Hello Jow Forums, lets have some comfy music!
Listen here to my internet radio station for robots: comfyradio.blogspot.com
Post your favorite songs/what you are listening to and I will add it to the playlistI originally said no /rr/ for tonight but I got off work early and am taking suggestions now!
/rr/- Robot Radio - Suprise Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
who else here /wagie/?
I used to be a wagie, and I probably will be again soon. But then again i'm also thinking about getting neetbux if possible. Both have pros and cons i'm weighing.
I couldn't stand using the monthly tugboat. I don't mind my current job, it's just very stressful
I like snow, but rain is more comfy to me. Snow doesn't make the same noise and while I enjoy the cold, it can get too cold sometimes. user in a previous thread posted this, and I like to listen to it while I listen to Robot Radio, for maximum comfy
Yeah, both seem shitty. I've only had two jobs in the past, both nearly drove me insane. I only lasted 18 months at the first and 6 months at the other. I honestly think i'm not cut out for most normal jobs.
I wish there were more listeners and contributors. I think this could be something really cool if a lot of anons got in on it. I was looking through the archived thread from yesterday, and there were some great ideas as far DJ'ing goes.
Good idea, I'm doing that now
I'm hoping to quit my current job and get a entry position as a IT tier I helpdesk but Its hard to find another job that fits with school
I agree, the only problem is that I live with my parents and theyre asleep which makes it hard but I think i'll start prerecording blocks of music with commentary and stuff if I get time/enough songs
That's fair. I'm excited to see how this grows over time. How long have you been doing this, btw?
I have another song here that's pretty good. It might irritate some people familiar with the original song, though lol.
>going to work when you don't have a gf
Never going to be me.
5+ days now I believe, but I wanted to do this for awhile
I have never had a gf, never even held a girls hand. I'm the "funny guy" at work. Too bad being the funny guy means nobody considers ever taking you seriusly romantically. This stuff is fun for me though
>5+ days now I believe
Well then I'd say it's going quite well for only a week so far. How many hours are you up to now?
>have never had a gf, never even held a girls hand
I had a gf once. In high school. It was really shallow so to me it doesn't count as a "real relationship". We were just dumb kids. It lasted 3 months. She was a really crazy girl that everyone hated. She was the only person to really take a liking to me ever. We had awkward sex a couple times. It is enjoyable, but it's not the end all be all for me. It gets hyped up too much. Intimacy is what I miss, being comfortable around another person. That was 4 years ago and I'm not really interested in going out and trying again with anyone. Not that I really could. Now that i'm an adult I don't even leave the house. I've always had mental problems but they've gotten a lot worse in the last 3 years.
>I'm the "funny guy" at work. Too bad being the funny guy means nobody considers ever taking you seriusly romantically
I wish that had been me. I was "the quiet guy short that always looked pissed off and took too many smoke breaks". I might've had more luck with work if I could pull off being the funny guy.
>This stuff is fun for me though
I'm glad. It's fun for me too. Keep it up, man. 6 listeners at the moment. Does that number count you and I as well?
meant "the quiet short guy". I can't even write correctly anymore. Fucking manlets, when will we learn?
9 Hours, and still a lot of suggestions left to include too.
I don't even care about the sex, I just want to be with someone who can understand me and improve me instead of being someone I have to restrain my real personality around. It is nice when people laugh at your stuff but the thing is that they will always place you at an emotional distance. If you try to break out of that its like they get subconsciously angry at you because you don't fit in their happy little boxes.
I think the total includes me and you but I'm ok with the comfiness anyway's!
Ok guys, ill be back soon just gonna take a shower. In the meantime, we've got some Vangelis, Bobby Womack, some classic vaporwave, and even a bit of guitar from a robot awhile ago!
>"the quiet short guy"
>tfw this will probably be me if I do get a job
>makes me not want a job even more than usual
>9 Hours
Nice. Its shaping up well. I've heard people say that about being the "funny guy". I used to be like that in school, and I kinda get what you mean. But the years have changed me. I don't feel so funny anymore. I've had people say i'm funny, but I don't often make jokes. I feel pretty serious and avoidant most of the time. I keep to myself whenever possible.
>that pic
>tfw 5'6"
I should end it desu
"some undertale guitar" sounded crackly and shitty. Was it meant to sound that way?
