Do you hate all women or just most?
Do you hate all women or just most?
Most. I hate the ones my age the most.
I don't hate them. I just wish the majority of them would evolve mentally to the level of men and stop thinking with their vaginas.
Do you wish the same for all humans though? Too many people think with emotions first
If a general disgust with human social behavior is "hate" then I hate everyone honestly and exceptions prove rare.
It is just with women I need to talk with 'em for 10-15 min. first, while I hate man on sight.
I hate that I'm still alive, but also that I'm too much of a coward to kill myself.
Would you hate a shark for eating you or a bee for stinging you?
I wish things were not like this, but that's just the way it goes. Selection pressures of a sexually dimorphic species with asymmetrical mating strategies.
seeing that cunt holding a coffee mug with her foot made me angry. i suppose i hate women.
I don't care about all humans, only the cute ones.
Most I think.
I was at a thing for officer selection the other day and a girl literally said to me
>This room isn't very diverse is it?
And I had to stare at her for a few seconds before I said this is a room full of officer candidates, and we're here to be assessed on ability, not race.
I almost believed the nonsense trolls post on this board about sjws being a Jow Forums boogeyman.
I don't hate any women. I just hate people in general, including robots and myself.
I dont hate women I just wish I could be with one. It's so fucking lonely like this. I have friends and that doesnt do shit. It actually hurts that I've never been touched in a tender and loving way. I want to die.
I dont even hate most
I'm indifferent to most people in the world
I only respect one woman the one loyal to me. All other women I cautiously lack true respect for. But I still pretend to respect them.
When I see a cute girl I want to hug her
I hate normie girls and sluts, I like quiet prudish bookworm girls
Kelly is not a woman user. She is a cute boy
All because they all share the same vampiric female nature.
gibs me pipe or gibs me deth :DD
t. garbield
I love women!
I only have a romantic interest in virgins though.
I only hate specific types of women, whores, women who are 5'0" and insist on having a boyfriend who is 6'0"+, you get the idea, I hate the absolute worst of the bunch. I respect and adore a lot of women, it's not just hate.
From one perspective nonsense, from another valid. Not in a bullshit subjective sense. If the group looks homogeneous then obviously some form pre-selection is going on. She considered a longer time-line and you think "sjw-meme". Someone's a bit too smart to be an officer. Hint hint -- it's not you, buddy. Your post shows that you still didn't get it...
This. I get misogynistic sometimes when I feel bitter but mostly I don't really care.
Only roasties but that's basically all of them so all.
>There are disparities between groups in society
>Racism did this
shoo nasty troll
Incels don't actually hate women.
It's redirected self hate
>browsing history is probably 90% female related
It's not guys thinking with their dicks no
>Assumes homogeneity=disparity=racism
>Automatically reduces things to oversimplifications
>Spouts memes instead of logic
>Still doesn't get it after at least a day
You jumped to that conclusion. I merely mention pre-selection, which no one with a brain would argue against. Someone is a dumbass. Fuck yourself. A troll is you, Officer Nobrain.
What else does it imply?
Sorry if this is all too quick for you, but I'm an edgy Jow Forums boi and I know where this rhetoric leads. I've seen it all before.
Forgive me if you're not allowed to poke and prod at every possible avenue available that would deny people their agency and freedom to fabricate an adversary.
You clearly think highly of yourself, assuming it's justified, have you considered a career in the forces? If not, why not?
>that manga-pasted-all-over-the-wall phase
So glad I don't have photographic evidence to haunt me.
Only brainlets or severely mentally ill men hate women
women are just shitty people, they don't know any better because they are dumb as hell. why hate an amoeba? it just exists and does what it's programmed to do.
hello share kelly's instagram with me please thank you user!
I love women.. I hate it that they don't like me
I don't hate women at all.
I view EVERYONE the same way... I will give anyone a chance and be nice to anyone until that particular person gives me a reason to be otherwise towards them.
The only people I outright hate is loli/fur/shota posters.
Not the case at all, infact
No only you!
Mostly all. Just look at this whore. You can see how dumb she is through the picture and you know she doesn't have to move finger in her life. And what pisses me most is that i am still attracted to her, i fucking hate myself and my self control. Fucking tanlines.
yes, i hate them all for not liking me
I understand ur frustration but why hate her? She was just born lucky, do what I do, hate God.
None, just myself.
All except my mom I guess. I don't hate them, I just want them to be genocided so that MANkind can finally evolve beyond this banal shit which caters to promiscuous instincts and nornalfaggot rat race of impressing the nearest vagina bearer. We could've had artificial wombs. We could've had clones genetically engineered engineered to be an extension of our existences. What did they do ? They cried ethics. Not because they care about ethics, but because they saw men being happy, finally having something to achieve on this shitty planet. When we were busy conquering the skies, they marched for peace, just another front to remove the thrill and excitement of wars from our lives. They have constantly wanted us to be docile, not achieving anything but the most basal inventions, like the fucking selfie stick. They are the reason evolution stagnated. What else can I do ? It is only logical to abhor them. They have simply not evolved enough to have the characteristics our Y chromosome gives us. If we create an AI who thinks rationally without any bias, I am sure it would arrive at the decision of exterminating them too.