NEET and Hikikomori general Thread

Would you define yourself as a NEET or are you more of a hikikomori type Jow Forums?

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I'm a plain old neet. In the future maybe something more

more neet than hiki

used to be both but made more friends and i like it desu

what's the difference? i thought they were the same except different origins.

So a neet with a social life?

neet i use to be a hardcore hiki but I actually leave my room now and go outside to smoke and talk with my mom once in awhile

I'm a poorfaggot so I have to walk to get groceries. So I'm just NEET as I am forced to go outside. Otherwise I never would go out and actually already have vitamin d disorder and take pills for it.

I left the house yesterday for the first time in about a month or more.

hikkoromi but my brothers gf made plans for all of us to go to the fair tomorrow and im basically forced to go against my own will....

>what's the difference? i thought they were the same except different origins.

a Neet is someone who is not in employment education or training and doesn't want to contribute to society you don't have to be a shut in to be a neet a neet can still have a social life and go outside a hikikomori on the other hand is an extreme recluse who never leaves their home or bedroom most are also neets but some work or take classes from home.

Being forced doesn't count.

>actually telling him
Fucking use a search engine and look it up you fucking low IQ low quality shitposter.

NEET Hikki here. Been like 2 or 3 months since I last had to leave the house for anything. Need to leave soon to go buy more earbuds because I keep breaking them/my current pair is shocking the shit out of my at random intervals.
The terms are not mutually exclusive. You can technically be both. Not in Education Employment or Training. A Hikki is someone who doesn't leave their house for months at a time and who is aside an extreme social recluse. The other people, if there are any in their house, often don't know if they even exist.
>Otherwise I never would go out and actually already have vitamin d disorder and take pills for it.
Unless you're a nonwhite, this really shouldn't be a problem. Whites need all of 15 minutes, less if you're particularly pale, to get everything they need. Sit in front of a window and or take a multivitamins.

Decade long hikikomori

Would you say your condition has improve somewhat?

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My parents are poorfaggot, hence the walking, so to save on AC they put things over the windows and freak out if even one beam of light comes in.

We live in FL. Another reason I don't want to go outside, you can imagine. Too hot and bright. Nothing open during the day either. Shit locals too.

And I'm white, but fuck sitting in the heat getting tan like a nigger (I'm mostly white but have native american blood that makes me turn darker from white) whilst dying of a heat stroke.

a little bit. I got a job in between for 6 months and moved out but they treated me like shit so I told them to fuck off and moved back home so at least I have some money for vidya now.

>My parents are poorfaggot, hence the walking,
>We live in FL.
F. Yeah, that would do it.

i have to go to a dr now and then to get get well card for my bux, otherwise id never leave the house/backyard

what kind of stuff do you guys leave the house to do

>what kind of stuff do you guys leave the house to do

I only leave the house once a month for food.

Get a fucking job, gay boys lmao

Get a life.

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to get money from the bank, food, to replace something if something breaks, hiding the bodies
one of those was a joke
sometimes, i can get people to do things for me or otherwise order things online, but it all depends

I leave my house twice a week at night to go get cigarettes, besides going out for a smoke or grabbing food I'm in my room.

I'd like to find an "at home job" but I have absolutely no skills so that idea is worthless.

You guys should check out my neet podcast. Uploading a new ep soonish!

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I usually dont like rap but your videos are awesome

I have stumbled upon your stuff before. That's about the sum total of my opinion of you. I think you made a song I liked, once.

>shilling jewtube
Fuck yourself.

Won't have Internet for a week or so.

No money.

No pruno even.

No place in walking distance to get Internet and bring videos back (not that it helps that much when what you do is more than video watching online).

Send help.

>Get a fucking job, gay boys lmao
>Get a life.

Fuck off wagecuck.

Chad Marco is a nigger.

NEET is a solid defined term, you either are a NEET or not.

Hikikomori is a term that has softer definitions, though I would still say I am just a social recluse, because I am not from Japan.

I'm a NEET. I leave the house regularly (back garden to smoke, shop every 2-3 days for cigarettes and snacks). No real life friends but I have online friends I sometimes talk to on Discord/Steam. We sometimes voice chat and play vidya. With some I watch films on Rabbit. Not sure if that counts as a hikikomori. I don't want to erroneously label myself as one just in case.

who /meatballs and cheese/ here
cashews for breakfast-dessert

NEET, going to get out of it/work from home if I don't kill myself before I get there.

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>Hikikomori is a term that has softer definitions

Not really it's pretty solid i mean you are not a hikikomori if you have a job in the outside world or willingly go to school everyday.

>I would still say I am just a social recluse, because I am not from Japan.

It's not even strictly a Japanese term anymore it was added to the oxford english dictionary in 2010.

I'm a NEET
Not hiki at all
But still khv and literally autistic
Although I have friends and play in a band and leave the house most days

I say you are one just not an extreme one you are like Satou.

>Has friends
>Plays in a band

Failed normalfag

Yeah I guess. You used to call us cyborgs

>Yeah I guess. You used to call us cyborgs

cyborgs are failed normalfags just like incels.

>they treated me like shit so I told them to fuck off and moved back home

I don't blame you user.

Is it possible to have a job and be a hikikomori, like going to work, then coming home without anything else?

>Is it possible to have a job and be a hikikomori, like going to work, then coming home without anything else?

No that's just an introvert a hikikomori can have a job but only from home never in the outside world because that means you regularly leave the house.

>Need to leave soon to go buy more earbuds because I keep breaking them

The ones you are using are probably shit.

