I just moved to a liberal college town and see all these 20yo qts, but I'm realizing I see no 30yo qts, what the fuck? Every 30 year old is haggard, has jaded eyes or is fat. Does the beauty of a woman just disappear out of the fucking blue? I'm seriously shook
How real is the wall?
yes, this is why you don't get married until at least mid 30s with a woman in her early 20s
holy fuck is that real
also “the wall” isn’t just for females like most incels like to think
No matter who you are if you stop putting time and effort into yourself you are going to go downhill fucking fast
yeah, haha, thats totally going to happen for you
Jesus christ I just looked this up to confirm, women on suicide watch.
I think you may have solved the case user. Men have to put effort into themselves to be desirable, whereas women live off their natural youth beauty with no effort whatsoever. The result is that you have all these pretty 20 year old faces vanish into the fucking void never to be seen again, only replaced
sorry to say it lads but the wall only exists for white females haha :~)
>is that real
are you genuinely retarded?
Yes it is. But don't think that because you're in your 30's you're going to be pulling qt college thots.
every guy on fit in their late 20s to 30s fuck and date very hot 18-20 year olds
>implying latinas don't get obese after 25
>implying 99% of black women aren't worth fucking anyway
>implying you should knock up an azn and raise a hapa
> be female liberal college student
> spend years running the cock carousel
> parties, alcohol and/or drugs almost daily
> cultivate poor sleep habits
> no time to take care of their body, let it heal
> on top of that, they've a whole media meme complex saying they are beautiful "the way you are"
> they actually believe that
> keep the same habits after graduating
> probably have a kid or two along the way
> 30th year comes
> they want to settle down
> they look 10+ years older than they actually are
really activates my almonds
Now, now. Sometimes I go as high as 22 but that's because I'm a hopeless degenerate.
>no effort whatsoever
They spend every morning putting twenty different products in their hair and on their face.
No fucking wonder their face goes to shit, it's all adding up ITT
Wall hits from 35 to 70. Some women remain hot forever, others lose it fast.
See: that 30 year old single mom who smokes a pack a day vs the lady that plays elvira
with white girls there's no middle ground; it's either, they reach their 40s in a beautiful mommy mode or they have to put 5 pounds of make up whenever they have a social event after their 25s
if you,re naturally attractive,being a 20 year old girl is a fucking unreal experience. it's no wonder they're insane actually
>Does the beauty of a woman just disappear out of the fucking blue?
Age crawls up on people. That's just nature. I am lucky to know of very, very few women who maintained their natural health and beauty (these girls were fairly traditional, and non-western immigrants) even up to before 40 (I am 27). These people are a rarity, and it is in the nature of average people, doubly so through societal pressure to be slothful and lazy; men AND women.
Either way, if you're looking for long term, don't look past 25 yo, unless you found a unicorn.
men hit the wall the second they start to bald.
I'm a 34 year old dating a 31 year old. She's going to move into my apartment in 3 months.
How fucked am I?
Someone post Meg Ryan. She was in that too.
>asking an anonymous fitness anime imageboard full of the most insecure men on the planet to judge your relationship
yeah you're fucked
She will cuck you in that apartment, given time. She's 31, already had her soul mate come and go, already had her cock buffet come and go. How could you possibly be emotionally special to her?
that's odd. I'm outrageously bald and pulling more pussy than I ever did with a full head of hair.
just make sure you dont have a kid with her because the chances of having a retarded child after the mother is 30+ increases
this, but unironically
It's happened to many, women only care about one type of gains, financial gains.
>just make sure you dont have a kid with her because the chances of having a retarded child after the mother is 30+ increases
you're both mongoloids
u know youre asking abunch of 18 - 21 y/o
Your liberal college town must suck. Our liberal college town has been gentrified out the wazoo. You have to either have been here before it became expensive or be loaded as fuck to live here. There are 9/10 50 year olds walking around. Your town sucks, user.
As fucked as a slutty white girl in a Detroit section 8 neighborhood on a Saturday at 14:00.
