Conservatives think that everyone on the left is not only wrong, but a fucking idiot

Conservatives think that everyone on the left is not only wrong, but a fucking idiot.
Liberals think that everyone on the right is not only wrong, but a fucking idiot.

What gives?

Attached: 20141105_Republicanvs.Democrat.jpg (500x387, 37K)

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People tend to be overwhelmingly wrong or fucking idiots in any situation so it comes down to optics, basically whoever is most visible is pointed out as the most stupid and wrong. Anyone who's a one-party voter is contributing to the problem.

Both sides are right on this tbdesu

Noone really thinks so desu.

americans are idiots, this is news to nobody

As if the same bullshit isn't happening in every democratic country

> implying far right isn't the only group with non-idiotic ideas

>A guy is saying what I like to hear

>A guy is contradicting what I want to hear
Fucking idiot!

Well, unlike religious ideologies of old, at least they don't think the others are blasphemers and infidels and sinners who need to be forcibly converted or slain. Mere fucking idiots is a step up, historically speaking.

i wouldn't know, i have only lived in the US and most people i interact with are idiots
i myself am an American Idiot

Why do you hate your nation?
I already know you hate yourself given that you're on Jow Forums

Conservatives are fucking idiots
Liberals are fucking idiots too
Centralists are fucking idiots
What gives?

>Well, unlike religious ideologies of old, at least they don't think the others are blasphemers and infidels and sinners who need to be forcibly converted or slain.
>he doesn't know

> there is such thing as american nation

Attached: download.png (1920x1210, 1.16M)

At least conservatives understand liberal ideas before dismissing them.

>Centralists are fucking idiots
I'm beginning to believe there are no true centrists, only people who disagree with the current political paradigm but don't have the knowledge to fully endorse an opposing position.
It's not that they're fence-sitters, it's that they're uncomfortable delving into certain issues and taking a hard stance.

I say this as someone who was a typical obvious democrat 'Bush Bad Obama Good' teenager, considered myself a centrist at the start of my adult years and have been growing steadily towards conservativism as I get older.

When are you going to accept that your hatred of your nation is a projection of your hatred of yourself and your father?

These studies are contradictory. There is a series of papers you can cite to either paint a pro-liberal or pro-conservative picture as much as you want.

We could also talk about the literature showing a positive association between IQ and liberal values in many nations, the negative association between religiosity and IQ, higher disgust sensitivity ("feels before reels") among conservatives, lower ability to avoid motivated reasoning in the moral domain among conservatives etc.

Just by selecting the types of facts you want to talk about, you expose your bias.

I also suspect that Haidt is pandering to conservatives (he needs them for his heterodox academy).

>a positive association between IQ and liberal values
This is blatantly obvious to everyone, it's why liberal societies appear in countries with high educational standards and higher IQs.
You do understand that conservatives are just a subset of liberal political community with a focus on financial risk-assessment and a lack of progressive ideological leanings, right?

The only conservatives that are truly illiberal are ridiculous fundamentalist religious types, who are actually theocratic but won't say so.

When did people start calling Democrats the 'liberal party' and why is it an obvious ploy to conflate broad liberal political values, which are the common ground of our national identity, with one party's values?

The data I was referring to showed a positive correlation between IQ and lower income inequality/higher taxes. As well as a negative correlation between religiosity and IQ.
They were not really using "liberal" the way you are using the term.

IQ is also negatively correlated with sexism, racism and homophobia scores.

And I'm sure the fact that 'low income inequality, high tax rate' policy is taught part and parcel in academic circles doesn't have anything to do with the IQ relationship

Not at all surprised by the negative relationship between religiosity and IQ though.

>IQ is also negatively correlated with sexism, racism and homophobia scores
I don't see that in the synopsis page, and I do have to wonder if they're playing the definition game with sexism, racism, and homophobia though I doubt it would affect scores significantly.

they're both useful idiots for the elite

politics is always full of charlatans
uneducated people who have nothing to do but follow current events closely love to chime into it
its an ego problem from what i've noticed, especially among the extremes
it has become trendy especially in recent years for run of the mill e-bloggers to pose as expert political philosophers, in a position to preach to the masses when they themselves don't know shit
they just want to rant and voice their attitudes & biases and frame them as if they are truths
real down to earth people we have here on Jow Forums, reddit, youtube, blogspot, etc.

Robots are apolitical.
That's it.