Ill play it again and check. It's possible.
it lasted like 20 seconds before going to Bobby Womack. Something definitely seemed wrong. Sounded more like an alien transmission than a song lmao
shit you're right. It has been doing that before with short clips, something to do with the buffer of the stream
This is a bit of a meme song but I love it
go live in japan if you love it so much
coming up for the next 30 minutes now we have Leonard Cohen, Hey Man Nice Shot (one of my favs btw), NUCLEEEAR, and more!about HMNS: The song was written about the January 22, 1987, public suicide of Pennsylvania state treasurer R. Budd Dwyer. Dwyer had been convicted on bribery charges in December 1986, and was expected to receive a long sentence from U.S. District Court Judge Malcolm Muir. Professing his innocence and decrying the legal system, Dwyer shot himself with a .357 Magnum during a press conference.
No thanks
Holy fuck. "someone call a doctor, an ambulance, and the police". don't think a doc would do much good at that point. Crazy that I've never head about that. Reminds me of that pizza guy that blew up on live TV.
HMNS is pretty good. The variety is the best part of this radio station. Often times I have trouble leaving my comfort zone of songs I know
Jow Forums /out of touch/
Reminds me of the guy who shot the pedo that molested his son
I like hearing what everybody else likes too!
I just want to say, I appreciate your work user. I love all the songs you play, we have identical tastes. It's just so comfy and really makes me happy, even the sad songs.
Anyone else have that feel? You know you're sad, but you've accepted that and transcend it and becone /comfy/
I really like this song and remix
Its the feeling of connection to your audience/listeners, like the thought that everybody is looking at the same moon. Glad you like it fren.
Sadness and loneliness have become more than feelings. It's hard to separate them from my actual personality. It's just who I am to the point it doesn't bother me so much anymore and I can just be /comfy/ and not worry about it. Upon re-reading that it sounds really gay but w/e.
>like the thought that everybody is looking at the same moon.
very good way to put it. Makes me feel closer to the other anons.
I love Hall & Oates. Forgot how much I love this song
>everybody is looking at the same moon.
I feel close with those other listeners, even though I'll never know their name
>It's hard to separate them from my actual personality
I haven't thought of it that way before, but it's sad how true it is. I'm just that guy that sits alone, walks alone, lives alone, and ultimately die alone. I'm not sure if I even want to be with someone because it'll be so wildy different, I'm not sure I'd deal with it well and when they leave me, I won't be able to go back to being alone
I dreamed a couple weeks ago that I had finally met someone who was the one for me. Don't even remember her face... Took me a couple days to stop dreading sleep because I couldn't stand waking up out of such a perfect dream like that. I'd never felt something like that before, I cant describe how sad it made me, but it still gave me a little hope, even if it gives me tears when I type this. Anyone else have some some feels in their dreams?
Hell yeah, dude. I've had that feeling several times. Waking up with such sadness. I hope I can die in my sleep during one of those really good dreams. Maybe then it'll last forever. But also, they say a face you see in your dreams is a face you've seen somewhere before. So whoever it was, they're a real person. The human mind can't just create faces out of nothing
I dream of the girl I love, but she doesn't love me back and she essentially just keeps playing with my emotions because she knows how i feel. But I'm a sucker, and keep crawling back. I dream that we're finally together. I'm actually happy.
But i wake up to my cold room staring at the ceiling in the dark
Is this French rap music? Definitely out of my normal zone
this wasnt original and thats cool
play "Blame It On The Boogie" by the jackson five
I hope so. I remember in the dream we didnt even do anything. We just talked, laughed, and watched tv on an old vcr. It was so innocent and beautiful.
I had a girl do that to me once. She led me on and used to help her get ahead in school. Once she couldnt use me anymore she just started ignoring me. I still had to see her in like 3 more classes after that, and sometimes she'd say hi when walking by and i'd feel so pathetic and weak for not only not cutting her off but continuing to pretend she didnt hurt me like she did. I still havent unfollowed her insta... STEM girls are cold blooded.
yup! Its certainly different thats for sure
ok everyone I'm going to bed now the station will be going all night! feel free to keep the discussion/songs going
You got it OP. Thanks a ton. Hope it doesn't go out again. That was saddening the other day.
This is a good version of Running In The 90's. I dig it.
Thanks for this OP. Such a great idea!
Sleep well
thanks for the comfy tunes
Any of you guys seen the new Incredibles? Mrs. Incredible is super thicc
>what you are listening to