Im a trap and I want to become a submissive cockslut for a man but I dont want a man with autistic or retarded...

Im a trap and I want to become a submissive cockslut for a man but I dont want a man with autistic or retarded political views such as communism or anarcho capitalism, I want my bf to agree with most of my political & philosophical opinions but I also know that being a trap means im taking the role of a woman which is a submisive role so im not sure if I can tell my bf what to believe?
Do I have to give up my ideas to become a good submissive trap or do I just need to submit sexually?

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Id prefer to be a real man and tell my gf what to believe but sadly thats not possible because I get severe dysphoria If I dont live like a woman

what are your original political beliefs trap user

Bad photo
That trap has a dick way too big

>inb4 600 gorillion "i'll be your bf i fit your criterea perfectly!!!" replies

bad bait is bad, sage

Epistocratic national liberalism

Nope im not a national socialist, not everyone who hates commies is one

no one will care user.

Why do you think people wont care?
Most people are either egalitarian communists/ progressives or extreme conservatives which are ideologies which arent compatible with what I believe .
People would still date me but theyd just pretend to agree with me in order to fuck me
Or maybe I just believe people are like this because im a shut in with no real world exposure idk

social-liberalist here, depends what your views are, and being submissive in a sexual relationship has nothing to do with your world views, at the end of it all only strict religious thoughts say something about women in their place in a relationship (also far right ideas but hey who cares about them)

Im not far right or religious but I just see masculinity as superior

my bf is quite right wing and i'm very far left but neither of us care lmao

Only an idiot allows personal politics to color their perception of others.
It's like judging someone for their own personal religious beliefs.

Let them believe what they want and you can believe what you want.
It's fine to discuss it if you think you can remain polite and impartial.
Otherwise, agree to disagree. Each of you is free to cast your own vote.

A healthy relationship exists independent of these arbitrary topics.
Obviously you're both individuals with your own conflicting opinions.

yeah it's probably the last part

How do I meet a qt trap bf?

>submissive homosexual failure of a man who wants another man to hand everything to him on a silver platter in exchange for access to his shithole is a communist

You shouldn't identify with any political ideologies.

This, stupid silly cumslut OP.

>autistic retarded political views

ok, whatever you say you mentally ill person.

Just submit sexually. Why do you think that the stereotype for women is that they bitch about everything? They aren't typically socially submissive.

>want to get a man upright enough to subscribe to a correct political philosophy
>also want a man backwards enough to let his fetishes seep into real life and fuck him over forever and long into the afterlife
You can't have both, idiot.

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so many bait threads REEEEEEE

You're both idiots who can't read. He's not a communist, & he doesn't want one as a partner.

Im in the same boat user-kun
Most guys will tend to change to inpress you if you are a cute passable trap godspeed

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If you have a submissive personality and don't just do it as a sexual fetish, then it's okay. If you act submissive just to get off, that's disgusting.

t. guy with a submissive trap gf

How do we know you're a trap and not a weeb larper? Dick out of panties with time stamp now

>not an autistic and retarded political view

You can just kill yourself at any given time and get rid of this hassle

Send Discord now and be my trap gf

Based commies would cull that shitstain from the face of the earth. No wonder all fascist LARPers jack off to traps, they're the real degenerates.

thank you for finally admitting the Official Party Stance on the issue
we've added it to the dossier