That kid that orders burgers plain

>that kid that orders burgers plain

keep chewing that dry ass burger lmao

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c'mere I'll chew your dry ass dick next time virgin fagbag

have fun with your norovirus fucktard

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It's always this >cheeseburger ketchup only

>ordering burgers
>actually eating burgers

>yui poster calling himself based

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Stop constantly posting worst girl, faggot.

huh? the fuck you talking about?

take it ezi

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burger-cheese-bbq sauce-tomato-lettuce is the only patrician combination

>that kid

we're grown ass men here you underage faggot. MODS

Ketchup on any type of meat is an abomination. Not even hot dogs.

Mustard, ketchup, bacon with 2 1/4lb patties is the best choice, lad.

Attached: [Mushin] Hajimete no Gal - 11 [OVA] My first school festival (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_10. (658x706, 672K)

Mustard and/or ketchup vs any type of meat vs bbq sauce? Laughable. Maybe bratwurst would be better with mustard but thats about it. Mustard is fine on most meats but it's still not better than bbq. Ketchup has literally no business on any meat ever.

Maybe im just autistic but i cant stand any other thing than bbq sauce. Mustard and ketchup make me wince and want to vomit.
The only time i can eat mustard is when i use it in a small percentage on a cocktail sauce i make for chicken on coal grill

this nigger

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You don't like ketchup on fries and stuff? Also I forgot that ketchup is the main ingredient for shrimp cocktail sauce which is very different but still that's close enough for an honorable mention of meats.

That wasn't me i swear. It's not my fault I have fans on Jow Forums.

Attached: [Mushin] Hajimete no Gal - 11 [OVA] My first school festival (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_09. (636x720, 616K)

I absolutely cant stand it.
I have a lot of weird shit about food. For example, i cant even get cheese near my face but i can edam or gouda if its in pizza or a sandwich.

you're the last person anyone would call based you fucking dumbjew

Ok... whatever helps you sleep at night, leftypol.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.43_[2017.08.16_10.57.21].png (510x634, 400K)

Do you not eat fries? Just have them plain? Bbq sauce? Also all ketchup is not created equal.

i eat fries but just like that, plain

Unsalted fries with ketchup is best.

Do you wash it down with lots of soda?

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Well there's certainly something to be said for that. I'd agree that plain fries are underrated. Plain just meaning sauce so there's still a lot of room to work with seasoning.

i can eat them just like that, no problem but with near frozen soda they are the best

>that kid who puts sauce on his steak and cooks it well done


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Yknow now that you mention it, I think that was my problem last time. Too much salt on the fries so I just preferred them plain which is unusual for me. So I had thought something was wrong with the ketchup.

He is based tho, ahora callese mayate

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>those 21 year old boomers who consume dead animal flesh

So we're all agreed that ketchup on any type of meat is objectively wrong.

If I wanted tomatoes or other veggies n sheit then I'd order a fucking salad.
Cheese doesn't belong on a fucking hamburger.

kill yourself, you're a fucking joke

Nope, catsup all day everyday user

who /everything but pickles/ here?

I'll take that as a no. Its still objectively wrong though. Tomato sauce yes. Ketchup is not tomato sauce.

On what? Like a Subway sandwhich?

fuck off man, what kind of s0ib0i faggot shit is this? which subreddit were you on when you learned of proper katsup etiquette for gentlesirs?

>goes to work
>doesn't have a gf
>doesn't even get to live by himself
Keep using your super fun coping mechanisms OP.

Most sauce and meat combinations are a few centuries old at least. Ketchup on meat is probably the plebiest thing anyone can do with food.

Ketchup is rotten tomatoes. Literally. It's the worst of tomatoes that they use for trash food.

If it's sub par, too chewy, meat made from my mom, then I use Ketchup. If the meat is good, A1 Steak Sauce is THE best thing to put on meat. I'm serious. Not cheap though, so use sparingly.

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So why would you not use A1 on your mom's meat? I would think that's when it would be needed the most.

yep i love rotten food i'm always eating whatever i can find straight out of the dumpster

Oh sorry I missed that you said it wasn't cheap. Where the fuck do you live, Somalia?

uhhh thanks? sarcastic or not ill keep em coming

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based kashii poster per usual