Why do I have to live with the curse of anxiety? I'm an 18 year old fembot and I have never had a boyfriend...

Why do I have to live with the curse of anxiety? I'm an 18 year old fembot and I have never had a boyfriend. I feel so lonely and desperate. I just want someone to love, and to be loved by. If anyone wants to chat on discord with me, my tag is Bumi#5029.

Attached: C_RTPDwW0AIk-Wr.jpg (600x868, 50K)

This post is original.

let us know how many adds you get user

Imagine the desperate kid that belives this is actually a girl.

Attached: 37d.jpg (256x256, 7K)

reminder that half of r9k is now underage b& who lust after anything that vaguely resembles a girl

stacy in disguise
I will never let you take my virginity

Attached: 1482006127011.png (1080x1014, 805K)

>he still believes the myth that fembots aren't real
Oh my sweet summer child...

OP let us know how many little boys you've groomed

I added her and she voiced me for 2 minutes then blocked me. O-okay...

Attached: T1WGsNj.png (3000x4000, 1.95M)

Adding to bring you the gospel of the Lord "do no lure boys into lusting over a trap"

What did she say on voice .

did the same thing ......m

Just some stuff about herself. I think she removed me because of my Hispanic accent. It's definitely a girl though.

This. 5-10? 20? I'm curious.

What type of Spic are you?

She sounded so cute and precious. I want to die knowing she didn't even consider me good enough to be her boyfriend after 5 minutes of talking.

Not sure if you're just OP samefagging to make us all think she's a girl to get us to discord with her

Lived in Honduras from 1-13 now 25 living in cali.

Full Indio or mestizo?

lol I actually thought that this would be a good catfish technique after reading those posts

My dad is from Honduras, and my mom is a white us citizen. They met when she was on a mission trip with her church.

You op? 46234443?


No just a passing user

keep orbiting, tell me how many girls you get doing it
(protip: the answer will always be 0)

In all fairness the answer for all of us is likely zero regardless of whether we orbit or not.

true, but i'd rather maintain by dignity and have no gf than be a cucked faggot and have no gf

Fair enough, Godspeed user.
Oregano and Garlic Salt

I lost my virginity long before coming to this board

Fuck off norman
Oregano with chives

I will never leave Jow Forums

Are people actually voicechatting her?

go fuck yourself

same to you
you can stop larping, no one is buying it