I'm 29 years old an have never had a girlfriend. what's the point of living like this...

i'm 29 years old an have never had a girlfriend. what's the point of living like this? i've never experienced the greatest joys in life- love, sex, affection, companionship. my life has been nothing but misery, with enough comfort to prevent me from killing myself. i hate god, i hate life, and i hate myself.

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19y/o well on my way to being the exact same.

>29 year old boomer

Stopped reading there

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You're stupid and I'll tell you why. Many people who have tasted love, sex, etc. even great wealth, fame and success have decided life wasn't worth living either and have killed themselves. And there will probably be many more.

Pretty much the gist of it.

Start making enough money to try out different teenage prostitures whenever you feel like
You are too redpilled to fall for it at this point. Ignorance is bliss, that ship's sailed.
Get a dog and once you have your life in order try to get an early to mid 20s woman with a low partner count.

I am turning 29 too in a month. I've been with 24 women, you are romanticing it. I still feel empty and women are ruined for me after the 2nd fiancee fucked me over. If I can give you one piece of advice, focus on making a lot of money and your health.

he never said boomer you autistic piece of shit

I have money. All I have to look forward to is more misery and emptiness? great

> That 23 year old Boomer who thinks he understands Jow Forums.


Aaaaahhahaha he go boom boom

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now chads and normies will swarm in and tell you how its all overrated, even though its the only point of living

ill be ur gf if you live near me

actually am 12

well life is pretty cruel desu. Some people have no food, some have no access to water, some have no arms or legs and some have no girlfriends. You just have to accept it and move on and live your life the best you can.

download tinder. reduce your standards. find companionship with the other miserable people of the world.

thats what houellebecq would do

no one said your existence on earth would be a happy one
you're just another castaway soul, clawing for anything that gives you meaning or happiness

i failed on tinder. girls kept on saying they would go on a date with me, then flaking, i gave up

ok, in the off chance that this is real, post some contact info


Tinder is for vapid normies
Your best bet is to add fembots
For everybody's safety though, use temporary email services for the exchange of discord tags

>i've never experienced the greatest joys in life- love, sex, affection, companionship.
Nice normie memes faggot, you won't find happiness in other people.

>my life has been nothing but misery, with enough comfort to prevent me from killing myself.
That's what existence is, 'happiness' is just the absence of suffering, what you want to do is reduce your suffering as much as possible, read stoics.

Oh shut the fuck up being in a relationship wont help you its up to you to help yourself. All you guys do is whine about things u can easily solve for yourselves

I don't know about you but a steady supply of oxytocin can make all the difference in my motivation levels