I want to cuddle edition
/r9gay/ - #346
do any of you guys consider yourself cute?
I've been called cute by people that have seen me. I've also had my dick called cute and other pics called cute
some days i look at myself in the mirror without my glasses and see a pretty good looking guy but most days I think I'm ugly and unlovable
We have colder winters and warmer summers than Sweden, more precipitation Stockholm gets about 21 inches of precipitation a year, most of upstate gets about 43 inches a year.
I don't go out or really post pics online, but I like what I see in the mirror most of the time.
Alright, OP! I'm here to cuddle you! Get ready!
You're about to feel SO loved!!
I fucking hate myself so no.
>Alright, OP! I'm here to cuddle you! Get ready!
Maybe physically.. I'm slightly cute but I think longer hair doesn't suit me thinking I should cut it and go back to looking like C9Sneaky
I don't know what that means, never saw that word before. I guess it's rain/snow? We've peaked around 30 c early on this summer, it was horrible. Warmest summer since the 40s or something, warmest May ever I think. It's back down to around 20 now though.
I don't personally but I've been told by numerous men and women that I fit that archetype.
>just typed a long post
>accidently hit something and refreshed
>too lazy to type it again
fug, I'll just go to bed, good night 'nons!
You're welcome. You deserve to feel loved.
Here, have some more cuddles.
That pic is so cute.
>tfw that will never be you
I want lots of cuddles
Good night, 'ate.
Sleep tite.
More handsome than cute, I would say.
I guess 20C isn't too bad, in the shade. With a fan on.
This thread is the cuddle edition though, hmm.
It might be a little warm for cuddling. But you're worth it.
>scrolling through saved pics
>ended up jerking off to my own dick for a while
that's, like, high tier narcissism
It could easily be you. All you have to do is be my bf. Perks include all the love & cuddles you want. Affection and intimacy available 24/7, on demand.
All right! Here, take it! It's yours! If you say 'please,' I'll even give you some more! You deserve it!
it's 7 AM over here so it's not too warm for it right now anyway.
Would you be the little spoon that I could hold in my arms every morning?
Holy he'll I am miserable. An awful day leading to an awful night.
>tfw no bf who lets me be a househusband
>tfw no bf who will let me cry in his arms
Good point. What are you staying up so late for, anyway?
Could it be that it's me? Of course it is.
Sleep is important, it's a whole third of your day after all.
A guy like me stands out from the crowd, I'm sure we'll meet again.
I stayed up too late yesterday and messed up my sleep schedule. I went to bed at 10 AM yesterday. I was gonna go to bed way earlier but then I got dragged into something. I guess I'll take a nap later and then maybe go to bed at a more reasonable time tonight.
I'd love to, but I'm too big to be a little spoon. You're welcome to hold me in your arms though. Big spoon x big spoon. I ship it!
Where'd you come from? Why are you here now?
Are you asking because you want me to leave?
Jeez, how big are you that you can say that with such certainty?
Tell me your woes, gaybots, I can't sleep for another couple hours and there are no good feel threads.
No, I'm just asking because I want to know.
I want a bf because I'm fucking lonely.
I've been to lots of boards. mostly /a/ and /v/ though. I don't really know where I'd say I came from. I thought people in here seemed nice.
What do you do with your time user? Have you tried getting invested in a new series or learning a new skill, I know it's normalfag-tier advice but it can sometimes help quell the roaring emptiness inside.
I'm a big guy, user. For you.
Trust me, I give great hugs. The best.
i want someone to talk to, or to drag me outside, or to play video games with, or to go out and eat with, maybe at City Island. but worst of all, someone to be lewd towards.
Trying to learn how to draw, other then I'm a student and work part time.
I'm a big guy too user! But only because I eat a lot, I'm not muscular or anything. When I see my reflection I get really sad because no boys find me attractive.
I'm a monster.
tfw big guy with both muscle and fat
People in here are mostly nice. Why are you using a tripcode?
You'll find someone user, my repulsive ass did, all it took was a little determination and learning to at least minimum tolerate myself. What kind of vidya do you play?
That's a good hobby user, I recommend investing in a cheap tablet if you can afford it and haven't already, they aren't great but can be fun motivation to mess around with and can start around 60 bucks
I have no idea how the fuck in going to survive once my parents actually force me to pay them rent somehow
I've got one, I said trying because I get distracted too easily and don't practice as often as I would like.
Well if you're really that big, then you sound perfect for having your chest or neck nuzzled into while we cuddle.
