What's it like having enough money to not have to worry about money?

What's it like having enough money to not have to worry about money?

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feels pretty good. I make 55k a year before tax, and I can pay my mortgage and bills and eat normally and do fun stuff once in a while without thinking about how much i'm spending. I can't go crazy or anything, but I'm perpetually comfy.

Why can't you cash out? Is it some kind of crypto?

I'd say no matter how much you have, you'll always be concerned about money. Even look at me, enough investment NEETbux to pay all of my bills and I'm making a healthy salary. But I still get money freak-outs.

Maybe I'll outgrow it at some point, but it's going to take a LOT of time and I may never feel comfortable. Pursuing financial goals changes you and you can't just instantly "unlearn" all of the habits that made you wealthy and be care-free.

>be me
>mined bitcoin some years ago
>live at home and get autismbux
>literally never spend any money
>my bitcoin portfolio and autismbux-fund has grown to several hundred thousand dollars.

I am thankful that I don't have to worry about where my next meal comes from, but I still worry about money. I don't have enough to retire, or even buy a nice house. My current income of neetbux is more than enough to cover my current minimalist lifestyle, but one day I will have to move out and live on my own, and when that day comes I may need to start working and increase my income. There's never enough.

>several hundred thousand dollars
>not enough to buy a nice house

rural or suburban retard detected

faggot LARPer

sorry but a nice house in the city, where high IQ good people live, is at least 750K

in my area, nice houses go for at least half a million. At this current time, housing is probably a shitty investment. Interest rates are on the rise, and as they rise they will probably burst what I consider to be a bubble in housing. If I could get a nice house for like 80k, which is what my parents bought our house for 20 years ago, I would maybe move out.

It gives me more time to focus on how lonely I am

Honestly it's a strange feeling. When I was a teenager all I wanted was to have enough money and free time to play all the vidya I wanted and be left alone. I achieved my dream, I got a super laid back job where I basically get paid $100k/yr to sit at home and fap/watch movies/play vidya. I'm 30, live alone, and have no responsibilities and more free time and money than I know what to do with...yet I'm still miserable.

Also the meme about women loving guys with money is bullshit, I'm 5'4" and bald so I'm fucked in that category no matter what. At this point I'm hoarding/investing money with the hope that prostitution eventually gets legalized.

>I'm 5'4" and bald
and rich enough to fix everything.
hop on a cycle and go full Dwarf mode

>Live minimalist lifestyle off NEETbux currently
>Requires a 750K house for no reason

This seems like a LARP.

Been lifting for 10 years and have done a few cycles already actually, at my height the girls just think I'm overcompensating (they're right)

Didn't we already go through this shit back in 2008? At least houses in this state aren't that expensive, the gas tax is completely fucked though.

relocate to Asia bro

not original
it feels good. i got neetbux. live on my own. never need to work again. i enjoy it. hope that helps you op

why not just move to a country where prostitution is legal? like...any country in europe. europe is great. here in eastern europe a whore will fuck/suck you for around 10-20euro an hour

What is your comfy job?

just buy a wig faggot. You can compensate your high with going to the gym, with that money you can achieve good form pretty fast.

What kind of job you do?

not so

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>no responsibilities
>work from home

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Money's never been a problem for me. I've had businesses on the internet since my teens but that stunted my emotional growth. Also, no social skills developed because of it. But hey, i have money so... right?

Probably a software guy like me. Once you're in the industry it can be cushy in some ways

If I am going to live by myself, I want to live in a nice place. I see no reason to move out of my parents nice house and into some craphole. I could rent a decent place, but that's money out the window, and I really wouldn't want to live in a rented place, I want it to be mine. The "normie" reasons for moving out, such as wanting to have a place to bring back women and independence from parents and all that shit is irrelevant for me. I just want to have a reasonable quality of life, which includes a nice house. My minimalist lifestyle mainly applies to the social things. I spend nothing on alcohol, parties, fancy clothes, vacations,a girlfriend (lel), a flashy car, or anything like that.

In my area, houses are more expensive now than back in 2008. I think we are headed for another financial crisis, so I am sitting on the sideline with some dry powder waiting to pounce.

