I loved XXXTentacions and Lil Peep's music. I was really emotional when both died

I loved XXXTentacions and Lil Peep's music. I was really emotional when both died.

On the 18th when X died, my cat also had to be put down. My cat and X's music were two things that really help me get over a lot of emotional issues.

The last 2-3 days have felt like complete confusion and shit. I can barely get work done, nothing feels right, I can't pick up anything and feel ok. I feel like I got ripped out of my day to day so hard that I didnt' even have a second to feel bad. I'm just in complete shock right now and don't know how to feel.

My cat was named by Jow Forums back in september I think. The picture is a screen shot of y'all naming her.

So Rip Cheiro boys, she was a dork until the end. I'll just be sulking for a week and figuring shit out I guess.

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xxxtentacion more like xxxtermimated

Xxxtinct was shit, your cat is more important

They were both mumble spitting niggers who have no innate natural talent of their own, who the fuck cares?

RIP cat though

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both of these songs prove y'all so wrong and sad


OP confirmed for terminal gay

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you are speaking to someone over this website. You aren't shooting shit over the internet. Ever just back up and think of the people your reply to. Or do you genuinely just not care.

no one cares about them. RIP to your cat though
name your next cat: sage

Cheiro is a cute as fuck name.

Lil Peep was cool, but XxX_tentacion_xXx was a shit

162m listening monthly on spotify cared about him thank you very much.

you sure about that?



>picks the one post that isnt literally bashing everything the OP said
Is it difficult to be retarded user?

OP, kudos to you my friend. You're only going to get roasts in this thread (like actual insult roasts, not toasty roasties) so I'm going to write out something I found really thoughtful about both deaths.

Both XXX and Lil Peep made millions by age 20, yet they died at age 20 and age 22 respectively, and both by an incredibly silly oversight.

Lil Peep took seven Xanax, which is nowhere near a lethal dose - in fact benzos are notoriously difficult to overdose on alone, almost all ODs with benzos are due to mixing with alcohol or other drugs. But Lil Peep failed to test his Xan for Fentanyl, which is what killed him. A thirty dollar Fentanyl testing kit would have saved his life.

Next we have XXXTentacion. X decided to drive his black $200k BMW i8, a car that genuinely looks like a Batmobile, to a Motorcycle dealership. Alone. No security. No disguise. No gun (he was too young to conceal carry.) Some thugs noticed his brand new tricked out Batmobile when they were driving and saw dollar signs. They followed him to the dealership, and when he came back to his car, they stole his money and designer bag, and shot him in the chest.

Lil Peep had a net worth of $300k and thirty dollar Fent testing kit would have saved his life. XXX had a net worth of $2,000,000, and any cheap car combined with two discreet guards would have saved his life.

Moral of the story, life is so precious that a silly mistake can ruin everything.

I like the melody and most of the lyrics on that devil in Miami song, but I just don't care for the way he raps.

Yeah I was well aware of both the reasons of death and looked into both a lot. And I agree it's best to just take away what you can from both deaths. I wanted to be atleast the one person being truthful that I absolutely loved these guys art and reasons for making it. I miss when people on this website were them selves and not constantly role playing and being as edgey and stupid as possible to fit in.

so that's it period. You just had an opinion yet speak for others. don't be like everyone else on this fucking website and twitter and just go HAHAH FUCK HIM HE SUCKED AND EVERYONE AGREES HAHAH.

Be personal and say what you mean instead of just repeating the same useless shit.

I feel you on that, that's why I like this song better. Crazy how it's the same dude. youtu.be/yas2vpTPWWY

>Ever just back up and think of the people your reply to.

Have you? Alot of this boards demographic have been emotionally damaged to the point of fantasizing about suicide on a regular basis for long periods of time.

You get to the point sooner or later where you just don't give a fuck. You don't see people as truly human. Desensitized. Empathy is found far and in between. A clouded, tunnel visioned exertion of ones own opinions and thoughts. That's average robot in a nutshell.

If you're looking for a hugbox or an echo chamber you're in the wrong place, newfriend.

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He literally took someone else's entire song and mumbled a bit in some parts:
Fucking hack

I've been here since the board began and I think I find it useless and pathetic people let themselves fall prey to forgetting others are here. Being jaded isn't maturity or a power it's laziness and redundant.

I'm being myself, others who just spout the same shit as everyone else are the real fags.

You're not wrong, but what the fuck are you doing in this shithole of a board then?

Maturity and power are not qualities possessed by the average person here

100% sure, kys normals no one cares about your shitty mumble sad rap

Honestly, mumble rap is shit, i've never listened to tentacion but if you look past the delivery it's solid. Not something i'd actively put out of my speakers but it's good. I can't really make sense of the lyrics as i tend to take them in based on aesthetics rather than a concrete story, but it's good imo.

Lil Peep was alright. Alot of his shit was emo trash, but Gym Class was pretty good.

Xxxtentacion has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, so I'm glad the abusive niggerboy is dead.

Sorry to hear about your cat. It's tough when they have to be put down almost right after getting them. You'll recover in the end though, and probably find a new, wonderful cat.

R.I.P. Cheiro who was named by Jow Forums.

And I am still in awe by the death of this rapper, partly because I did not know that he was a real musician. Only saw some threads about him here.

Rest in piece lil extencious