Do normalfags accept the world is degenerate and heading towards oblivion or have they not come out of their cave yet...

Do normalfags accept the world is degenerate and heading towards oblivion or have they not come out of their cave yet and do we only reject it because we weren't accepted by it?

Attached: The Cave.gif (600x330, 54K)

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>heading towards oblivion
e.g.? the world is a much better place than it was decades ago.

>world is degenerate
Only a small faction of people are degenerate, but you don't realise this because you're blind.

>reject it because we weren't accepted by it
I think that anybody with sufficient intelligence, regardless of their social stance, identifies the bad behaviour of some people.

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>the world is a much better place than it was decades ago

How so? All life quality metrics are way up. The world is safer than ever. What was better decades ago?

Salary cost benefit

It's harder to afford a 3 bedroom house, car, wife and two kids than its been in approaching a century. The recent recession was recognized as the worst since the great depression. Unemployment may be low but wages have been stagnant for over a decade.

For starters

Literally nothing.

If we were living in the 80's we will probably be the same mentally ill virgins with no social skills that we are nowdays.

Maybe for some people things were better before and for another group of people thing are better now.

But for us, the outcast, things haven't been better and aren't going to be better nowdays.

STDs are much worse than they were 50 years ago. Has a single std been cured? New ones have emerged and the old ones got stronger. And consequently they've spread like wildfire.

And apparently brothels used to be somewhat common 50 years ago. Ive never seen it even heard of an illegal brothel in my entire life. America btw

More whites.

This weaves into it. Whites have to work harder and harder because there are more and more non-whites to support.

That applies mainly to Burgerland. Not so much for others.

Got a source for that STD claim? Because that's retarded. There are in fact much less of them than 50 years ago, people know how to have safe sex, and many of them can be cured.

The Chicken Ranch was an illegal but tolerated brothel in the U.S. state of Texas that operated from 1905 until 1973. It was located in Fayette County about 2.5 miles (4.0 km) east of downtown La Grange. The business was established by Miss Jessie Williams, and was the basis for the 1973 ZZ Top song, "La Grange", the 1978 Broadway musical The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, and its 1982 film adaptation.

>he lives in a third world shithole where brothels are illegal

Name one std that's been cured
Obviously AIDs is new
Gonorrhea is now a super bug
Herpes commercials are daily

>All life quality metrics are way up.
And people are more anxious and depressed.

Which STDs have not had a cure found? Seriously, clap, chlamydia, and so on. STDs were way more rampant decades ago. It's now safer than ever to have sex.

>Which STDs have not had a cure found?

Ok I mean cured as in basically eradicated like polio. Yes chlamydia is successfully treated with antibiotics and always has been but I wouldn't exactly call that a cure.

Herpes is completely out of control. You do realize that condoms cannot prevent herpes right?

Herpes isn't just an STD you mong, herpes is a virus that's so common that most 6 year olds already have it. It stays dormant in your cells and doesn't do anything until your immunity fucks up, then it flares up and you get a cold sore. It's literally inconsequential. Apart from aids and hep B/C, nothing is that dangerous. And even for aids and hep b/c the treatments and life expectancy/quality are much much better than they were years ago

I don't think it was implied that herpes is just an std

Even though these mental illnesses may be on the rise, we also have to remember that there are changing attitudes towards mental illness and mental health as a whole. So those increased statistics may be inflated because of increasing diagnosis

The conversation was about STDs and my point was that virtually everyone, virgin on megaslut already has HSV-1 and probably even HSV-2 in their system, and even though it's incurable like you said, it's not important because it only causes minor issues and only when your immune system goes to shit because of stress, fatigue or other illnesses. That's like making an argument that the world is shit because the common cold doesn't have a cure

>hey bro, herpes is completely normal. Practically everyone has it.
This is So fucking disturbing. Its like that episode of the twilight zone.

Good luck with your herpes

It's not disturbing, it's just reality. It's like being disturbed that there are trillions of different bacteriae on your skin and in your digestive tract at all times

No, I mean your frame of mind about herpes is extremely disturbing.

Why would I get disrubed about an aspect of reality that's almost completely inconsequential and has been this way for millennia? It's just a minor virus that's been in your system almost your entire life and you didn't notice or care unless you got a little cold sore. Does that really bother you that much?

I've had sex with at least a dozen girls and made out with at least twice that many. I don't have fucking herpes. Your world view is fucking warped and sick.

Considering you would probably have it even if you'd only ever drank after people.... Either you have it, or you should go buy some lottery tickets.

"The herpes simplex virus is a contagious virus that can be passed from person to person through direct contact. Children will often contract HSV-1 from early contact with an infected adult. They then carry the virus with them for the rest of their lives."
"Anywhere from 30 to 95 percent of adults are seropositive for HSV-1, though they may never experience an outbreak"
"HSV-2 is contracted through forms of sexual contact with a person who has HSV-2. It is estimated that around 20 percent of sexually active adults in the United States are infected with HSV-2, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)."

Point is, you almost definitely already carry hsv-1 even if you've never had a cold sore and if you've banged a dozen girls it's very likely that you're in those 20% that also carry hsv-2