>next door neighbors have chad dog that keeps barking all the time
>come up with a plan
>send mummy to Bojangles to get tendies, a large mountain dew, fries and a biscuit
>that evening soak the biscuit in antifreeze (consider busting a lightbulb and putting glass shards in the biscuit but was too lazy and wanted to get back to watching Frozen for the 3rd time)
>toss it into their backyard that night
>next day there was no barking
Times you've stuck it to normies
>chad neighbor and his hot gf park in front of my garage/driveway blocking it
>i was kicking soccer ball around
>told him he couldnt park there and that if his car got hit by the ball, itd be unfortunate
>gets back in car like a cuck and leaves
>i completely emasculated him in front of his girl
>mummy sent me to the store for some things
>decided to use the extra money to get more mountain dew
>find wagecuck putting fruit out on far end of store and tell them I cannot find the mountain dew on the shelf
>he at first tells me that he only works in this department but I threaten to tell his manager
>he gives me a blank stare than walks me all the way to the mountain dew in the soda isle
>mfw I knew where it was the whole time
>be a demichad
>half chad half normie fully autistic
>friends with this one loner because he is smart and everyone else in school is a fucking retard so I feel bad for him
>start of new school-year
>new kid chad
>my friend starts treating me like shit
>starts hanging out with the chads
>starts making fun of me behind back to impress chads
>chads treat him like the underling beta male that he is
>I know that they know how hard he is always trying to impress them
>dare him to piss in the soap in front of them
>they give me a look like they recognised my autism
>I back pedal and go "you're so eager to impress them I bet you'd piss in your own mouth" putting it as if it was a joke
>they actually laugh
>he looks at me with jealousy in his eyes
>sneak into school and piss into the soap
>next day I tell the teacher that the soap smells like piss
>she agrees and I suggest that someone peed in it but she says that its unlikely but she will tell the students about it
>stands in front of class and says it
>look at chads
>a look of pure disgust crosses their faces (they used the soap that day)
>they instantly suspect beta ex friend because of how much of a little shit he is always trying to impress them on top of me roasting him the day before
>they instantly rat him out
>shit goes down
>he starts crying and denying it making him look even more suspicious
>he is blamed for it
>everyone looks at him in disgust
>later become friends with chads
>beta faggot cannot transfer to another school because they won't take him in
>spend the main part of school days bullying beta with chads
>devilish, oregano plz thankyou
sorry, new to Jow Forums. please explain?
please get out while you can
I can stop when I want
Get the fuck out before its too late. I was like you once, but I did not listen to the warnings. Turn back! And never return!
>Roastie coworkers try talking to me
>Give little to no response
whats the point anyway? all my friends spend all their time playing fortnite and ignore me because I don't want to. I have nowhere else to go to.
No, you really can't. Leave. Right fucking now. Convince yourself that this is just some edgy autistic image board. You don't know how many people have died on this never-ending ride.
Dude seriously, leave now. This is another user and I see your ignorance. If you are dead set on staying here, then remember when we tried to warn you and try to warn others who wander in here.
>threaten someone
>they de-escalate politely
sure showed him
>befriend some wigger rapper(actually good at it though) with a nice hot gf
>pretend to be his best friend for a year and bant a lot
>easily gain his trust
>start moving on towards the gf
>she just so happen to be good friends with my main circle
>get close to her, find out what she likes and shit through white friend
>get close and find out she was with wigger friend for ez money
>throw him under the bus to make her laugh
>call him a sissy white boy
>she admits that she prefers black guys because they are more athletic and her current bf is too nice and soft and bigger dix
>ask out of blue if she wants to fuck
I dropped all contact with everyone and moved upstate after
akchully they ignored me when i said they cant park there and walked away. it was then when i threatened their car
You're obviously young so I'll give you my experience
I started using this site when I was 11. I used to be a happy-go-lucky kid with a nice attitude and plenty of friends. Now I'm an almost 20 NEET loser who spends all him time inside shitposting bait threads and farming (you)s.
This site will disease your mind and corrupt your soul. Use Facebook. Use Reddit. Use Instagram. Anything but this.
fine. first instagram. then fecesbook. now some fucking website where fat manlets go to get their soul sucked out of them. I don't fit anywhere. later fellas
>implying this isn't just some edgy autistic image board
Thats better actually
Good on ya
>Be newfag that started going on Jow Forums around 2011
>Already feel completely out of place on this site these days
There is definitely some space missing between the >implying era and the kys era
>Larping on an anonymous board
And assuming this is real, this definitely isn't sticking it to normalfags if you yourself are one. So get the fuck off my board if this is true.
I'm neither robot nor normalfag.
No that pretty much sums you up to a T you idiot. Maybe think for half a second (I know it's hard for you, it's okay) before you use words.
> am 7
> move to new house
> neighbors have child my own age
> son of a kangaroo fucker and short haired mother
> letmespeaktoyourmanager.jpg
> kid's a fucking asshole
> prepubescent chad
> always had to one up me
> litterally lassoed me once
> but
> aussie had a sister
> a hot sister
> an older sister
> a 4 years older sister
> with 4 years older sister friends
> fast forward 3 years
> am 10 now
> it's spooky times
> get inv to halloween party at the abo's house
> walk into house full of frothing teens
> all bi, all horny, and all very 14
> ignore aussie cuck and his merry band of bitch boys and proceeded to bask in the sea of femme
> actually fucked with me
> especially the princess from down under and her friend jappy the chinese korean
> all grils take me into the basement to watch scary movie
> fucking bored
> so are chinky and big sis
> decide to play a game
> just us three
> move to back of basement and sit in a triangle on the floor
> sissy places a bottle in the center on the floor and spins it
> oh shit nigger
> it's happening
> bottle lands on...
> eskimo
> no. fricking. frack.
> they fucking kiss hardcore
> "your turn"
> nyan cat grabs the bottle and spins it
> lands on... me
> look up
> see a smile turn to lips comin in for landing
> fuck it
> it's... nice
> kiss for long time
> fall back on my ass
> "uhhm guess ill spin heh"
> lands on crocodile dundee
> we embrase eachother gracefully
> honda gets jelly and tackles us into the ground
> proceed to summon inner chad and successfully make out with two broads at once
> time to go home
> stand up from the entangled limbs of two stupid horny qt3.14s
> walk up basement stairs and down hallway to front door
> cunt mate stops me on my way out to say goodbye
> "so, err.. whatcha do down there?"
> turn to look him strait in the eye after partaking in the 5th grade equivalent of fucking his older sister
> mfw