What is with the disturbing amount of Jow Forums people who intend to never have children?

What is with the disturbing amount of Jow Forums people who intend to never have children?

Too poor?
Secret homos?

You intend to reproduce, right dude?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>expecting virgins to have kids

>being a Heretic

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Imagine being such a piece of shit that you gain enough muscle to trick a girl into loving you - all along knowing you will never allow her to reproduce - by the time she realises most of her eggs have already gone

I ain't sharing my chad genes with some shithead kid

Fit contains 3 groups: roidmonkeys, manlets and virgins.

Roids kill spermcount

Manlets are scared of getting mogged by toddlers

Virgins will go to jail after raping 1 girl - who takes Plan B

Tell me 1 reason why you would have kids
it ruins your life

>tfw got my gf pregnant just so I can drink her breastmilk

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Where can I get kangaroo milk?

from kangaroos

Australian government banned its sale until they test it

>10 years later and they havent tested it

The truth is that these guys were only able to get gfs who are fucked up in the head. The girls dont want babies with these youtube celeb retards and they COPE about it by claiming they dont want kids.

They have such little power in their relationship that if they pushed for change their women would leave them.

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How did Blaha wind up like this? The guy was a fuckin CIA operative...

How do I find a woman I can trust?

justa buncha low test betas that whose seed won't inherit the earth

>dude get kids they are awesome
>I have no time for myself because I have to take care of my kids
eh, I'll pass

besides, doesn't having kids require a female in your life?

I plan to have children in my late 30s

I'm currently earlier 20s, I've literally got over a decade before thinking about training up a little alpha god

I had a vasectomy 2 years ago because I'm psychologically broken and I know it. I got fit in a lot of ways to compensate. I know it's an unholy thing to do, but it's for the best, trust me.

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Why not just go to a third world country with low HIV rates and no recognition of child support and knock up a bunch of women?

oh but I do plan on colonizing some black females

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You want these genetic dead ends to reproduce?

its a vocal minority
pretty sure all the sane people here want to have children

Having children is inherently a narcissistic and cruel act. Most people aren't actually prepared to have kids and only have kids as a quick and easy purpose in life.

Most of this board is within 18-24 age group, so the truth be told, they are still kids and fathering a child is an enourmous resposibility which, quite literally, turns your world and priorities around completely. But hell, you don't get to realise how madly and fully you can love another human being until you witness your firstborn arrive to this world.

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What do you do in this "time for yourself"?

Watch netflix? Masturbate? Stare off into space while in the midst of your daily existential crisis? Get real.

enjoy your autistic children user

Who gives a fuck though? What does it change besides the fact that you can't waste years of your life accomplishing nothing?

I don't plan on having kids, but if I ever wanted to spread my genes I would just get Jow Forums first and donate to a sperm bank, or pump and dump in a far away country

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I fuck men in the ass and still intend to have children.

You do - as a father. I guess it's something childless people just won't get - and neither did I before my son was born, but seeing your kid grow up and develop is one of the most wonderful experiences life has to offer

I don’t want kids. I don’t even want a gf or wife. It’s a 20+ year commitment for something I don’t give a shit about

>wut is 'time for yourself'

my wife won't be in her 30s when I breed her

>t. Beta virgin

>depression since 16yo
>suicide attempts
>ugly ass face
Yes, sure, I want to pass my awesome genes

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wrong and retarded
male age affects this just as much as female age, but you don't have to worry until later 40s.

El goblino

Edgy losers
Its primarily a westcuck mentality
Wont find such cuckoldery anywhere else

I'm a virgin, I don't know where to go to meet kangaroos.

Trying for my 5th atm

>4 girls

Please god just give me one son!

I actually want a real big family, like 10 kids. I want to bring some purpose and joy back to my parents in part through this.
What kills me is all those childfree degenerates on reddit. Just imagine your kid telling you your genetic line ends with them. I think I would honour kill them right there to make damn sure of it.

Also for all the turbo betas ITT who don’t want kids, enjoy shrivelling up and dying while being mistreated and neglected by the jamaican nurses who actively hate you in your nursing home for being white while shouting to eachother in patois and smacking their lips.

I’d like to spread my seed but it’s not like I walk in and have volunteers

>What is with the disturbing amount of Jow Forums people who intend to never have children?
Why the fuck would I want to have them? Literally every part of my life is better by not having some thing that requires twenty years of constant attention, and a fuckload of money

>The guy was a fuckin CIA operative...
No he fucking wasn’t

>Watch netflix? Masturbate? Stare off into space while in the midst of your daily existential crisis?
Yep. Sounds very preferable to having a fucking kid

I used to think I'd never want kids. That changed when my daughter was born.

Nothing changes a man quite like when you hear your daughter tell you, "I love you, Daddy." I hope all of you get to feel that kind of love one day.


holy shit, call the fucking pope your daughter was born to a virgin

>I love you, Daddy
not into daddy play myself

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lifting = intentionally making up for inferior genetics = awaraness of being a lesser male = realization that your children would live a shitty life aswell = less incentive to reproduce

Looks like guinea pig milk has the best balance of macros

Humans are evil.

