REEEEEEEEEEEE MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE BF NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
>no tall skinny lanky curly mop hair bf
hey baby wyd later
>no small babyface androgynous genius bf
i have kinda wavy hair if that counts, but im 5'1" and still kinda chubby (im like 120 lbs now i think, i went down from my highest at 160)
eating your ass ofcourse hehe xd ;^)
i still look a bit androgynous, but im starting to lean on the side of masculine, so i probably wont look that way for much longer. also, im like, practically einstein kappa
why did you post that picture
now I am scared of you
why not, my fellow annony ???
haha fat cat
my anxieties are somewhat lessened
nice dubs
>long hair
Sorry user
why torture me like so, user ??? why do me in dirty like this ??? it's enough to make a man cry
have more cute n fluffy animals, for hopefully, they'll put you at ease my good friend
taken by whom if one may inquire?
>long hair (I was a mentalhead in my teenager years, not really that much into metal anymore but I still keep my hair long)
>hairy as fuck (italian/arab mix)
What do I win?
I will give you a dollar
yeah, he obviously cant be any better than the great and powerful jack, ofcourse
be my bf desu. also youre literally a foot taller than me
as will i
you are a 5 foot tall male?
yes kappa
bumperino desu nya
>no sassy drag queen gf who bosses you around and makes you go clothes shopping with her
i do not approve user thats pretty heterosexual !!!!!!
yes and because of that we could hold hands in public and no one would know
submit post
no please ..... im a good law abiding man .... dont do this to me !
that defeats the purpose, user !!!!!!
pushing you into a chute marked "/trash/" but it's hard and i keep slipping up because you are fat
breaking one of my ankles in an ill-advised attempt to bodily hurl you into the thing
user im like 120 lbs and only 5'1" though
i am short and small and warm like mashed potato
so you are saying that you wouldn't want to hold your bf's hand in public? D: