A-anyone else a liberal here?

a-anyone else a liberal here?

Attached: sweatingpepe.jpg (218x218, 8K)

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Yep. There's a good number of us here I think. It's just that Jow Forums is much more vocal.

i'm a centrist, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hate both.

i watch John Oliver and want to put my penis in another man

I used to be liberal, then I realized the views I held weren't represented by modern liberals. So I joined "le ebin drumpf" side because like him or not, he's the best president we've had in years.

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No /leftypol/, your grassroots subversion isn't going to work, even if you try and use frogposter bullshit.

Yes indeedy

Is "classical liberalism" the most cringeworthy political position?

Are you an european liberal, who wants to increase freedom, or an american liberal, who wants to decrease it?

Yes. A classical liberal. Two steps from a complete anarchist, one step from a straight up libertarian.
Usually I just don't give a shit about politics though.

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Considering 70% of this board are faggots and trannies, most of them should be liberal

>implying american liberals want to decrease freedom
American politics might be the worst in the world but they're not that bad. Every time a democrat takes hold of the white house we see human rights go up, government services go up, and taxes go down.

I was simplifying, yes, but so are you. I am not taking a stance on whether increasing freedom is good or not, but increasing government spending is, generally speaking, decreasing it. To a certain extent reducing freedom is a good thing, because most people are idiots.

The Republican party in America is way more supportive of mass surveillance, police bootlicking, anti-euthanasia, anti-abortion, the war on drugs, moralizing about sex, support for the military-industrial complex and general authoritarianism than most US progressives. The only thing they're more permissive on is gun control.
I hear people bitch about "SJWs" being authoritarian all the time but almost nobody can ever name a clear cut example of government censorship in the US caused by authorities that individually identify with social justice. It's a meme. Made even more memey by the fact that most people pushing bullshit about videogames corrupting people are conservative - Thompson being an old example and Trump a more recent one.

Nope, I'm a leftist, an anarchist and an antifascist.

Leftypol hates liberals with a passion. Ask them yourself if you don't believe me.

r9k in general should be liberal-leaning.
Higher openness, lower orderliness, and so on.

Liberals want equal outcome instead of equal opportunity.
If you're not with them, then you're triggering them.
They essentially censor of ideas that hurt their fee fees.
Big Corporations and Academia latched onto the vocal SJW's stance.
Jobs aren't about merit, they're about diversity for diversity sake.
You'll get fired for voicing concerns of merit over diversity.
Corporations that can move nations like Google actively censors ideas that the SJW deem offensive.

You are strawmanning your opponents and living in fantasy land. Lucky for you, many of your opponents do the same thing.


>Jobs aren't about merit, they're about diversity for diversity sake.
I bet you've never read a single page of affirmative action law or who it actually applies to.

Yep. Hi. Dont worry, Republicans havent won a popular election in 6 out of 7 of the last American elections.

liberal means different things depending on where in the world you are.

Not in the 19th century

The way he is using the word it probably refers to american liberal, meaning more left leaning than "liberal" parties in europe, which are economically more close to republicans (lower taxes, social safety net cuts, etc.)


This is an important distinction. Republicans usually range from conservative to reactionary. which European liberals hate with a vengeance.

Yeah in europe the right divides itself into "liberals" (economically right, but pretty libertarian on social issues) and "conservatives" (economically right but also opposed to immigration).
In the US if you are right-leaning you have to buy the full republican package (conservative on social issues, climate change denial and so on). Other parties exist but they are a meme.

>climate change denial and so on
But remember - it's the Left that's irrational!

The rightwing logic goes like this:

anything that is an inconvenience for business is bad -> climate change might interfere with profits - > climate change is a conspiracy against business and not real

Prove to me that I'm strawmanning instead of just calling it strawmanning.

I could say the same to you: "I bet you've never read a single page of affirmative action law or who it actually applies to."

>2 SJW "arguments" with 0 substance and full of fee fees

Not really a liberal but I'm a vulgar libertine degenerate

still racist and sexist though

You made a bunch of vague assertions gneralizing and demonizing the other side, you didn't really present arguments.
You're the one that should have provided arguments.

I could provide plenty of examples of rightwinger doing exactly what you said leftwinger do in your post. Would that count?

>le classical liberal

How do you define "vague" and "demonizing"?
Do you have any proof of it being "vague"?
Can you prove that these words are "demonizing"?

>triggered SJW, 0 examples and muh fee fees

>libtard denying his libtardedness

No! Please don't put me in the cringe compilation!

There are literally dozens of us, DOZENS!

Imagine having internet access and unlimited information and time as a neet to study history, politics, philosophy, literature, economics, cybernitics, and various political ideologies and coming out of it a basic bitch liberal.

Nigger, if you dont come out of this shit a fucking nazbol or Maoist third worldist or some sort of fascist occultist then you should probably just end yourself

Holy shit m8, if you arent wishing death upon the human race and industrial civilization because you read uncle teds manifesto by the time you are 25 then just fucking end m8

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I'm in the middle with more liberal leanings. The state of politics is an absolute shitshow and living in a conservative town, I've grown weary of low income white people thinking that anyone gives a shit about them or taking away their rights or whatever. God Emperor Trump would quite literally kill himself if he had to live here, SJWs live in the city so no small rural town is personally under attack except for online. So, it's annoying that small town conservatives think the world revolves around them.

This pretty much.
I don't have any political affiliation because I fucking hate everything to do with politics.
I hate liberal cunts, I hate right wing nutjobs.
I agree with some left things, I agree with some right things... but ultimately both sides are fucking retarded.

Even Jow Forums is filled with right-wing liberals. "Liberal" as a general descriptor for the left these days is a bit of a meme since believing in individual rights is now a right wing position.

Donald trump lived in new york city and worked in real estate. Basically his whole life must have been fighting ultra jews and the italian mob

trust me no one on Jow Forums studies economics. the internet's understanding of economics is cringe worthy

>small town conservatives think the world revolves around them
everyone thinks the world revolves around them

trust me your knowledge of economics is worthless and cringe worthy

You mean a comie that doesn t know what he is? Probably yes.

social democrat here

social democracy has created the countries closest to utopias so i stick with it for practical reasons

>""""classical liberal"""

All of you mongoloids should be gassed. I bet you actively keep up with absolute braindead retards like Dave Rubin amirite?

Don't know, depends on the topic I guess. I'm for saving the environment and health care and shit like that but believe that immigration has to be reduced extremely and the processes have to be harder. I don't care about what faith or sexuality one ascribes himself to but this sjw pronoun-gender shit is degenerate. Fuck women's quotas and fuck special treatment. Equality of opportunity, not outcome.

Anyone who isn't either a jew or a nazi at this point is hopelessly retarded.

You mean the guy who got nailed by even Joe Rogan?


Who the fuck is Dave Rubin?
I said I usually don't care about politics lad.

Oh sure, I'm a socialist. A national socialist in fact.

Amen! Pretty much sums up my situation as well.

reporting in. Keep up the good fight friend