To bring a minster in to a world humans have already desecrated makes me no different. We should have to apply with the government to have a child and see if they think we're ready. Not just go and male one on our own, that's selfish and honestly not our decision to make

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>my awesome genes
your shit decisions
Make better ones, you can do it buddy

You're such a fucking retard dude. If humans are evil you also think you yourself are evil? Also why would you rely on the fucking government when the government is also just people, which are evil apparently? Kys

How to get Kids without a gf?

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I’ve already reproduced and I’m planning to continue to do so.

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adoption or en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrogacy

I want to have kids and honestly probably will, but I have bad genetics. Don’t want my kids to suffer.
I’ll have to impregnate some alpha bih



I already work 40 hours a week, why the FUCK would I want to squander away the small amount of free time I still have? I only have one life and you want me to waste it on some nagging whore? Kids would be kind of cool one day far in the future, but it’s the marriage bit that turns me off.

Because I want a wife who will never divorce me or cheat on me, and kids that will never be taken away from me by divorce where they will be told I'm a monster.

But divorce rates are so high now adays, getting a wife and kids seems really fucking risky

This, basically.


Children are a total drain on resources. Studies show parent never regain the level of happiness they had pre-child until the child moves out of the house.

It's a net loss of everything including happiness.

That's because this world is facilitated to discourage smart people from having children because they're the only ones who think like this while dumb people breed like rabbits. It's all part of the Jews plan of creating the dumb slave underclass who won't rebel.

i want to have kids but I don't want them to inherit my issues. that means marrying someone tall, with good hairline and skull structure who would settle for a significant other 3 points below her. it's not happening.

for the foreseeable future all I'm going to do is work and work out, having sex with prostitutes if the loneliness gets into overdrive.


Once you know you can't get em anymore you have to convince everyone that you never wanted kids in the first place.

My buddy has a daughter who's gonna be 3 this year. She's a cool kid and fun to be around a lot. But she's also the perfect example of why I don't want kids. Not only are they just a money sink, they're a time and freedom sink. Yes they're funny and cute at times but usually they're obnoxious and overdramatic. They're not self reliant for jack shit for like 5 years minimum, you do literally everything except breathe for them.

Kids are great, they're just not for me. Besides, we're rapidly overpopulating as is, what kind of asshole wants to pile on to that statistic?

If I ever truly wanted to raise a kid, I'd adopt. Millions of poor kids live the life of an unadopted orphan. I could save a kid from that life instead of shitting out my own.

>If I ever truly wanted to raise a kid, I'd adopt
why not just marry a single mother with an older kid instead you cuck

Yeah let me just sign a contract stating I'll never have a shift in feelings and a different relationship for the rest of my life, risking the ownership of my possessions and money.

Get fucked retard.

shit, you me bro?
rather adopt and be a single parent than get married and live unhappy life

Why do so many people get married, have kids over the course of 5 years, then divorce?

this is me

>tfw 27 year old only child who still lives at home
>parents keep asking where are their grandchildren
>haven't talked to a girl in 7 years

I've given up but the disappointment still gets to me sometimes.

Damn, similar here. Add to that the fact that most of my cousins have had babies and I can just tell how disappointed my parents are.

>be 30
>using steroids non stop since 25
>jacked as fuck
>gf loves me for this
>wants a child from me
>i came off roids for a month and took hmg and hcg etc
>but i got too depressed from the test crash, putting my job at risk
>went back on while still taking hcg and hmg


wonder what are the odds my sperm will work

Damn, those are the chaddest virgins I've seen

I want to have 4 sons and force them to go to the gym after the age 10, prohibit them any alcohol, videogames and junk food and turn them into the biggest sociopaths who will bully all the other weak,stupid kids unironically

Humans are a monogamous species. Not a lifelong monogamous species.


>tfw getting married next week and fiancee just got the 4 year birth control implant put in her yesterday

time to nut bareback 3 times a day

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IUD? Inb4 she gets depressed, moody and insufferable.

I'm selfish as fuck for not wanting kids. You're selfish as fuck for wanting kids. Same problem, different results. Selfishness is the engine of the world. We just get upset when someone else's version doesn't reflect ours.

The arm one. shes take that same hormone in pill form so it shouldnt be much of a difference

>shit, you me bro?
If you're also a bro who's noticed the staggering amount of failed marriages in America and who's never had a relationship last longer than 2 years. Then yeah I guess so

>missing out on something you never tried
so im losing nothing, id rather have a choice, if i have kids im fucking stuck

How phat is she that she needs that one?

id say a BIG reason people "shrivel up" and be overall shit when old is kids, pregnancy kills a woman's body, and all the stress with kids and lack of selfcare leads to end life illnesses
im not saying its 100% from kids, but they play a huge role, also id rather keep the $100k+ to myself and wife :^)

/JUST/ mode

Whenever I see people with children in restaurants or on planes I'm immediately reminded fuck kids holy shit.

Serious answer to the OP?

I unironically have been diagnosed with an autistic spectrum disorder, as well as several other more minor things. I would never want another person to suffer through life as I have.

My incapacity of forming relationships with others. I don't even have guy friends.

i am also like both of you, oldfag at 34 and get sad sometimes (often) for no kids/wife, but it seems very hard to make it work longterm now days

Shes a sticc but her body rejected the UDI one before.

Fucking womblet

>manlets are scared of getting mogged by toddlers
5 star post

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