
Cheeky cider in the park with the lads edition

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if you post in this thread you will be driven to commit suicide within the next 48 hours

cool, can't come soon enough

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cheers m8 safe

Cheers lad, couldn't ask for a better dog. He just helped clean park up.

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When the Sharia patroI catches Jun

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>driven to commit suicide
I'll take the train thanks

I'm starting to think I'm smarter than I give myself credit for. Always had an inferiority complex about my intelligence to kids from primary and secondary school, but I've done pretty well for myself. Now I think they're just more arrogant, not smarter.

*enthusiastically pets his cute face*

Whoops meant for Oregano

*enthusiastically tears your throat out*

wonder how many women zeus' dog as knotted

Sounds fun, might as well take a shot at that

probably less than him desu

>hair looks decent, can style it well and am happy with it
>literally the next day it's suddenly an untameable mess and a haircut is required
How the fuck does this happen lads.

None lad he's been neutered.

Differences in:

*posts quickly*

Diversity? Nah not a fan

>just one more song then I do stuff
>just one more
>one more
>one more
>one more

Constantly think about leaving my boring call centre job and joining the army. Worried I won't fit in with all the normies but can't stop thinking about joining, been like this for about 2 years now.

hi zeus how are you?

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so what is going on with the radio show, is it completely over now?

ur dog is basically a prison gay now

Peckham update

Only went and got my blue belt, lads. Shall be punting tonight to celebrate (even though it will leave me with 20 pound until next tuesday)

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really want to just lock myself away with no one bothering me for a month and do nowt but watch cheeky anime and eat pizza

deleting my facebook lads, its just not worth the shitty feelings i get from it anymore, ill miss the groups but its not too had once you get out of the habit of going there right?

just cut down your usage a bit lod

I came really close to being caught taking creepshots today. I was walking behind some women (young 20s) wearing short skirts and was filming them when one turned around and saw me.
I turned 180 degrees and walked away quickly without looking back. Now I'm afraid to go back to that park.

i mostly use it for messages which are useful

the thing that bugs me is seeing everyone else moving forward while im still a stagnating NEET

That basedboy on the left

i know how you feel, i feel the same way seeing people move on while i'm doing nothing worthwhile

absolutely no attractive lads there whatsoever

Neck yourself you creepy cunt

well....are you posting your OC or not?

I deleted Facebook over a year ago and just slowly got rid of any of random social media I had., was never really a big twitter user or instagram, but I basically don't use traditional social media now. Don't really notice much, all I'd say is that occasionally when a normie strikes up a conversation with you, they'll say "ooh did u c that video on faceboox" and then they think you're a bit odd or pretentious for not having it. Or very, very rarely you'll come across someone that wants to add you on it (for me like once every few months, if even that) and you have to again explain that you don't have it, but they can keep in touch with you if they want your phone number. Usually subject gets changed pretty quickly lol. The longer you go without having it, the less difference it really makes. I still have messenger installed on my phone in case anyone wants to send me messages, but I rarely do. It's nice not having the greatest parts of people's otherwise mundane lives not thrown in my face all the time.

Shame you didn't get caught lad, hope you feel scared for a long time really.

>taking upskirts at a time when a new law making upskirt shots illegal is all over the news
Are you retarded?

>want to watch arthouse films to improve my cultural side
>also want to watch the footy
>also want to shitpost
Only have laptop screen and a TV. It's an impossible mission lads.

I deleted my facebook over a year ago and dunno that I would ever reactivate it

I used it to talk to just one person who I never see, but they pretty much didn't bother to talk to me anymore anyway so I don't care if they got a bit annoyed at me when they finally realised I deleted my account

i thought someone blocked that law?

l think it's bait.

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I have no social media and honestly it hasn't made a difference. Only thing that sucks about it is not having pictures to fap to, lol.

I've gone so long without social media whenever someone mentions it I'm reminded it exists.

hope you get caught and your nose smashed in tbqhwy lad

This wouldn't be an issue if women didn't dress like total sluts in public.

yeah one bloke did and thats enough to stop it passing

>tfw don't like to take my dog for a walk because it looks gay

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I deleted my facebook to and don't miss it at all. I don't use any social media and still text people which I think people find kind of nice.

