>500lbs pin bench press
>800lbs pin squat
>1015lbs trap bar deadlift
Was Nether Beast the strongest natural to have ever been on the internet?
>500lbs pin bench press
>800lbs pin squat
>1015lbs trap bar deadlift
Was Nether Beast the strongest natural to have ever been on the internet?
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Why is it always memelifts with these youtubers?
He has the best methods for bodybuilding
>1000lb weighted push ups
>nether rows
>500lb landmine chin ups and dips
>1800lb hand thigh pulls
>1000lb one arm hand thigh pulls
Everything he did placed extreme overload on the muscles involved. He is living proof that weighted stretching works best. It's a shame he tried to cheat some lifts nobody cares about because everything else he did was legit.
Pls link me that weighted pushup video. I can't find it and I can't imagine how he put 800 lbs on his back.
Oh and also forgot about his chest shrugs and lateral deltoid nucleus overload. These are GOAT bodybuilding movements.
I don't remember the exact weight I just made it up but it was heavy as fuck. The push up was done on a lever system so it wasn't as much as the actual weight but it was still a fuckload of weight.
watch at 15 seconds mark
the problem though is that since he got caught cheating it puts his claim that hes natty into question too which could mean all those weird lifts are just memes without roids
I miss him, boys.
His channel truly was pearls before swine.
>it puts his claim that hes natty into question too
nah anybody who cared whether he's natty or not is retarded to begin with. his techniques are impressive and stand on their own right. if you ever done any of these lifts before you'd know they hit the muscle hard and cause a response in the targeted muscle unlike any other.
i miss him bros ;_;
the cookie cutters that plague the fitness industry don't know how to think for themselves, they only know how to follow the mob
athleanx is too fucking dry 24/7 to not be on something, doesn't mean I can't take some of his advice to use
Wtf are pin bench and pin squat?
its different methods for taking steroids aka pinning
bench pin means you put the needle in your chest and squat pin means your quads
If the dude had any balls he'd have come out and told everyone that he was on trt and that it's a necessary evil for his work and a decision that he made for quality of life pourposes.
Have any idea of how many men and stupid fucking kids who just blast grams of random chinese bath tub chemicals without rhyme and reason would listen to him?
A lot.
No one of any real note talks about testosterone supplementation AND training in an honest way.
squatting and benching from a dead spot. Usually from pins on the power rack.
>lateral deltoid nucleus overload
please elaborate
He has trascended to another dimenssion sorry bro. Right now he is getting a coffe enema with his friend Jesuschrist
He did mention that he liked sam ernills transcended training method.
I throw in one of these or something similar at the end of my workout, just one set till failure. Has really done wonders, especially the nether row for upper back.