Don't become a suicide case, user.
anymore of these pizzas?
>9/10 50 year olds
>implying the opinion of a granny fetishist nofapper matters
Bruh look at this dude lmao
What's the alternative? MGTOW my way into loneliness?
>premed, 18yo
>just finished my first year of college
>like having a good time but didn't smoke or do any drugs the entire time, only got drunk like 5x
>look a little younger than my age
>meet 35yo daddy tfw I'll be 25 when he's 41 & as long as I stay Jow Forums and put effort into my appearance, he'll be content w me
feels good :')
also the point of this is, I've always been terrified of hitting the wall and my spouse not being attracted to me anymore. I've seen it happen so many times. Every single girl at my school who partied super hard, got drunk 24/7, smoked all the time, fucked like 10+ dudes - all of them look so haggard for their age. it's crazy how one year can change your face from youthful to having baggy under eyes and a bunch of wrinkles.
#womenfightback #btw
I'm 32, she's 24.
whats up with people saying "pre-med" as if it's any indication they will end up a doctor anyway?
>using the literal JUST representation of a man
That's not fair
uh just because i thought people would immediately call me a gold digger so it was mainly just to...I guess imply I'm not with him for the money? Since docs make good money themselves ofc.
putting chemicals onto their face and hair isn't taking care of themselves, it causes the problem
>granny fetish
This doesn't even count because Brendan only aged like that because his cunt of a exwife's alimony is literally bankrupting him.
Another proof that women age ugly, and cause others around them to age ugly as well. Its just like when a girl is unhappy and single, she'll try and poison all her friends relationships to make them as miserable and cunty as she is.
Women are true evil meant for nothing but fucking and casually dating. Never commit and never give in, no matter how "special" she makes you feel. Women only need to do that because they realize their value is rapidly going down the toilet and they have play on mens biggest weakness, emotional connections.
Have you seen how crazy an emotionally healthy bromance between dudes drives women?
>already envisions graduating and becoming a doctor
oh boy its one of those
This is the correct answer.
>don't look past 25 yo, unless you found a unicorn.
i have found 2 of them ... one had one son and the other is too far away
>tfw im going to die alone
who gives a fuck about the wall if you don't look like this at your prime?
I'd trade a wall next week for a few days with this face, instead I'm a pathetic 6ft manlet with a 6inch tiny weener with an average 6/10 face
just fucking kill me
one day you just look too close and notice all the wrinkles then you can't unsee it
one day you will realise it is what's on the inside, not the outside, that counts :-) when a person is happy they are never ugly, no matter what they look like on the outside, they are beautiful on the inside
>liberal college town
or I'll just be a housewife instead lmao
I mean, just don't cheat or do anything stupid and he'll probably take care of you for life and be a housewife
>not wanting to breed the next generation of autistic manlet Jow Forumsizens
Who will keep watch over this board in 20 years if not our sons?
That's why the combination of intelligent + hot + sane doesn't exist
How can a human being cope with men constantly flinging themselves at you but most wanting no more than your looks and body
That is mostly to look pretty the day of. There is not much forward preservation there.
>these are the worst cases of JUSTifying she can find
>literally a little bit of extra chin
>implying women don't tend to do a whole fucking 360 and walk away
Joey could color his hair and look fine just like Jennifer is doing tbf
By like 1% you fucking virgin.
the middle pic of her is about 10 years old, and the guy on the right on the bottom looks good
By the time the woman is 40 it's 3%. Just gotta get a pre-natal screening to check for chromosonal defects, though...getting an abortion when you're probably no longer capable of having kids would be hard of course.
But yeah, better for the woman to have kids before 30.
Are you joking
Black women are the most likely race to be obese on the planet. Just fuck your genetics up son niggers can not be allowed to take care of themselves.
They will eat fast food like it's nothing.