The thing that worries me about not knowing much about how all these apps work is that even if I got a gf there's a million ways for them to message other people and cheat on you without you ever knowing.

might get another dog tbqh

That's weird lad. Firstly it isn't gay at all, that's just in your head, and secondly there wouldn't be a problem if it were. Doing something that looks gay doesn't make you gay, and it's only a threat to your sexuality if your sexuality is already a bit gray

just get a non-faggot dog liddi how hard is that

If the girl you're with causes facebook drama, you shouldn't be with her. Most good girls barely use it and just make the occassional picture post of them with their (girl) friends or something innocuous

I don't mean facebook drama, I mean they could be messaging people on snapchat, whatsapp, instagram etc etc and you'd never know. They wouldn't even have to cause facebook drama.

>secondly there wouldn't be a problem if it were

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It'll get passed eventually. Not that it matters anyway since it was basically illegal already

If your gf causes you grief you just smash their fucking skulls in.

No it's because the dog itself looks gay. Pic related. I used to have a dalmation and had no qualms walking that.

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What a weird comment to make. Are you autistic?

>wearing a skirt makes you a 'total slut'
grow up

Get over it lad, I have to take my gf's little rat out for walks all the time.

I remember reading somewhere the poofs wear bandannas to show other poofs what kink they're into. Red would mean fisting yellow would mean golden showers etc.

Literally wouldn't though desu
Again lad it's only gay in your head, and even then it doesn't actually threaten your sexuality at all

It was a denim skirt and you could see the bottom of her ass cheeks. She was a slut.

I dont sneeze in public because that's some womanly shit

imagine if your bent dog started to hump some chav's dog. it would get killed and you'd get a beating

so we should all get al lthe upskirt shots we can while its still technically legal? understood

>j-j-just because her arse is pretty much hanging out doesn't mean she's a slut!!!

Unless you're giving off gay vibes yourself people aren't going to think you're gay. I work in a cafe and plenty of macho guys come in for coffee with their gf/wife's gay looking dog and don't give a fuck.

Think Mr Cuddles is a gay dog, lads?

I dont shit in public because that's some womanly sneeze

that's from the movie Cruisin' starring Al Pacino

This is the real world lad, not whatever dystopian nightmare you have in your head where homophobic chavs are constantly looking to beat on someone with a puff of a dog

I don't sit in public because that's some womanly shit

>literally gets hired out to impregnate bitches

That's not really what I meant lad but i wish it were the case

wonder if he fucks chav gfs

>implying chavs wouldnt beat the shit out of you for having a gay dog, especially if your gay dog started humping the chavs dog

Well that could happen without your knowledge even without any social media profiles. You don't even have a specific girl in mind, you're just wary and presuming literally any girl would probably cheat on you.

All I can say is, try to pick a trustworthy, honest girl and if she cheats, she cheats, all you have to do is try not to let it effect you too much and find someone else.

I've had that happen and my dog even pissed on their dogs head and they just laughed at it and then we both left.
No beatings

He probably hates being a tough pikey stud dog and yearns to frolic with Afghan Hounds and Lhasa Apsos

>chavs start making fun of your gay dog
>suddenly Mr Cuddles appears
heard you were talking shit?

If you're an incel you should fuck off to wizchan and stop posting in britfeel.
Simple as.

i'm just a normal virgin

I have trust issues because both the gfs I've had have cheated on me I guess.

>Afghan Hound

Pick both

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this, unironically. this isn't an incel board, incels are parasites leeching off of robot culture

Morning/afternoon lads.

Had a 7/10 sleep, could be worse, could be better.

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feeling pretty fucking naughty lads
getting my days back in order
got a schedule again boys
even if I don't follow it fully everything feels far less fucking messy

/britfeel/ is for brits who are sad for whatever reason. Whether you're a KHV or have had sex with multiple women, it doesn't matter. We are all united by our feels and our hatred of normie British culture.

Incels aren't welcome because they're so aggressive to everyone no matter their sexual histories.

That's fine lad

Incels are whiny, man child narcissists who deserve less than nothing

in bed with my gf laughing at the incels here

does she have her pinky up your arse mate

Incels who are literally just involuntary celibates are fine.
Incels as in the wazzocks who consider it some kind of identity or subculture should fuck off

Parks clean so we started on pavement instead.

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what's your doggos name?

I'm good lad, how are you?
I hope not, I enjoy talking complete bollocks off the top of me dome with no planning whatsoever lol I honestly couldn't care less about if people like it or not, it does me the world of good. I just wish it didn't have to shit up the thread but if we post here we get at least some people, a separate thread wouldn't get seen. Try to only post it once and that.

Benson, I didn't name him.. And I'm glad I didn't.

i'm good thanks, lod

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Are you an angry, and mean man?