How long would you Iast?

How long would you Iast?

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Honestly at this point if a girl was ever willing to do that with me id just live inside her, like that 24/7

The moment it went in

I just fapped so probably a good 30 to 40 minutes

depends on how close real vagine is to an onahole I can last pretty long if I take my time but if this bitch was riding me as much as possible I wouldn't last but maybe 30 seconds

2 minutes

why is angry lady raping me?

Attached: Temmie.jpg (500x500, 34K)

I wouldn't even have the chance to put it in long as I want.
I lost the ability to have spontaneous or easy orgasms a long time ago.
I couldn't spontaneously or quickly bust even if her pussy had a cape with a little P on it, could move like a mouth and instant constant orgasm action.

Going continuously at a steady pace, probably around 10 minutes. That's what I usually aim for and it becomes hard to resist around that time. If I stop for a couple seconds when I'm close probably twice that long. That's for normal everyday sex. Strictly speaking I could last as long as I wanted, but eventually I would get tired of it and finish. An hour is probably my limit, realistically. At that point I'm tired and my dick is getting sore and I just want to finish.

Where is the original source of this image?

Death grip has ruined all feeling so probably forever.

Just stop jacking off you idiot lol. If you stop for a month or something it would probs help

all night with about 50 shots

At most 40 seconds
I masturbate too much and Im not good at edging

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Pretty long.
If I were to do anal however, things would be different. I wouldn't last a second.
anal idol

Use user.

>anal idol
the best

She's angry because you didn't put it in her brapper, where it belongs.

I would take an amphetamine because I can't cum on them and pop a viagra and fuck her with my large penis and keep going probably until she tapped out because her vagina hurt

Not cumming would be totally worth it.

>tfw have probably given myself deathgrip so would probably last a long time
is this good or bad?

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I don't really know, i know how it feels to have a girl's ass grinding against my dick, but i have absolutely no idea about actual penetration (although i've put my dick in a lot of things).
So the closest aproximation i could get would be mixing "rubbing my dick agains an ass" and "pentrating something tight, wet and hot", in which case, i think that between 5 and 25 mins, depending on how horny i am, the speed, and the position in which we're fucking.

If only there was a way to lock you normies in this thread forever.