Guys, when will we do the beta uprising?

Guys, when will we do the beta uprising?

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When the Chads show us any sign of weakness.

funk off original

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Why is he holding a phone

Do incels get a gf from the government after were done?

4 july. Just wait until there.

Androids are for incels

The point is we go and take them

all phones are for normies
why would a robot need a phone? who are you going to talk to? exactly
devices that exemplify the normans
its simple really

There will never be a beta uprising. Cuz you're betas and you don't take initiative

You're not a robot if you're poor. You'll never know the struggle of being a robot, which is a middle class existence. Go be happy in your slum, normie.

>There will never be a beta uprising. Cuz you're betas and you don't take initiative

This is possibly correct - BUT as betas become more and more beta, they reach a state of near beta perfection, where their personhood disappears. When that happens, it will only take a single Alpha with a grievance to set the powder keg off.

There was a duck farm in the town I grew up in. The farmer kept ducks in enclosures on both sides of a road. Usually, the ducks were chill - but occasionally ONE duck would decide he really, really wanted to be on the other side of the road.

And once one duck started to cross the road, EVERY OTHER fucking duck on that side of the road wanted to cross...until you ended up with one side empty and the other side jammed full of ducks.

Betas are followers, like ducks. If one alpha decides to fuck people up, the betas will all fall in behind him because that's what betas do.

Never if betas had the balls to uprise, then they'd be Chads/alphas, then wouldn't they?

That's why you incels are betas all you do is talk about "muh beta uprising" so you just go on Jow Forums and talk about it and feel better, and like you did something, but you didn't. You're no different than a SJW using hashtags on twitter feeling like they're saving the world by tweeting about some beaner kid in a cage.

Neck yourself.

So Elliot died an alpha despite being a beta loser his whole life?

Do it now, before the government decides to have you all castrated.

He had an atomic temper tantrum
He didn't improve his life in anyway

>Never if betas had the balls to uprise, then they'd be Chads/alphas, then wouldn't they?
One action doesn't automatically make you completely alpha or not beta anymore. What's with faggots making extreme black & white generalizations? Alpha and beta exist on a spectrum.

>Alpha and beta exist on a spectrum
>muh spectrums
Nice SJW buzzwords there. What's next you're going to tell me "sexuality is on a spectrum", "dude gender is a spectrum"?

You're fucking pathetic. There's a reason why nobody loves you and wants to breed with you.

>Nice SJW buzzwords there
Nice Jow Forumstard reaction there
>What's next you're going to tell me "sexuality is on a spectrum", "dude gender is a spectrum"?
These have nothing to do with alpha or beta and I have no idea why you're bringing them up
>You're fucking pathetic. There's a reason why nobody loves you and wants to breed with you.
Projecting this hard. Sounds like you're the pathetic one.

>Anyone who disagrees with me must be from Jow Forums
Haha wow look at this high-level mental illness. Somebody got let out of /x/. I'm sorry user, did I pluck a chord in your heart? Why do you even need to reply then haha? Go back to your trap thread you "prison-gay" faggot.

no one ever said beta uprising is going to improve something, as far as im aware it's solely purpose is to spill blood

Sounds like someone is afraid we will take his gf away and cuck him during the beta uprising. Tick-tock normie, it can happen anytime

>having a girlfriend in 2018
Women are whores that are full of themself in 2018. Fuck them, use them, and leave them. Besides, I can another girlfriend. Also, I am sure you are used to getting the scraps from us normies anyway user.

>anyone who says something I don't like is an SJW
>anyone who says something I don't like is a trap faggot
Imagine being this insecure and low IQ.

>no you
>no u
>nooo u
literally you two
ur both faggots now stfu

>I can another girlfriend
But you can't get another oneitis. Don't think for a second we won't take her away as well, normgroid.

I want to use Asuka's butt as a pillow

we need a race war now, them mayates are getting out of control.

too bad we cant genocide all mayates

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>autistically worshiping or desiring some bitch like that
All I need to be happy is myself, my hobbies, and my career. A little bit of pussy whenever I want it and maybe spending a bit of time with a friend or two going fishing and drinking beers.

>you're not a robot if you're poor
>being poor makes you automatically a normie who likes to socialize somehow
Jow Forums 2018

Well you wont be able to do any of that when we start the beta uprising. Especially now you made these posts talking shit about us we will find you, and we will cuck you. As we speak I am contacting the secret network of Jow Forums NEETs across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. We will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, normalfaggot.

its been started for a while now. we just dont have much support because we're betas

What a half assed attempt of editing the Navy Seal pasta.

No wonder you will never amount to anything, you can't even edit the entire copypasta to fit the situation you lazy underachieving faggot. I bet you think that you're a "misunderstood genius".

Imagine being this butthurt over a copypasta

>it's about the copypasta itself and not the fact you are so lazy you can't even rewrite the entire thing
>having this much of a strawman
Imagine being this stupid. No wonder nobody loves you.

The beta uprising already happened with that string of shootings by incels. Why didn't you join in?

Imagine not knowing the point of a copypasta is copy pasting it

That normie got btfo badly kek

yeah right fucking poor cunts having fun all day. nice trips btw

>Not knowing r9k is about originality and creating your own greentext or stories and being original
Imagine not knowing the port of Jow Forums and thinking it is a safespace for incels and/or trannies.

There will never be one.
Betas are too timid to say or do fuck all.

Imagine talking about originality when you repeat a meme and call your opponent a virgin loser in every post
>and thinking it is a safespace for incels and/or trannies.
Imagine projecting this hard

Right after I get laid. I can't die a virgin.

We are waiting on Jupiters blessing to create the R9K Empire.

What is this R9K Empire you speak of

Beta uprising > race war
Change my mind

Why would i? I agree.

I hope it doesn't take too long before we begin i'm about to kms