He doesn't shave with a safety razor

>he doesn't shave with a safety razor
Yes goyim, keep paying ridiculous prices for cartriges that shave like shit and give you razor burn. After all, it's not like you can just buy regular razor blades for 30 cents a piece, right...?

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>not taking the trimmer pill

I just let my neckbeard grow, I'm already an incel wagecuck so why bother?

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I do for the past six months. Closest shave I can get and for basically nothing. A pack of 10 feather blades costs me around 3 eurodollars. A tube of prorasso costs 5 and a bottle of aftershave lotions around 5 eurodollars too and after six months of daily use they still have some use left in them. Still get some irritation from time to time due to my stupid neck hair growth.

>looking like a faggoty numale/scraggly hobo

how often do I need to change the blade?

3-6 shaves or whenever it starts tugging

just use a straight razor you might just cut the big artery and fucking die
or the electric shaving machine if u don't want to die

>he needs to shave

cucked by your own body

daily reminder that beards are for faggots now

>he lacks testosterone to even grow hair

I'm just lazy and use an electric razor and have been using the same one for 4 years. Doesn't go all the way to the skin but i prefer having a bit of stuble.

>coping this hard
t. low testosteron male

>t. compensating coping numale

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You can go 2-4 weeks if you pat the blade and head dry after every use. Which you should anyway, even with the expensive disposable razor heads (makes them last longer.)
I replace mine every week though. My blades are 10 cents a piece even with comfort coat. Who gives a fuck when they're that cheap. I could replace them every day.

Merkur 42C here boys
Shit is nice but I still shave my balls and asscrack with disposables because it's much easier.

what the actual fuck? this is the first time I heard about "safety razor". What cucked country have these?

Lmao are you such an insecure faggot you get all triggered by the word "safety"?

It's "safe" in comparison to oldschool straight razors that are much easier to cut yourself with.
Modern catrridge razors are the ones that are truly pussified

>he fell for the facial hair meme

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shaving feels horrible and takes too much time. i just take my hair clippers, put it on the shortest length and just it off. stubble is fine, and my skin feels healthier that way than if it were skin shaven everyday

What's a good razor to buy? I've been interested in one for awhile, but offput by the idea i'll slice my throat or something. Also where could I purchase blades?

I've been using a crappy plastic one for 5 years, it literally doesn't matter. Also the only way you can cut yourself is if you slide it lenghtwise in a cutting motion instead of a normal downwards one

Same, I used to use a safety razor but I have a fucking barbed wire beard and id get infected ingrown hairs on my neck after every single shave. Started trimming with an electric trimmer a few months ago, absolutely no infected hairs. Doesn't look bad either, I look like I shaved a day ago

Merkur 23C seems to be the most popular razor. You can buy blades at your local store (at least I can) in packs of 10 or buy a bigass 100 pack from amazon or some other internet shop.
1 blade can last for at least 2-3 shaves but many people go as far as 5-6.
Also in my case I don't need to use any kind of shaving gel. Just some warm water is enough for me to get a good shave but it probably waries wildly from person to person.
There is sometimes thread on /fa/ about razors but not at this time. Still you can ask in /fa/ QTDDOT

can you shave your dick and balls with these? i was lead to believe you can't, at least not without cutting your shit up.

I use the Dollar shave club stuff. Their basic razor cartridges are super cheap and work well.

Their ass wipes are top notch as well.

i shave with my fucking electric shaver because i'm not some bitch who wants to spend five million years cutting their shit
1 minute at the longest

why did you have to remind me that phil fish exists, you cunt of a motherfucker

Who /Merkur34C/ here?
Been using it for more than 2 years now.

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>when Gillette airs commericials that tell you their prices can't be beat and they bring you affordable blades

lmao normies gobble this shit right the fuck up. literally everything on television is a lie and they eat it up.
every single thing is a lie.

you could take the razor problem and apply to so many other products, aka, Apple products.
they're cheap garbage marketed to complete retards.

I want to buy one, but I don't know how to shave with one. How do you properly shave with these kinds of razors?

You still need to buy cartridges for these razors anyway.

being clean shaven definetly makes me feel manlier than beard, but on the other hand i have a nice auburn beard, which makes a pretty good contrast with my pitch black hair

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yeah except 100 razors is 10 dollars. which will last you almost 2 years.
there is no debate. it's cheaper.

>Not just using an electric razor

you were literally shaving the wrong way if you got lots of ingrown hairs with a safety razor

electric razors are shit and you have to pay a lot for non shit ones.
they also don't last forever, sadly.

not him, but my neck is the same. There basically is no grain, so its virtually impossible to shave without getting ingrown hairs. I just trim instead.

neckhairs do have grain, its just odd sometimes

>he doesn't shave his crotch and legs
What a faggot.

I can't shave for shit anyway. No matter how hard I try there's always stubble left AND I tend to cut myself.

You can but as with any sharp object near your junk you gotta be careful.

>"safety" razors
lmao cucks

how can you possibly try to claim any superiority over other types of razors when your "safety razor" was literally invented by boomers who were too retarded to shave themselves like people have been doing for the entirety of human history

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>DE and straight razor are literally the same thing
>being this smug

wow one is a fixed blade and the other is inserted, wow, such less danger!

Came here to post this. Got one 3 or 4 years ago and still use it every week. Still haven't even had to hone it. Shit, I'm so lazy I haven't even stropped it in a year and it still performs the same way it did when I first got it.

Safety razors are for cucks and will forever be stuck paying to new cartridges for their babby shaving tool with training wheels.

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>DE and straight razor are literally the same thing
yeah, they're not
>A safety razor is a shaving implement with a protective device positioned between the edge of the blade and the skin. The initial purpose of these protective devices was to reduce the level of skill needed for injury-free shaving, thereby reducing the reliance on professional barbers.
literally invented for people who are too retarded to shave themselves with a straight razor aka how every single human prior to the 20th century shaved

I'm too retarded and keep cutting myself