I sleep with earbuds in because of ASMR. Can't otherwise sleep. They're short, so it's not strange for me to end up breaking them either at the connector or the top of the earbuds themselves due to moving around. Thought about buying wireless earbuds but the whole having to charge them thing is a right pain in my ass. Far too lazy. I usually just buy 3 or 4 packs which last me months.

What asmr do you like?

his point still stands, the ones you use are shit if they break that easily

>his point still stands, the ones you use are shit if they break that easily


I most of the time prefer faceless (not knowing entirely what the person looks like, but character avatars are fine) roleplays to traditional ASMR. I in fact listen to so many ASMR roleplays I often have to sort by the time they were released in order to find something new to listen to. I also prefer pornographic audio roleplays. I particularly like things that put the Listener in the role of something special (like a vampire, werewolf, yandere, etc), as a woman. as a child receiving attention, or receiving comfort for trauma. Pornographic or otherwise. I've made myself be subscribed to no more than 5 ASMR channels at any time or I would be subscribed to, probably, over a hundred. I'm always listening to something (ASMR, Let's Plays, livestreams, podcasts, etc) rather than watching. I'm something of an audiophile. It helps me kill my infinite amount of time from being a worthless shut-in who has no relationships.

I'm currently listening to this:
Fair enough. I'm just insane and sitting down to look up better things to order online makes me have to think, and thinking makes the bad things not stay away. I usually prefer to save myself the hurt and just go to the drugstore.

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>I also prefer pornographic audio roleplays

I'm the same.

NEET but I had a brief hikki phase

what is NEET life like?
do you break the contact to your parents while being NEET? if so, is it because you're kind of a disappointment?
seems appealing because I hate going to uni and I don't even have any ambitions. makes me wonder why I bother with my parents when I should've left home 1 year ago.

i've been a NEET for my entire adult life. i don't delude myself into thinking it's comfy or better than having the structure/routine of a job. i used to be a hikki but i like coming along for car rides and staying in the car while my grandma does errands in town because i get cabin fever. i joke about being a hikki though, because i stay in my room almost constantly when i am home, and i never really leave the car when i go out.

>being so buttblasted at someone asking a question
chill nigger

1 more week and i'll be a NEET

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Depending on my exam results in a week I might have to be a NEET for a year, tell me lads, what should I do with my time?

>get a fucking job
I honestly really wish I could but when you have gaps on your resume nobody wants to give you a chance. Thankfully I live in a country with perpetual welfare.

Definitely NEET, it's a great life if you set up a good amount of NEETbux.

Hikki implies mental issues though, wouldn't want that.

NEET christ I'm a normie now and all. I probably enrage incels everywhere I go. Little do they know where I started.

>what is NEET life like?
like being a monk, which means it's not for everyone
you will become a monk, hedonist, or insane
>do you break the contact to your parents while being NEET?
i never had a relationship with my parents because they are terrible people
>but i like coming along for car rides and staying in the car while my grandma does errands in town
you are a man of taste just like me.png
i do this every few many months to see how the world has change
shops opening and closing
it all feels fake

What kind of jobs can I get with a 5 year gap in employment?

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I'm probably hybrid, i leave my house maybe once every few months, i've been like this for about 5 years now, i haven't ever had a job and am a drop out, i'm starting to talk to myself, i plan to probably kill myself in four five years or whenever i'm no longer garenteed shelter and i'm to scared to talk to anyone else besides my family. i was not meant for this world

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I'm a NEET and I leave the house to go to the store sometimes but I nearly have a panic attack everytime. If it for the fact I leave to got the store I'd probably end up going full hikki since I'd rather just stay indoors.

lol don't mix hikikomori with being an agoraphobic who never leaves the house. Hikikomoris actually do leave the house, but they're completely socially isolated.

I feel this shit never really ends brobots. I shut down when I was about 14, I dropped out of high school then left my house like once a month and it became less and less, years passed and nothing changed. I woke up one day and I was 20 years old. Some things happened and I managed to get the confidence to fix myself but then I just shut down again shortly after, I never left the house. I started working from home and never did anything. I quit my jobs every few months and live off the savings in my room, I only go out for groceries at 3 AM. As I write this now I cashed out my $2,000 401K and haven't worked in 3 months, it's just me in this room. Why do we do this to ourselves yet hate our-self for every minute of it?

Yes but they don't go to school or work a hikikomori can leave the house for food take a walk to to the park to chill or whatever.

>hikki implies mental issues

Not all hikikomori have a pysciolgal problem it just happens a lot of them do I would go as far as to say that I think most hikis are ether autistic have social anxiety or avoident personality disorder.

Christ, that's depressing. I shut down for about 3 or 4 months or so when I was 14 or 15. Ended up quickly getting out of it, and setting up a good future for myself. I sometimes imagine what my life would be like if I had dropped out at that time. I think I would have ended up like you.

At 20, you still have some time user. Get moving

>at 20

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>hikikomori for 2 years
>only leave the house to go to mass on Sunday
>18 now
>parents pressuring me to apply for college this year
>don't think I can or want to do it
What should I do? Last time I went to school I had an actual mental breakdown. I don't want to seem pathetic to them or make them hate me but I don't know how I can do that and stay the way I am.

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totally a born neet, with hiki phases
I guess in another time I'd be perfect for jobs like lighthouse keeper but they're all automated now so it feels like there's no room for me. It's all becoming faster and more connected and as a reaction I retreat more and more because "the world" is intruding on me. Like a forest animal getting displaced by cities, you get the idea. I pretty much live in my own fantasy world anyway, most of my memories are from fiction: books, games, movies. Had different types of jobs over the years but it all comes down to me not being able to handle human contact with either coworkers or customers.

But I have to generate income somehow.