>wake up
>go through shit that's been posted while sleeping
>still tired
>back to sleep it goes
I want to be with someone to ease this terrible loneliness, but know I'm not ready for one. And my self doubt keeps me from taking the necessary steps every time so it just becomes a cycle that amplifies and leaves me feeling worse.
mainly rpgs/arpgs like smt or kh
but also a few fighting games like soul calibur or blazblue. but i haven't been playing much of anything recently. it feels like im wasting time
Do you want a good reason, or the actual one? Because I can't come up with something that won't make you upset with me.
I feel you user. Spent most of my time wondering if I could even have a functional relationship.
You and me are in the same boat user, I am moving across the country to be with my significant other/real friends and am terrified it won't work and I'll go back to square one, if I do I'll have to start paying rent after failing to make it over there
The loneliness will end, I promise user, it does for everyone eventually if they keep strong
I feel the same way, I can't play video games recently without this constant nagging at the back of my head like I am losing time I can't regain
Keep practicing user, you will get better each time, and each time you see improvement you will only want to practice more
That's a good idea user, definitely time for a morning nap.
Additional bonus is that NA trash will be gone.
Anyone that chooses to live in humid hell holes deserves death. This is god awful.
It's just a terrible feeling that's only made worse by knowing that I'm entirely to blame. And the older I get with no prior experience makes it feel like any light at the end of the tunnel is accelerating away faster than I can run towards it.
Well I appreciate your optimism, but sooner or later I'll have to start facing facts.
I'm not about to be upset with anything. Why do you think I'm attacking you all the time. I'm just asking questions.
Today was really shitty. So much so that I drank 3 shots of whiskey instead of my normal 1. Hasn't happened since Halloween.
How old are you, user? You make it sound like you're about to die of age.
Why only stopping at one?
What's your ideal day /r9gay/?
Okay, I admit I phrased that weird. I'm young. I was taking strictly in terms of having a relationship in relation to when others usually begin having experiences with them.
Dying painlessly in my sleep precisely one second past midnight.
the guy in my class taking me to his dorm and giving me a two hander.
Want to try having a relationship online? Two inexperienced guys?
Further detail is required.
I'm sorry. It came off a little like that maybe, but maybe you were just being blunt.
Yeah that's expected. Like kicking a dog when it does something you don't want. Where'd the trip come from, why do you still use it?
theres a cute kpop boi on grindr
2018 is gooooood
Hey Nap, you're here a lot. What's your timezone?
>Like kicking a dog when it does something you don't want.
That's... an odd comparison. I don't get likened to a dog very often. I made it in 2013 or so I think, I had a different one for a year prior that was just random letters. I like it.
Please don't kick dogs, that's cruel.
Well you think I'm attacking you because you've been attacked (via questions) a bunch for having a pointless tripcode. Sorta like kicking a dog when it does something you don't like. You're a human though, so you respond differently, kinda.
Can I kick *you* though?
*kicks u*
Like I said before, I know I'm not prepared for one yet. There's still shit I have to be able to sort first. Though it really is sweet for you to offer. Thank you truly.
>tfw no bf who at the end of the day makes me feel so happy by simply being with me
Are you very clever or two different anons?
Having a partner makes sorting shit infinitely easier. Depends on the person really. Take his offer.
I think I get what you mean, you just have sort of a funny way of saying it. I suppose you're right.
I'm so turned on right now, do it again daddy.
Can't really ever tell if you're ready if you don't have one. Or maybe I'm just so lonely I figured I could try jumping into one.
Next question. WHY do you use a tripcode?
first one
*kicks u in da balls*
Yes. But that was at least a decade ago.
Jesus fucking christ, leave the guy alone. He uses tripcode because he wants to. He doesn't need to justify it.
>unironically white knighting
No I'm tired of your shit taking up the thread.
If he wants to answer the question he will, if he doesn't want to he wont. Relax, no need to whiteknight user.
I'm a filthy attention whore. Look at me being a baka.
It was a joke.
At least you're honest. Thanks for the answer user.
No I just look like the guy on the right except with soft skin.
Ill never be cute.
I want to fucking die.
*gives you atomic wedgie*
*puts chilli powder into ur panties*
hows that for a joke hehehehehe
Do not bully the swede.
What's a kid doing here?
what you going to do about it, bitch boy?
No problem!
aren't both of those pictures of Jared Leto?
I don't know what an atomic wedgie is. Check mate.
Well user, if you change your mind, hit me up on discord. Laplace#9985. I need to sleep soon.
Hopefully take someone's dick up my ass.
I volunteer my dick for the job.
>there willnever be a r9gay orgy
Sorry, I'm not the user you're replying to. ^ My replying to what I thought was him encouraging him to get in your pants. Bad luck my dude.