Jordan Peterson BTFO'd by Creationist Cat
PragerU, wtf
People take them seriously...
I HAd no idea about half this shit
That cat is fat as hell tho
You know, this is the first time I'm posting this snap meme unironically. That video is obnoxious.
Yeah I know PragerU is the cringiest thing out there, right?
This video is incredibly annoying.
your mom is incredibIy annoying
I heard Peterson likes free speech.
I'm sure he likes to talk about how Trump has proposed policies which directly go against the first amendment.
Why do I bother fuckin coming to this board anymore
What do you mean?
Are PragerU or Peterson depressing?
Talk to me.
>cultural neo marxism is brainwashing our children to believe they are homosexual faggots that want communism and gulags in america!! damn jews!!
Where's the lie though?
>has to talk about the President of the US
Can someone TL;DR this shit because I'm not listening to that annoying voice for that long.
Let me guess, it would also be unreasonable for him to talk about every SJW shenanigans outside of Canada right?
He constantly talks about anything the SJW do included in the US.
why are you advertising you channel on pol go shill somewhere else
how can anyone sit through that guy his voice is annoying
creastionast cat go away
>homosexuality and abortion should be punishable crimes
not that contentious of an opinion desu. particularly the latter
Even if it's only after a few weeks since conception, when it's only a clump of cells?
Unreasonable? No. But to treat someone not saying something as some kind of red flag is retarded and not very practical.
Yeah. (also you're just a clump of cells, you disgusting meat sack)
I think abortion can be perfectly justified through secular reasoning. If you accept that the term "unborn child" has meaning, yet also lacks meaning purely when it suits the mother - that is logically inconsistent. I would say if a mother wanted a child and she grieves for it's accidental death at 3 weeks, then the child had universal moral worth regardless of the womb it belonged to.
It's convenient to kill babies, I get it. If we accept that there's something wrong with this then it also crosses into other ethical questions like our sexual behavior. If we prohibit abortion then poor people have more problem children and that means more problems for society. That's the real reason abortion has gone the way it has the west, in my view.
But I'm not "only a clump of cells", I'm a clump of cells that happens to be sentient, conscious and able to have interests that can be thwarted (if I'm temporarily not conscious my interest into continuing to exist would be thwarted).
An early embryo or fetus doesn't have that.
The child you could theoretically have if you don't use protection when having sex is also a potential child, and by using a condom for example you are actively making sure to kill the potential that the egg and the sperm have to eventually become a child.
The mother grieving for something it's not proof of intrinsic value. People can grieve for irrational things.
>It's convenient to kill babies
But it's not a baby though, at least very early in the pregnancy. If we are talking about late term abortion I agree with you they shouldn't be legal unless extreme situations like if the mother is in danger.
Both are fucking trash
>An early or fetus doesn't have that.
How do you know?
How do I know you're conscious (arguably a religious belief) and not a p-zombie?
>The child you could theoretically have if you don't use protection when having sex is also a potential child, and by using a condom for example you are actively making sure to kill the potential that the egg and the sperm have to eventually become a child.
Exactly. If people recognize life might have sanctity at the moment of conception, and that sex is a tool for creating as apposed to pleasure, then it would in turn require us to change our attitudes to sex.
>The mother grieving for something it's not proof of intrinsic value. People can grieve for irrational things.
What is proof of intrinsic value? Why is an unborn child an "irrational thing"?
resentment ridden ideology
>How do you know?
Because we know that consciousness is related to the functioning of the brain (usually the cortex) and in a very early embryo or fetus there is no such thing.
>How do I know you're conscious (arguably a religious belief) and not a p-zombie?
Consciousness is the only thing we cannot doubt. A philosophical zombie is not me by definition. Is the hypothetical organism that acts like me, does everything that I do but doesn't have a qualia, a conscious subjective experience. In the thought experiment, I cannot be a philosophical zombie.
>What is proof of intrinsic value? Why is an unborn child an "irrational thing"?
By intrinsic value I mean an entity that has the capacity for consciousness, for which the quality of experience can be good or bad.
Different species have this feature in different degrees (the typical human has it more than an insect for example). But I don't see why members of the species homo sapiens should be considered automatically more worthy of moral consideration simply by being a member of the species homo sapiens in and of itself (there are humans beings with less ability for consciousness than many primates or other mammals).
A religious view would make a clear demarcation between homo sapiens and non-homo sapiens (even for the ones that will never have any ability to experience anything like a anenchephalic person, somebody born without a brain). I don't know why you would make that clear arbitrary distinction considering how gradual evolution is (there never was the first homo sapiens, it's just an incredibly slow process or evolution).
I cant take this feline seriously
His book saved my genitals.
Memories, probably?
i like how peterson presents a valid critique of SJW shit but then wraps it in a thick layer christcucky paleoconservative drivel
canada needs a forced sterilization procedure
Look dude, everyone knows you're against abortion because you want roasties to suffer.
so cringey
kill me
>channel from the completely dead atheism-craze era of the internet desperately trying to cling to relevance
It actually doesn't touch atheism related topics, it's just a comedic device, usually it talks about alt-right, modern youtubers and what not.
exactly, the dude has completely changed tune from 5, 6 years ago in an attempt to cling to relevance
What the fuck, I thought this would be a cat arguing with Jordan Peterson from a Creationist perspective. That would have been entertaining. This is disappointing.
>tfw ywn go back to the comfy era of atheist neckbeards and christcucks argueing on the internet and everyone basically talking shit 24/7
>tfw we're stuck in the era where everyone thinks they're some kind of political revolutionary figure who is going to save the world
>You know why you should hate Jordan Peterson?
>*Talks for twenty minutes about actions of random other people.*
>Defend free speech!
>*Except for all this stuff I dosagree with, fuck them.*
Why is Jow Forums the dumping ground for worthless clickbait videos? Thanks for wasting my time.
They are not random other people, they are the people who sposored the video and the founder of PragerU.
The author of the video didn't want to refuse free speech to anyone, that was the people Peterson allies with.