I can do whatever I want and still get my dick wet.
Jow Forums gave me the power
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BTFOs roastie so bad she gets wet. Lets start.
she's such a victim mentality kill joy
Bro just tell her that her attitude is really unattractive and it sounds like she is in a cult
Dont get so fucking deep into rape politics.
Call her dysfunctual and disillusioned.
Youre probably correct about the Qb
Ask her how used up her vajay jay is
She kind of bytfo though, you're literally making (probably false) assumptions.
A lot of what you say makes sense but you have no reference.
You're a fucking autist.
I love how she said that she was assaulted sexualy but then claims she dumped the dude..... Sure sure me too met too
She wants the penor. Ignore her or bait her for fun
Looks like this crazy bitch will fuck anybody.
I was almost impressed until it became obvious that she's batshit.
Good show anyways OP but I wouldn't let this one go to your head.
Jesus fucking Christ OP
OP is definitely an ugly incel.
Bro just leave her lmao
She’s a literal cretin
You are so alpha brah. Teach us your ways so we can embarrass ourselves on the internet too. Also, this has nothing to do with Jow Forums. You’re a larper that spends too much time on trp. I’d be surprised if you have more than a week in the gym.
What app is this
She's coming down mine tonight. I'm Definitely getting anal from her.
Wow. Fuck me. She's literally deranged
These are two very broken individuals.
What the fuck
OP is an autist and she’s a the average modern insipid femme
Still wants the D.
When you make it. You get haters. Instead hating lift harder.
Omfg lel
Thanks for sharing this on every board you cunt. A thread died for this shit.
>Damaged man meets equally damaged woman
This greatest love story of our time.
Females like this are just disgusting
Remember lads. If she's on tinder, she's a used up mentally deranged whore
Shit nigger what are you doing?
Are you fucking trying to get #meetoo'd. Because this is how it happens. Take this as a gift, no woman will ever spell it out clearer than this.
If you must, use a god-damn condom. Especially for anal. And keep your chat logs, film if possible
I'm so confident that I need to share it! Fuck I'm loving myself. I feel like Adam from love island haha. Love it how other anons are spreading my posts.
holy fuck get to the good part already
I'm speechless
exactly my thoughts
It's fucking entertaining messing with her head and turning her over to my side. I will post more after I Fuck her in the ass user.
This is all me (OP). I will post as OP now if you have questions. I'm seeing her tonight wish me luck!
I’m done.
The West is over
It's been over my nigga
The only hope for humanity is that an elite bunch escape to mars while this shit burns to the ground
We just need to figure out how to beat the jews there
Post body
good user
What the actual fuck?
There are still high quality women out there, they're just not on Tinder offering to suck random guys' dicks. It's pretty clear that OP is a huge beta who got super excited that a girl shows some interest in him, and it doesn't seem to bother him that she's basically the lowest quality female out there.
don't get accused of rape lol
yeah, sometimes I stopped having relationships as a motivator a few years ago
Now I just lift to mog my former self
How do I respond
She just called me right now telling me she never done anal but is open to do so if I'm gentle with her on our date. I'm going to wreck her ass!
Every day we stray further from god.
"do you have autism or something?"
Post actual pics of this girl. Also full backstory
>tfw These Hoes For Everybody
Ha. You got played.
thread theme
This dude. You come across as a deluded condescending retard with poor argument skills. Getting kicks outta negging and 'arguing' with an emotionally fragile LCD roastie who ironically has better reasoning skills than you. You're a faggot m8
Exactly this.
How can she have no respect for herself jesus christ. She's getting roasted and instulted but still begs for a dick, disgusting.
I ask myself if our ancestors are disapointed. They build up the greatest thing humans were capable of doing so far and it goes to shit so fast
I can't help but feel that the devil exists. I'm not religious but what is being done to the youth truly is disgusting and evil. The last century had so many mistakes and this century is looking to see us slip further down into hell. Is there any hope? How fucked up will the next generation be?
Post pics of her user
Blur pill imb3cil cuck
Cant handle the truth that women nowadays are whores... Completely totally.. no restrictions on their sluttiness...
Go fk yourself degenerate white knight
Inb4 she’s fat lmao
Good thread OP, can't stand these whores that act like victims.
Holy fuck nevermind you're a fuckin Chad brah what an unsavageable whore. You're little lmaoredpilled convo about rape was still autistic but credits to be given where its due
>this is your mind on amoral Jewish feminism
Thanks buddy.
Roastie kys. Whore d3generate roastie
You fucking beta cucks never learn
When you are defending your oneitis and searching for "proofs" and being "socially acceptable" Chad is actiling like OP and getting blowjobs by her
I don't understand why you guys are insulting him, he's easily getting a blowjob from a good looking slut without having to spend money or pretend to be anything he isn't, meanwhile you guys are still here angry about "trp autists" and "incels"
looking for attention on multiple boards, i see?
the hard pill to swallow is that even the girls you perceive as innocent are like this
I identified posts on some anonymous app similar to yikyak as belonging to a girl I know irl who I thought to be qt etc. (by location), she was talking about how she picked up some random guy and went straight for an ONS
God bless you user. Men gotta look after no1 and that's themselves and nobody else.
God doesn't exist you fucking brainlet.
prove it
this is incredible OP
what a fucking disgusting whore
careful she’s not baiting you to then cry rape to wreck your shit for calling her out, roasties have done worse
The burden of proof is on you.
based. this is a definition of holding frame.
Boys u can find her here
Im fking posting this on r9k to see the reaction... Latter today
also this
you're the one making the claim
welp its all ogre for op when Jow Forums gets ahold of this
Total whore. And not fat.
user hope u already fucked her asshole otherwise with all the trolling she will receive on instagram u will never see her again.. ahahha
she's just some rando slut so it won't hurt him much
as some other user said be careful OP, she sounds like a crazy hoe that would bring up fake rape allegiations (as she did with the other guys already)
link the bread
it's all ogre boys
she looks like that polly rogers slut that fell out of the bus while getting filled
BASED. OP tear up her bunghole
ya op, I see a fatal flaw to this plan...
you might be a Chad but have you considered you’re about to be alone with a whore who you already know will create fake rape allegations?
record everything op
What in the hell?
Da whore with the previous chad who cummmed in her