What is it about your life in particular, that makes you feel sad?

What is it about your life in particular, that makes you feel sad?

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I've had the ingredients for a perfect life handed to me on a silver platter and I still fucked up by my own apathy and incompetence.

I could have been a stacy. I could have married a rich guy. I could have been an instagram yatch girl...but i was fat and now my body looks melted. I mourn the loss of the life i could have had. I have a good face but a disgusting body. I don't care how vapid that makes me sound.

I have trouble believing you're the first person on this board to say that.

I have no girls to cuddle with

That I am by no means a failure at life and despite all I've done up to this point I am literally a repellent for women. I mean I'm in the military (air Force) thus in shape. I'm good at my job and it's actually a really awesome job too. I guess femlaes do not see it the same way. Also I deploy alot so that's a huge factor I imagine.im not sad per say, I'd just like a family one day and I'm already 25.

It's a very common sentiment. Knowing every mistake you've ever made and knowing just how much better your life could be can take a toll.

>having literal autism
>no friends
>always feel tired
>work minimum wage and poor
>my family hates eachother

The worst part is knowing that without depression always weighing me down I could of made something of myself and maybe even found love in the process but Im old and worn out now and I dont have the energy for love even if it was freely given I couldnt feel it anyway

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>no education or any job experience, im 25yo
>no social life or skills
>though i hate being alone 24/7 i also hate people
>awkwardly tall(194cm)
>live in small town where everyone knows everyone. Stressing as fuck as you are outside circlejerks and can feel everyone staring when i move outside
>have a speech impairment wich has worsened in last few yers, gives me retard vibe
>so ashamed for that i speak little as possible(on usual week i just say "hi" to cashier)
>~15000e debt (3000e 1 1/2 years ago) from payday loans, never able to pay even if i got a job because of absurd interest rates
>propably going to spend rest of my miserable life on welfare until whole system collapses under rapefugee hordes
>was alcoholic, then almost died from pancreatitis year ago. Now i have to be sober rest of my life
>drinking propably have somewhat fucked up my brains and motor skills(short temper, brain fog, clumsier, generally feel more stupid)
>hate my life but i have no balls to kill myself

I'm a failure, any mediocre amount of success would be preferable to my current situation
Cliche thing to say but I really wish I could go back even just to 2012 or so to fix everything

the no money part

I can't imagine having a career and money when everyone else just seems to take it as a matter of course that they will someday obtain these things so I feel insecure about even asking for guidance and feel bitter and envious about everyone else's apparent success.

I've always been sort of fucked in the head
I never learned how to play with the other kids normally
I learned how to be well liked and respected but never learned how to interact with people or build and maintain relationships.
I was desparetaly lonely and still am even today...because my default it learning how to make everyone comfortable and and helping them in anyway I can
But not actually putting myself out there in any real way.
Was respected, well liked, lusted after, and had people who called themselves my friends and girls who basically threw themselves at me.
I also died once, twice actually.
I spend most of my time wondering if I'm dead and this is hell.
I've not seen anything that proves this wrong.

Oh, and I take care of all of the children in my family while having no children of my own.
Fathers day was pretty painful actually.

Ah, and my one single hope for the future is to get built, gain an extra inch in lenghth and girth and use my talent at fucking in the porn industry in Japan.
I hear that they have a real thing for western black men over there.

Till then, I'm basically living with someone else, aka homeless, and doing oddjobs IRL and online to make ends meet.

I'm an anxiety, depression, and I am a diagnosed conduct until I turn 18, in general I choose to have nonfriends and am happy being mostly alone on Jow Forums

Having no relatives, no friends. Because of aspergers and my lack of social connections, I can't form relationships with people, even online. So lonely, it hurts, and I have no one to care.

Existing in a materialist-consumerist prison we call the western world.

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I spent 17 years trying to get a good education and finally fucking got that good degree I wanted and yet my life is still shit. I'm lonely, can't find a proper person to share my life with. Just yesterday I dumped a girl because of my own autism. Also I'm depressed to the point where I need to take medicine. I decided to stop taking it for a week and while the following 6 days it was fine, for the 7th day it all crushed me and I felt so bad I haven't felt before, even without much of a reason for that.

who is this semen deamon /. ..iohj

Mainly hearing other people feeling bad and I have no power to fix it. It's worse when I feel like it's my fault.

I have adhd and no access to treatment as my country doesnt believe it exists

And everyone says untreated adhd guarantees a life of pathetic failure so i dont even try anymore

Sometimes people hate on me for being awesome

No matter what I do, I'm never satisfied. I always feel like a bitch, like I haven't done anything, even when I'm taking it farther then anyone I know ever has or ever will.

No matter how fast I'm living, it always feels too slow, and I don't know where the limit is, because until I find the limit, I don't deserve to die, because I never lived.

hi, how are you? wanna be friends?

>What is it about your life in particular, that makes you feel sad?
I was not born a normalfag and have never belonged among them.

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Sophie Dee. Have a nice fap

Just gain that weight again and become a plus sized model.

For the sake of originality


being 5'2
life is hard mode

well, why not? what's there to lose

Exercise. Stop being lazy and crying. And if you are still bothered by your body you can always get plastic surgery.

I try not to sulk too much, but I would say my parents. My parents are just not very smart or encouraging. They are very complacent and too accepting. I had to figure out things out on my own. I feel if my parents were supportive many aspects of life could have been better, less wasted time.

I have a bunch of problems but the only one that really bothers me is money. Let's say I win the lottery or something, I could buy a small house and sit around and then the rest wouldn't matter anymore.

I have no friends, never have. When I try to put myself out there I just humiliate myself. I actually wish I an hero'd while my parents were still alive bc at this rate no one will be at my funeral.

Almost everything
No motivation write a long wall of text.

The fact I know I will never be happy.

That I am going to die alone, poor and forgotten.