I meant to quote you for the first paragraph of

Empty and boring.
Hard to believe but to get to that point you have to grind your whole life away and end up middle aged at best and by then your life is just work and endless responsibilities.
Retiring is hell, imagine realizing you've spent your life focused around work and now it's over and you only have your old age left.
The only true unworried about money people were born rich, in which case they're a useless spoiled brat.
Or enlightened people who have transendid all that shit and dont even use money

How can I escape poorfagdom? What should I study?

You honestly need to start a business. It's not sure-fire but it's better to learn that than some useless degree. But, at least take a good accounting course.

Don't study. Learn a trade, such as plumbing or carpentry. No student loans, you can start making money right away, and you will feel like you actually contribute to society.

>But, at least take a good accounting course.
financial accounting was the most useful thing I took in community college

I'm an accountant working for the government. Can't move because I have to live where the government is (and still have to go into the office 2 days per week)

How can I do this? I thought most accountants make less, even cpas

All my life due to fucked up mental capacity i was struggling doing degrading jobs making pennies. Recently i realized that pilots make 80k+ doing fuck all, with one year degree education and some flying hours acquired. Emirates pay 2k+,free accommodation, benefits + travel the world for just being waitresses in the air.

Life so strange :/

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Not him, but federal government is easier to get into if you're a veteran.

>an 80k job that even a brainlet can do
sign me up sir

I don't know where he lives, but in my neighborhood a small house went up for sale at $600k. It sold within 48 hours.

also do you wear a parachute at all times for fear of dying? I would

i tell you waht
it feels great
i have enough to retire for a life time of tendies and interwebs
but i still get pushed by me mom to wagecuck which is hilarious
you really can tell how fucked everyone is when i finish a contract, everyone asks me immediately 'and where are you going now?' as if i have to jump from job to job in an instant.
they freak the fuck out when i tell them i'm planning to take a few months off, 'omg user what about rent!' 'you can't leave a gap in your resume!' lmao gimme a break poor wageslaves.
and all thanks goes to Allah, i have my own flat and car, i'm living beyond the standards of a medieval king feasting on the pleasures of life.

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What do you call having enough money to not need to worry about money?. Simply being financially stable or being well off?. I earn 30k a year which is enough to live a normal life with some luxury's in the uk (unless you like in london),

>I'm 30
>live alone
>I'm still miserable
Yeah, I have no idea how that happened. It's like you actually thought that was a good lifestyle back in your 20's.
>hope that prostitution eventually gets legalized
Enjoy losing your vcard at the age of 45

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Get a masters degree in accounting and start applying, this will be a lot easier if you are black or a veteran

I did actually think the lifestyle seemed appealing back then, my own fault I guess.

On the bright side I'm not a virgin though, have had sex with 20 or so women (mostly fatties, a few hookers when I was travelling to places where it was legal, with a few decent ones mixed in that I somehow got lucky with) just can't get any to stick around. I'm probably terrible at sex desu.

There's probably different levels. Being able to easily pay your bills with your income is being financially stable. Being financially independent is the next level, where your bills are paid even if you don't work.

I'm making 90k in Chicago, which is not as good as it sounds. I invest most of my paycheck in funds and crypto. I plan to retire under 50 as a millionaire, and will disregard everything that stands in my way, including roasties. Having a waifu helps with willpower, I wake up every day for her sake.

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Uhf, Chicago. My condolences - I've heard so many bad things about that city and Illinois in general. All the best to you

Really? Like what? It's not bad here desu.

General financial mismanagement, high COL, a lot of people leaving, etc. things like that

Just one example:

High COL is what the high salary is for. People leaving is an effect, not a cause. I still prefer this place to Indianapolis.

Hey, if you like it, that's great. I left a HCOL area so I'm admittedly a bit biased against expensive parts of the country. Do whatever works for you

You start worrying about everything else.
Not fun either.

Was it silicon valley? When it comes time to move out of high COL, it's easier to negotiate good salaries when you have big numbers in your job history.

>have house worth 2 mil

Yep, it was.

Doesn't feel like much, once you realize money is whatever (as long as you can make enough to live comfortable) getting more isn't really important

Investing in crypto is an awful idea, you realise that bubble has already come and gone? It isn't going to get any better, people will lose trust and move on, like everything else on the internet

Not a bubble, the technology is solid.