Who here uses wireless headphones when lifting? Would you be comfy wearing them when trying to set a bench press PR...

Who here uses wireless headphones when lifting? Would you be comfy wearing them when trying to set a bench press PR? Or would they distract you and potentially cause you to fail and die? (this almost happened to me when wearing earphones. Fucking cables!)

What about the earpads? Do they get disgusting and sweaty during the workout? Should i get Bluetooth earphones instead?

Pic related. It's the headphones i want to get, but I'm not sure they will be useful for working out.

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I bought these when they were on sale for fiddy bucks.

Sound quality is great and metal spines

Make sure you get ones with metal spines OP.

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My gym plays disgusting normie music, so some kind of headphones are necessary.

Whatchu recommend, fit?

Nice! Sweaty ears not a problem?

>literally pumping cancer radiation through your head

I hope you guys don't do it

Holy shit, they cost 140 jewroes where im at. You got a good deal user.

They have some kind of sweat resistant leather eat cups.
Easy to clean.
Oh and they're noise isolation.

They're over on Amazon, not sure if they're still on sale.

Check on here and there, thats where I got mine on sale.


>cancer radiation
That's a weird way to say music.

Been looking myself, read a lot of goodstuff about the jaybird x3's, so I might give those a shot.


I'm usually pretty comfy using wireless headphones. Some exercises I have to take them off so that they don't fall, but they usually stay secure. These are usually exercises that involve a lot of movement (eg Cleans, rope climbs, running), but they always stay on during the big lifts. Sometimes the earpads do get sweaty, but it takes two seconds to wipe them off and they're as good as new. I got a pair that was cheap as piss ($18), and they've lasted me for a year so far. Good investment.

>muh normie music
Excuse me your majesty, you must listen exclusively to classical music and taiwanese cartoon soundtracks.

Mate I've been hitting PR's to the Kill la Kill soundtrack and it's the fucking best.

I used to use earbuds and an old Sony wired headphones. Just got a pair or wireless last week
It's fucking great. No longer have to worry about the wire getting caught on something. Can pretty much put your phone/MP3 anywhere

Get a good pair, OP. It's the best thing for going to the gym

Got pic related about 2 months ago, same one your pic. The cushions are made out of sticky disgusting materials that literally glue them together when they touch, ripping that shit off. Then there's the pressure these headphones put on your ears, which is immeasurable and wearing them for more than an hour effectively crushes your ears and head. The crappy cushion material makes them fall off the speaker after some time and desu the only thing that makes them ok is the sound quality, otherwise they're DOGSHIT.
(As for your question, yeah, working out with headphones is much better)

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Just don't listen to music while you lift

and also dead grips

Me I love them alot, giant battery life 12 hours, cost like 70$, sound proofing, and sweat resistant.

It was some /chinkshit/ that Jow Forums recommended

Bluetooth headphones are all garbage every single one of them. Just get a Bluetooth adapter.

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>implying one should concentrate in lifting while ariana grande is playing on the background

Works fine for me :)

Got something like this, cause I have some big ass ears
Works wonderfully
Also over ear is uncomfortable imo unless you're gaming/sitting on bus or something

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