs right now. I was the same like you when I graduated (graduated in my early 20's though) and it was fucking tough getting a decent job. I graduated around 2012, so maybe the job economy is in a better place right now, but don't twiddle your goddam thumbs.

Rental payments, car payments, long time living expenses. Saving even 10k will save you an entire years worth of rent to deal with, and it's easy.

You like depressing shit then watch Texhnolyze. I guarantee you'll feel 100% better! ;D

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literally my life

after you

How do you make friends, /v/?
I've been alone for so long I've completely forgotten how to interact with other people one-on-one outside of Jow Forums.

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>it takes years and or decades to prepare a salad.
Are your arms physically tucked into your body? Do you require medical assistance?

I literally graduated top of my class in stem but they gave all the phd slots to niggers and spics

they've robbed me of my future and in order to simply not get KILLED by niggers I need to make 8k+ a month to afford housing in a safe area

they stole our jobs and tell us that none of us even have the right to be fucking safe from MURDER

they take my money to pay for immigrant children but I can't even afford children for myself

there is no fucking point to life. leftism has destroyed it. they are trying to destroy you too. they'll even take your games from you

What does this mean?

Nice reading comprehension retard. Don't reply to me ever again.

what nigger infested shithole do you live in?

I don't know what it means either fellow ESL.