What's dating an asian girl like?

What's dating an asian girl like?

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never dated one so i cant say. who is this chick though?

Wipe the makeup off her face and she looks like a basketball with eyes and a wig

>tfw no asians in israel

The only women worth marrying nowadays.

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Theoretically, Israel is in Asia, so, the inhabitants of Israel are Asians.

>Be old
>rape your social worker

>tfw none of them is hot or even decent looking
Is what you meant bro

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Basically the same as anyone else.
Sad to hear I know

I guess what I mean is no japs chinese or korean


I dated a Chinese girl for a year and she was pretty controlling and jealous.

Nationally American, ethnically Korean here.
There's 2 different types of Korean girls

There's the white washed ones who are pretty much just white girls with in Asian skin with some Asian culture mixed in.
They love to go clubbing until their mid-late 20s. They'll have a tight knit group who are both guys and girls, so if you have a problem that she has guy friends, you're sol.

There's the shy quiet ones which are pretty boring.
They listen more than they talk. They don't like pda.
You do all the work when having sex unless you have her ride you. That's the only way she'll move her body
They're boring, but consistent and reliable.

I've dated one Chinese girl and she was like the latter. But I can't really speak for Chinese overall.

i know what you mean but fob girls like partying too. i havent hung out with korean americans since college but what you said was my experiences/memories as well. my closest group of friends in the past 3 years or so has been fobs and theyre pretty cool although most of them, especially the younger ones, are horrible to be around and i avoid them
not much different than dating anyone else i guess. it might be dif if you arent an asian guy but since i speak korean fluently i didnt have a hard time connecting with kroean girls. i have dated a handful of chinese girls and it was pretty lame. they were all rich as fuck and i felt out of place as they paid for nearly everthing and whenever we went to go clubbing or drink or party everyone else was speaking chinese and i felt left out. the girl i was seeing would come talk to me sometimes but it was more a physical relationship since she wasnt great at english either

Like dating an insect with no distinct personality


>You do all the work when having sex unless you have her ride you. That's the only way she'll move her body
>They're boring, but consistent and reliable.

The quiet ones are sexually repressed. their wild nature can only be unlocked by white cock

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I've lived in Japan for over six years. It's fun. A lot of them have been great in the sack, not just lying there like you see in their porn

>I enjoy cooking
>want to be romantic and cook dinner for her
>she wants to help
>she cleans the kitchen and sets the table while I'm cooking
>after eating she does the dishes without being asked
>she's very insecure about her weight (despite being skinnier than 90% of all white girls)
>she starts exercising hard once we start dating

Bambei on Instagram

I dated Chinese girl who was on base with me in the navy, my previous girlfriend didn't really give blowjobs because I did not want to shave my balls so it was a nice change of pace.

>Inb4, no fraternization in the military policy in the navy!

I only know 1 guy who got in to trouble for this and that was because his boatslut was not on pills and wanted to go bare.

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been married to a Filipina now for 12 years
She's a woman with all the aspects of that you'll find in every other woman
Dated Koreans, Chinese, Thai
It's just a bag of milk chocolate M&Ms, lots of colors but pretty much all the same on the inside
Things that tend to be a much bigger determining factor is her maturity level and her politics

i fucking hate white guys
if you are white you literally can not be a robot, stop posting here.

Dated a few Japanese girls before settling down with the best one. Currently with my Jap gf 4 years now. Its great. A lot of them are still crazy its just a different kind of crazy.
Ive said it a million times here the secret is dont be picky literally take a 4/10 girl. A true 4/10 somewhat ugly girl.

Pipe down
They only go for the Chads
I've got less chance at one than you

Where do you live where you meet lots of Japanese girls? All the Asians who want to date me are chinese or Koreans

I'm not sure but I know only 5 Asians
All were women married white guys

not true
asian girls love white guys for some reason
Some of them even seem to like the socially stunted white guys

Well obviously not guys like me
And I'm 6'2 too

I lived in japan for a while. But my first gf I met on a online language exchange site before I made the jump and then met up with her when I got there. The current one I met boots on the ground there and have since brought her to live in my home country. I dated her 2 years in japan and now almost 2 years here.

If they're Japanese, they love to work to death.
Two Japanese grills I've dated have that in common. Kind of annoying.

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Same as any other cept she's smug as fuck. almost twice as smug as a white girl. Unless she's chubby in which case lol I dunno dogg.

Very true my gf is a kindergarten teacher and is in the school 12-16 hours a day 6 days a week Sunday off and then takes home more work home and does lesson plans. Also a good chunk of the time she either has to do more work on Sunday at home or go in on Sunday for events.

Ayyyy are you still in? I am halfway through a school

we all know why she prefers white guys wang chung

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odd are if I brought you home with me we could get you engaged in about a month

>Like dating an insect
never heard it better put

Is this something normies do a lot?

i want to go to one of these, just for the experience

0_o not that I'm aware of

Pls all the girls here reject me

Bacolod City, Philippines

Actually in Asia
They'll just want me for a green card there

not true
There are enough of them that are like that but there's a lot that are looking for true love
I've been married now for 12 years

I heard they are very loud when seksing

I'm not moving continents for pussy

not in my experience
most of them intensly enjoy sex but are ashamed to let other people know

A lot of girls would be willing to move but one of the costs you'd have to bear is her traveling back to PI to spend time with her family
also, it's very likely she will send money home and not always in the smartest way
We could get you a wife but there's a whole lot of things that come with her
also, you'd probably need some relationship coaching before you could keep her happy

Are there no Asians in Palestine?

>tfw I have a wealthy mainland chinese gf
ask me anything lads

I was in the same boat as you for a long time
What changed for me is I learned relationship and social skill
Anyone can learn them
If you really want to have good friendships and a solid intimate relationship you can
You just have to learn how it's done

If they're from southeast Asia then they're giant sex perverts. I dated one for a year and it was just sex sex sex all the time.

kek, not exactly but the term LBFM isn't unearned

You're wrong there mate, tons of Filipinas in Tel Aviv

What's it like having a soulless gf?

I dated a wealthy hong kong girl. She was an empty person.

shes more interesting and caring than a white girl
how did it end?

Who the fuck are you globetrotters or really the most pathetic beta male continent traitors
$160 a pop is enough for me but should get into human trafficking
Or are you losers talking about your internet gfs

I think she was looking for a trophy guy. I'm no normie so it didn't work. It was all really shallow.

Every date involves eating awesome food. It's a damn shame they are so robotic and materialistic.

>tfw ex was a kitchen god that ditched you for a rich dude
I don't know if I can bother with them ever again.

>many people commenting on her instagram are old white guys with ugly pinoy wives
They had to settle.