Is homicide objectively superior to suicide?

I've been thinking that if you're depressed that you're life sucks or you can't get laid to the point of killing yourself the following must be true:

>First of all chances are you aren't religious because suicide is generally seen as a hell-tier sin
>If you are somehow suicidal and religious you must not fear hell as much as you hate your life, but if that's the case you could beta uprising to get revenge on normies and go to hell all the same with an added bonus
>If you aren't religious there is no moral reason not to seek revenge on those you hate and maybe even make a name for yourself and further the beta uprising

Suicide just seems like a pointless waste of life while homicide gets shit done and there is no moral reason to prefer one over the other.

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Bomp et

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You aren't wrong, I guess. I think some people just want to get it over with as quickly as possible though. Also it seems strange to me that shooters have fangirls, but people that decide to become shooters never bother to hook up with one of the fangirls in the interest of having sex, and a shooting partner. I mean how hard could it fucking be?

Killing other people just gives the MSM the neo terrorism scare they need. Killing yourself is swept under the rug and doesn't even make local news because TPTB can't politicize it

They only get the fangirls after they beta uprising because
>Women like dangerous men even though they're too retarded to recognize them before they go AWOL completely defeating the possible benefit of being an edgelord
>It is possible that the extra exposure shooters get when they show up on the news means women that would have liked them but they never met see them

I'm a rational being and because I don't feel like I deserve to live doesn't mean I should take their happiness away from them

I'm not talking about their personal fangirls, I'm talking about fangirls of other shooters. How hard is it to talk to them online, they probably even have offline meetups. Women are just as crazy as men, if not moreso. If there's a rarity of female shooters, it's simply because the crazy girls are in need a bit more in the way of encouragement. Women are passive by nature after all. The first problem you listed is no longer a problem if the man communicates his desires to the woman beforehand.

Hi mister FBI, sorry but we don't really condone terrorist ideologies here, move along please.

Have some nubian qween milkers as a reward for a valiant attempt, though.

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In the sense of leaving your mark behind, yes, surely.

10/10 pic

And this has been my thought process all my life. Only cowards take their own lives. I know severe depression and personality detatchment disorders exist, I get that, but if you're on the verge of taking your life over shit that has been done to you or piled on you by those who live happily.. Take their happiness and their lives. Break them, take all they hold dear and leave it in a pool of blood.

I've had maybe 5 dreams in my entire life and I'm in my 30s. Everything I've ever seen in my dreams has been torment because of the shit I had to put up with by others in my formative years. The psycholigical damage that is inflicted on a youths mind by their "peers" is understated and completely overlooked, if not ignored entirely due to not understanding/caring. I shouldn't be alive, I'm not alive. At my age I'm an hkhv neet. If I had killed them all and went out at least I would of died knowing I ended them. Now, now I love for nothing and the pain haunts me daily.

but your dead so why would it matter to you?

There is literally nothing wrong with a low status/bullied man going on a shooting rampage

my life is too good and I have far too many reasons to live to ever do anything like that but I'm always happy when I see that death toll headline on the news

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I mean the guy in Vegas did it in his 60s, no such thing as a shooter boomer

Suicide is a soft power murder by normies, so yeah, murder is justice.

>All stories on above mentioned "website" is work of fiction and should be considered legally as such

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Problem is you assume religious belief is based on a fear of hell rather than a love of God. Suicide puts you in hell because it is the most miserable act a person could ever do. Nothing to do with going to a physical place of hellfire.

Everything you said is the logic of someone who wants to deny the reality of moral law. You like the idea of being an edgy school shooter but you lack the inhumanity and psychopathy to ever really do that, no matter how bad it gets.

>Women like dangerous men even though they're too retarded to recognize them before they go AWOL
I live in the city, cheap district but hipsterizing. There's a female celebrity, daughter of a troubled father, who doesn't know me of course but she always looks at me intensely when she crosses me, even though she often wears sunglasses.

She saw the killer in me.

Makes sense. If you're suicidal over losing money you could murder anyone that has ever won the lottery and that would in theory make up for you not having what you were entitled to at birth.

>you assume religious belief is based on a fear of hell rather than a love of God
I know for a fact that many people are religious out of a fear of hell, at least I was and I doubt I was the only one
>deny the reality of moral law
Morals are creations by society based on a combination of natural human psychology due to being social creatures and preferring pack behavior and the philosophy set forth by Christianity which puts value in humility and weakness, one of the few "core moral values" that isn't a meaningless creation of human evolution.
>you lack the inhumanity and psychopathy to ever really do that, no matter how bad it gets.
How do you know this? In truth I'm not a psychopath and do have empathy but I'm pretty sure not all mass shooters were even necessarily psychopaths, hence the reason they often break down and kill themselves mid shooting

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>legions of fan girls shlick to his memory
That happens to serial killers, not virgin sperg outs.

this is merely filler text, not that original to be desu

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teenage girls flick their beans to mass shooters all the time, dumbass
back in high school I knew at least 3 girls who absolutely worshipped dylan klebold

I know this is not the gossip thread, but I actually wasn't sure it was her. But I looked her up and hey, gossip says she lives near me, because, hey, fuck rich neighborhoods.

Thank you Mr super rational.

I want to go out in a comforting and peaceful way, I don't care about others and I'm not going to bother killing others. If I wanted to go massacre normies I'd go buy a couple hundred grams of fent and toss it in Detroit's water supply, but I can't even get a gram of fent to kill myself with.

Well they have shit taste then. Bundy is the only murderfu I'd shlick to.

>Morals are creations by society based on a combination of natural human psychology due to being social creatures and preferring pack behavior and the philosophy set forth by Christianity which puts value in humility and weakness, one of the few "core moral values" that isn't a meaningless creation of human evolution.
There's actually a great definition of morals in the film "I stand alone" by Gaspar Noe.

From memory,
>Morals, it's for those who made it. The rich.
>You want to see *my* morals? No I'm not sure you want to see it, because you're going to be scared.
(pulls out a gun)
>Here it is, this is my morals.

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dude, that's like 1/8 nubian, lmao.
That's a jewfro actually.

Knocks on the door of Alpha Phi sorority. Bitches don't open the fucking door.


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This too, although this kind of goes along with the Nietzsche idea of "master morality" which basically means rich people come up with morals that suit them, our "good and evil" are the products of meaningless Biology, Christian philosophy, and Rich pragmatism.

This is my biggest fucking complaint about the supreme gentleman


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>needing religion to have morals
Literal retard spotted


i just wanna add that if you're gonna do your personal beta uprising and end your life then please just DON'T focus on males you doesn't know. there are shy handsome anons out there who hate normies and despise females and just want to live their lives playing video games and masturbate to hentai. do you wanna shoot your fellow user? i hope not

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that scene

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This. Spike Lee did a great film about Son of Sam, Summer of 1977.
The couple killer.
NYC's nightmare for a month.
Acting from orders from his beloved dog.

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I think devinitfly yes, you could die fighting, at least taking down some niggers, at leaast having a score on your highscore. Or you could just kill your selve, have no score and are a complete looser

Elliot Smith also made a song about him

>I'm a little like you son of sam
>couple killer, every time
>shiva, open her arms now,
>to make sure I don't get too far
>I'm a little like you
>more like son of sam

love is the answer. (?)

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>she saw the killer in me

You have to be 18 or over to post on this board holy shit that gave me such a cringe

Why would a hot celebrity stare at a weirdo every fucking time? Not like I'm the only weirdo around.

this story ends with that girl being raped and maybe murdered and user's barrister trying to plead insanity by means of undiagnosed schizophrenia