> Children of teenaged mothers were not at increased risk for either form of retardation and children of mothers aged > or =30 years were not at increased risk for isolated retardation, in comparison with children of mothers aged 20-29 years. A markedly elevated risk of codevelopmental retardation was seen among black children of mothers aged > or =30 years that was not attributable to Down syndrome. A modest increase in risk for codevelopmental retardation was observed among white children born to older mothers, but it was entirely due to Down syndrome.
Use sources if you're going to make claims, what do you think this is? An anonymous internet board?
I am old and went to my High School's 20 year anniversary recently.
Basically 10 % of the people there had hit a wall and 80% of people looked in their 40s (rather than 38) and 10% looked pretty good, like probably just as good as they did in their 20s (even if you could tell their age).
My school was mostly fairly wealthy Whites and Asians, probably with poorer people and darkies there's more people hitting a wall.
Sorry for the boring post.
>women get haggard after 30
>women produce retarded children after 30
>women's beauty 99% chance plummets after 35
>menopause to eventually prevent children altogether
Gee it's like God himself wants us to discard women after the golden 20s
she isn't white though, the wall only applies to white women
But that study is talking about non-Down's retardation.
Who wants their kids to have Down's?
>Oven ready
Is she a decent person? Do you like her? etc.
this is true
the attention gets to your head, you either become a narcissist or super insecure because everyone is literally always gawking at your every move.
My mom had me at 33 and I'm one of the smartest people in my cohort...not sure what this means
My mom took really good care of herself and looks about ten years younger than she is
You are on Jow Forums, you have autism.
I'll have you know I'm 23
To be fair he's not looking that awful, just packed on some weight after getting screwed.
>though to be fair, it's hard to hate that guy. Supposed to be decent as fuck and I've always had the impression he's genuinely likeable.
Googled this and he pays $600K/year to his wife in alimony, and has a net worth of $20 million.
I mean, I guess that kinda sucks, but dude can afford it.
Jesus Christ. She looks like that now? Fuuck.
That's not actually her, but it's not that far from the truth
very real
memes are always right
Enjoy your mutant deformed babies.
oh my fucking god it goes from 0.1% at 25 to 0.25% at 35. holy fuck women should be sterilized by age 30 you cant argue with those stats
you're not fucked and never will
she's gonna fuck some BBCs
> I can't even do simple division to calculate percentages
How old was your mother when she birthed you? You might have downs.
>matthew leblanc is now in silver fox territory
My mom had me a 33, I'm hella smart, athletic, but i am on /fit.
Like the rest of you.
the y axis is percentages you retard
Yeah and you can't even read that correctly. Secondarily, the percentages can be calculated accurately based on the examples given of 1/1300 vs. 1/30. And as we can see the graph is exponential with age. Fertility treatments mean the age at which conception is possible is being extended every year, pushing further into the area of the graph where the risk is increasing EXPONENTIALLY. Can I ask, do you have a single palmar crease? In what direction do your epicanthal folds tilt? I think you have some hard questions to ask your parents.
I said 25 vs 35, not 25 vs 45 you mongoloid.
One day you'll have a glass of wine
> Every 30 year old is haggard, has jaded eyes or is fat
White women absolutely fall apart by then. For a large part it's just the fact that most 20 year olds treat themselves like shit but can get away with it, but it gradually catches up.
If you want to find qts that are 30, Asians are your best bet. Very long shelf life.
You COULD go for a 20 yo qt for a long-term relationship, but you'll need to be cautious and check for self-destructive and other degenerate behavior. Excessive drinking, drug use, sun exposure, limited exercise and only a temporary capacity for self-denial in rigorous diets are all red flags. Be careful about student athletes- while they may have really sexy bodies, they might also be so used to burning so many calories from their workouts that they have no restraint in eating. They'll chub the fuck up a year or two out of graduation.
Of course if you just want to bang 20 yo qts and switch them out for a newer model whenever, go for it.
LMAO pick one ya goddamn roastie
this is that doco about the kid that ages really fast, for some weird reason the vid is on my YT feed for like a week now.
At least I do. Banging a 19 yo Harvard freshman azn qt pi.