Can you Jow Forums?

can you Jow Forums?

Attached: can you.png (300x224, 23K)


I'm a manlet so yeah.

Easily. And I'm obese so there's that

Manlet with lanky arms :)

I can place my palms flat on the ground without bending the knees

I can put my palms flat on the ground without bending my knees at all, so yes.

I'm so fucking inflexible that deadlifts are legitimately not even an option for me rn

Can you suck your own dick tho

i can lick the tip


Can even do the Bruce lee front forward bend.

Was kind of funny to see peoples reactions when I do it.
Reminder, I was a 310 pound lineman who was flexible enough to bend like that.


Attached: image.jpg (4032x3024, 1.6M)

i can do this, just barely
OP pic is easy as fuck too
6'2 lanklet

This shit is a test to know if you have belly fat

I can do this too. Can normies not do this?

Can it standing up. Can't do it sitting down.

Bro, I got crazy flexibility. My friends freak out but I squat almost literally ass to concrete and I can touch the floor with my whole palm. Get jelly

the population at large is surprisingly unflexible.
I know some people who can't naturally squat, best they can manage is paralell.
All humans should be able to squat, its what we did before we invented chairs

I can kiss the tip

Yes. Mobility in the hip and ankle dorsiflexion is important for squatting.


Nigga I'm 25% bf at BEST and I can kiss the top of my erect benis with my palms flat on the floor

thanks for the offer

Can put my head between my knees


Nah, because im stiff as fuck and my tendons are shortened(diagnosed), so i have to stretch really properly to squat or diddly.
Which exercises do you do for mobility and flexibility?
Would do anything, so pls halp.

No. Why would I do that?